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D - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
The distance of the Plane along its normal from the origin.
DarkBlue - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:139 A:255.
DarkCyan - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:139 B:139 A:255.
DarkGoldenrod - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:184 G:134 B:11 A:255.
DarkGray - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:169 G:169 B:169 A:255.
DarkGreen - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:100 B:0 A:255.
DarkKhaki - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:189 G:183 B:107 A:255.
DarkMagenta - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:139 A:255.
DarkOliveGreen - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:85 G:107 B:47 A:255.
DarkOrange - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:140 B:0 A:255.
DarkOrchid - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:153 G:50 B:204 A:255.
DarkRed - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:139 G:0 B:0 A:255.
DarkSalmon - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:233 G:150 B:122 A:255.
DarkSeaGreen - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:143 G:188 B:139 A:255.
DarkSlateBlue - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:72 G:61 B:139 A:255.
DarkSlateGray - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:47 G:79 B:79 A:255.
DarkTurquoise - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:206 B:209 A:255.
DarkViolet - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:148 G:0 B:211 A:255.
DeepPink - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:20 B:147 A:255.
DeepSkyBlue - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:191 B:255 A:255.
Default - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState
A built-in state object with default settings for using a depth stencil buffer.
DelayNotifications(TimeSpan) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.Guide
Delta - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.GestureSample
Holds delta information about the first touchpoint in a multitouch gesture.
Delta2 - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.GestureSample
Holds delta information about the second touchpoint in a multitouch gesture.
Depth() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture3D
DepthFormat - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Defines the format of data in a depth-stencil buffer.
DepthRead - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState
A built-in state object with settings for enabling a read-only depth stencil buffer.
DepthStencilFormat - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PresentationParameters
DepthStencilState - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Contains depth-stencil state for the device.
DepthStencilState() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DepthStencilState
Creates an instance of DepthStencilState with default values.
Determinant() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Calculates the determinant of the matrix.
DeviceLost - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
DeviceLostException - Exception in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but cannot be reset at this time.
DeviceLostException() - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceLostException
Initializes a new instance of this class.
DeviceLostException(String) - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceLostException
Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified error message.
DeviceLostException(String, RuntimeException) - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceLostException
Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
DeviceNotResetException - Exception in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but can be reset at this time.
DeviceNotResetException() - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceNotResetException
Initializes a new instance of this class.
DeviceNotResetException(String) - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceNotResetException
Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified error message.
DeviceNotResetException(String, RuntimeException) - Constructor for exception Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DeviceNotResetException
Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
DeviceReset - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
DeviceResetting - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
DeviceType - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
DimGray - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:105 G:105 B:105 A:255.
Direction - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray
Unit vector specifying the direction the Ray is pointing.
DisplayMode - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Describes the display mode.
DisplayOrientation - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework
Defines the display orientation.
DisplayOrientation - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.PresentationParameters
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.DynamicSoundEffectInstance
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect
Releases the resources used by the SoundEffect.
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffect
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance
Releases unmanaged resources held by this SoundEffectInstance.
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.SoundEffectInstance
Releases the unmanaged resources held by this SoundEffectInstance, and optionally releases the managed resources.
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.GamerProfile
Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object.
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.BlendState
Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object.
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this Object.
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this Object.
Dispose() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.TextureCube
Dispose() - Method in interface System.IDisposable
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Dispose() - Method in class System.IO.BinaryReader
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class System.IO.BinaryReader
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the BinaryReader and optionally releases the managed resources.
Dispose() - Method in class System.IO.BinaryWriter
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class System.IO.BinaryWriter
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class System.IO.MemoryStream
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the MemoryStream and optionally releases the managed resources.
Dispose() - Method in class System.IO.Stream
Releases all resources used by the System.IO.Stream.
Dispose(boolean) - Method in class System.IO.Stream
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.IO.Stream and optionally releases the managed resources.
Disposing - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice
Disposing - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Occurs when Dispose is called or when this object is finalized and collected by the garbage collector of the Microsoft .NET common language runtime.
Distance(float, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MathHelper
Calculates the absolute value of the difference of two values.
Distance(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Distance(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Distance(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Distance(Vector3, Vector3, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Distance(Vector4, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
Distance(Vector4, Vector4, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the distance between two vectors.
DistanceSquared(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
DistanceSquared(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
DistanceSquared(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
DistanceSquared(Vector3, Vector3, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
DistanceSquared(Vector4, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
DistanceSquared(Vector4, Vector4, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the distance between two vectors squared.
Divide(Matrix) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of the current matrix by the corresponding components of another matrix.
Divide(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of a matrix by the corresponding components of another matrix.
Divide(float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of the current matrix by a scalar.
Divide(Matrix, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of a matrix by a scalar.
Divide(Matrix, float, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of a matrix by a scalar.
Divide(Matrix, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Divides the components of a matrix by the corresponding components of another matrix.
Divide(Quaternion) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
Divides the current quaternion by the specified quaternion.
Divide(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
Divides a Quaternion by another Quaternion.
Divide(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
Divides a Quaternion by another Quaternion.
Divide(Vector2) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides the components of the current vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides the current vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector2, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector2, float, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector3) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides the components of the current vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides the current vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector3, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector3, float, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector4) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides the components of the current vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector4, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides the current vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector4, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
Divide(Vector4, Vector4, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides the components of a vector by the components of another vector.
Divide(Vector4, float, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Divides a vector by a scalar value.
DodgerBlue - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:30 G:144 B:255 A:255.
Dot(Vector4) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Calculates the dot product of a specified Vector4 and this Plane.
Dot(Vector4, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Calculates the dot product of a specified Vector4 and this Plane.
Dot(Quaternion, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
Calculates the dot product of two Quaternions.
Dot(Quaternion, Quaternion, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
Calculates the dot product of two Quaternions.
Dot(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
Dot(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Calculates the dot product of two vectors and writes the result to a user-specified variable.
Dot(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
Dot(Vector3, Vector3, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
Dot(Vector4, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
Dot(Vector4, Vector4, float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
DotCoordinate(Vector3) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Returns the dot product of a specified Vector3 and the Normal vector of this Plane plus the distance (D) value of the Plane.
DotCoordinate(Vector3, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Returns the dot product of a specified Vector3 and the Normal vector of this Plane plus the distance (D) value of the Plane.
DotNormal(Vector3) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Returns the dot product of a specified Vector3 and the Normal vector of this Plane.
DotNormal(Vector3, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Returns the dot product of a specified Vector3 and the Normal vector of this Plane.
Down - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadDPad
Identifies whether the Down direction on the Xbox 360 Controller directional pad is pressed.
Down - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Returns a unit Vector3 designating down (0, −1, 0).
DPad - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadState
Returns a structure that identifies what directions of the directional pad on the Xbox 360 Controller are pressed.
Draw(Texture2D, Rectangle, Color) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, destination rectangle, and color.
Draw(Texture2D, Vector2, Color) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position and color.
Draw(Texture2D, Rectangle, Rectangle, Color) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, destination rectangle, source rectangle, and color.
Draw(Texture2D, Vector2, Rectangle, Color) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, position, source rectangle, and color.
Draw(Texture2D, Rectangle, Rectangle, Color, float, Vector2, SpriteEffects, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Draw(Texture2D, Vector2, Rectangle, Color, float, Vector2, Vector2, SpriteEffects, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Draw(Texture2D, Vector2, Rectangle, Color, float, Vector2, float, SpriteEffects, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a sprite to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified texture, destination rectangle, source rectangle, color, rotation, origin, effects and layer.
DrawString(SpriteFont, String, Vector2, Color) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, and color.
DrawString(SpriteFont, String, Vector2, Color, float, Vector2, float, SpriteEffects, float) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Adds a string to a batch of sprites for rendering using the specified font, text, position, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects and layer.
Duration() - Method in class System.TimeSpan
Returns a new TimeSpan object whose value is the absolute value of the current TimeSpan object.
DynamicSoundEffectInstance - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio
Provides properties, methods, and events for play back of the audio buffer.
DynamicSoundEffectInstance(int, AudioChannels) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio.DynamicSoundEffectInstance
Initializes a new instance of this class, which creates a dynamic sound effect based on the specified sample rate and audio channel.

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