A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


Tag - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.Gamer
Tag - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Gets the resource tags for this resource.
Tag - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Tan - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:210 G:180 B:140 A:255.
Teal - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:128 B:128 A:255.
Texture - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Represents a texture resource
Texture2D - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Represents a 2D grid of texels.
Texture2D() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, int, int) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Creates a new instance of this object.
Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, int, int, boolean, SurfaceFormat) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D
Creates a new instance of this object.
Texture3D - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Represents a 3D volume of texels.
Texture3D(GraphicsDevice, int, int, int, boolean, SurfaceFormat) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture3D
TextureAddressMode - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Defines modes for addressing texels using texture coordinates that are outside of the typical range of 0.0 to 1.0.
TextureCollection - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Represents a collection of Texture objects.
TextureCube - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Represents a set of six 2D textures, one for each face of a cube.
TextureCube(GraphicsDevice, int, boolean, SurfaceFormat) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.TextureCube
Creates a new instance of this Object.
TextureFilter - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
Defines filtering types during texture sampling.
Thistle - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:216 G:191 B:216 A:255.
ThumbSticks - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadState
Returns a structure that indicates the position of the Xbox 360 Controller sticks (thumbsticks).
TicksPerDay - Variable in class System.TimeSpan
Represents the number of ticks in 1 day.
TicksPerHour - Variable in class System.TimeSpan
Represents the number of ticks in 1 hour.
TicksPerMillisecond - Variable in class System.TimeSpan
Represents the number of ticks in 1 millisecond.
TicksPerMinute - Variable in class System.TimeSpan
Represents the number of ticks in 1 minute.
TicksPerSecond - Variable in class System.TimeSpan
Represents the number of ticks in 1 second.
TimeSpan - Class in System
Represents a time interval.
TimeSpan(long) - Constructor for class System.TimeSpan
Initializes a new TimeSpan to the specified number of ticks.
TimeSpan(int, int, int) - Constructor for class System.TimeSpan
Initializes a new TimeSpan to a specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeSpan(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class System.TimeSpan
Initializes a new TimeSpan to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
TimeSpan(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class System.TimeSpan
Initializes a new TimeSpan to a specified number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
Timestamp - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.GestureSample
Holds the starting time for this touch gesture sample.
TitleContainer - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework
Provides file stream access to the title's default storage location.
TitleContainer() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer
TitleSafeArea() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Viewport
Returns the title safe area of the current viewport.
ToArray() - Method in class System.IO.MemoryStream
Writes the entire stream contents to a byte array, regardless of the Position property.
ToDegrees(float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MathHelper
Converts radians to degrees.
Tomato - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:255 G:99 B:71 A:255.
Top() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle
Returns the y-coordinate of the top of the rectangle.
ToRadians(float) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MathHelper
Converts degrees to radians.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingBox
Returns a String that represents the current BoundingBox.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere
Returns a String that represents the current BoundingSphere.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices.Gamer
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DisplayMode
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.DisplayMode
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Gets a string representation of the current instance.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexBuffer
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.VertexElement
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Viewport
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadButtons
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadDPad
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadState
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadThumbSticks
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadTriggers
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.MouseState
Retrieves a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchLocation
Gets a string representation of the TouchLocation.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Retrieves a string representation of the current object.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Returns a String that represents the current Plane.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point
Returns a String that represents the current Point.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Quaternion
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Ray
Returns a String that represents the current Ray.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle
Retrieves a string representation of the current object.
toString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Retrieves a string representation of the current object.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Retrieves a string representation of the current object.
ToString() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Retrieves a string representation of the current object.
ToString() - Method in class System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair
Returns a string representation of the KeyValuePair<,>, using the string representations of the key and value.
toString() - Method in class System.TimeSpan
Returns the string representation of the value of this instance.
TouchCollection - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch
Provides methods and properties for accessing state information for the touch screen of a touch-enabled device.
TouchCollection(TouchLocation[]) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchCollection
Initializes a new instance of the TouchCollection structure with a set of touch locations.
TouchLocation - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch
Provides methods and properties for interacting with a touch location on a touch screen device.
TouchLocation(int, TouchLocationState, Vector2) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchLocation
Initializes a new TouchLocation with an ID, state, position, and pressure.
TouchLocation(int, TouchLocationState, Vector2, TouchLocationState, Vector2) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchLocation
Initializes a new TouchLocation with an ID, and a set of both current and previous state, position, and pressure values.
TouchLocation() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchLocation
Creates an empty instance of TouchLocation.
TouchLocationState - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch
Defines the possible states of a touch location.
TouchPanel - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch
Provides methods for retrieving touch panel device information.
TouchPanel() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchPanel
ToVector3() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a three-component vector representation for this object.
ToVector4() - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a four-component vector representation for this object.
Transform(Matrix) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere
Translates and scales the BoundingSphere using a given Matrix.
Transform(Matrix, BoundingSphere) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.BoundingSphere
Translates and scales the BoundingSphere using a given Matrix.
Transform(Matrix, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Transforms a Matrix by applying a Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Matrix, Quaternion, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Transforms a Matrix by applying a Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Plane, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Transforms a normalized Plane by a Matrix.
Transform(Plane, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Transforms a normalized Plane by a Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Plane, Matrix, Plane) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Transforms a normalized Plane by a Matrix.
Transform(Plane, Quaternion, Plane) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Plane
Transforms a normalized Plane by a Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Vector2, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms the vector (x, y, 0, 1) by the specified matrix.
Transform(Vector2, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a single Vector2, or the vector normal (x, y, 0, 0), by a specified Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Vector2, Matrix, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms the vector (x, y, 0, 1) by the specified matrix.
Transform(Vector2[], Matrix, Vector2[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms an array of Vector2s by a specified Matrix.
Transform(Vector2[], Quaternion, Vector2[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms an array of Vector2s by a specified Quaternion.
Transform(Vector2, Quaternion, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a Vector2, or the vector normal (x, y, 0, 0), by a specified Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Vector2[], int, Matrix, Vector2[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a specified range in an array of Vector2s by a specified Matrix and places the results in a specified range in a destination array.
Transform(Vector2[], int, Quaternion, Vector2[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a specified range in an array of Vector2s by a specified Quaternion and places the results in a specified range in a destination array.
Transform(Vector3, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a 3D vector by the given matrix.
Transform(Vector3, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a Vector3 by a specified Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Vector3[], Matrix, Vector3[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a source array of Vector3s by a specified Matrix and writes the results to an existing destination array.
Transform(Vector3[], Quaternion, Vector3[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a source array of Vector3s by a specified Quaternion rotation and writes the results to an existing destination array.
Transform(Vector3, Matrix, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a Vector3 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a Vector3 by a specified Quaternion rotation.
Transform(Vector3[], int, Matrix, Vector3[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Applies a specified transform Matrix to a specified range of an array of Vector3s and writes the results into a specified range of a destination array.
Transform(Vector3[], int, Quaternion, Vector3[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Applies a specified Quaternion rotation to a specified range of an array of Vector3s and writes the results into a specified range of a destination array.
Transform(Vector2, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector2 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector2, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector2 by a specified Quaternion into a Vector4.
Transform(Vector3, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector3 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector3, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector3 by a specified Quaternion into a Vector4.
Transform(Vector4, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector4 by the specified Matrix.
Transform(Vector4, Quaternion) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector4 by a specified Quaternion.
Transform(Vector4[], Quaternion, Vector4[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms an array of Vector4s by a specified Quaternion.
Transform(Vector2, Matrix, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector2 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector2, Quaternion, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector2 by a specified Quaternion into a Vector4.
Transform(Vector4[], Matrix, Vector4[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms an array of Vector4s by a specified Matrix.
Transform(Vector3, Matrix, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector3 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector3, Quaternion, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector3 by a specified Quaternion into a Vector4.
Transform(Vector4, Matrix, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector4 by the given Matrix.
Transform(Vector4, Quaternion, Vector4) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a Vector4 by a specified Quaternion.
Transform(Vector4[], int, Matrix, Vector4[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a specified range in an array of Vector4s by a specified Matrix into a specified range in a destination array.
Transform(Vector4[], int, Quaternion, Vector4[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4
Transforms a specified range in an array of Vector4s by a specified Quaternion into a specified range in a destination array.
TransformNormal(Vector2, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a 2D vector normal by a matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector2, Matrix, Vector2) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a vector normal by a matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector2[], Matrix, Vector2[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms an array of Vector2 vector normals by a specified Matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector2[], int, Matrix, Vector2[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2
Transforms a specified range in an array of Vector2 vector normals by a specified Matrix and places the results in a specified range in a destination array.
TransformNormal(Vector3, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a 3D vector normal by a matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector3[], Matrix, Vector3[]) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms an array of 3D vector normals by a specified Matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector3, Matrix, Vector3) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a vector normal by a matrix.
TransformNormal(Vector3[], int, Matrix, Vector3[], int, int) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
Transforms a specified range in an array of 3D vector normals by a specified Matrix and writes the results to a specified range in a destination array.
Transparent - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:0 G:0 B:0 A:0.
Transpose(Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Transposes the rows and columns of a matrix.
Transpose(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Matrix
Transposes the rows and columns of a matrix.
Triggers - Variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.GamePadState
Returns a structure that identifies the position of triggers on the Xbox 360 controller.
TryGetPreviousLocation(TouchLocation) - Method in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchLocation
Attempts to get the previous location of this touch location object.
TryParse(String, TimeSpan) - Static method in class System.TimeSpan
Constructs a new TimeSpan object from a time interval specified in a string.
Turquoise - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:64 G:224 B:208 A:255.
TwoPi - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.MathHelper
Represents the value of pi times two.

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