Interface Summary | |
IGraphicsDeviceService | Defines a mechanism for retrieving GraphicsDevice objects. |
IVertexType | Vertex type interface which is implemented by a custom vertex type structure. |
Class Summary | |
BlendState | Contains blend state for the device. |
DepthStencilState | Contains depth-stencil state for the device. |
DisplayMode | Describes the display mode. |
Effect | Used to set and query effects, and to choose techniques. |
EffectPass | |
GraphicsAdapter | |
GraphicsDevice | Performs primitive-based rendering, creates resources, handles system-level variables, adjusts gamma ramp levels, and creates shaders. |
GraphicsDeviceCapabilities | |
GraphicsResource | Queries and prepares resources. |
PresentationParameters | |
RasterizerState | Contains Rasterizer State, which determines how to convert vector data (shapes) into raster data (pixels). |
RenderTarget2D | |
RenderTargetBinding | Binds an array of render targets. |
RenderTargetCube | Represents a cubic texture resource that will be written to at the end of a render pass. |
ResourceCreatedEventArgs | |
ResourceDestroyedEventArgs | |
SamplerState | Contains sampler state, which determines how to sample texture data. |
SpriteBatch | Enables a group of Sprites to be drawn using the same settings. |
SpriteFont | |
Texture | Represents a texture resource |
Texture2D | Represents a 2D grid of texels. |
Texture3D | Represents a 3D volume of texels. |
TextureCollection | Represents a collection of Texture objects. |
TextureCube | Represents a set of six 2D textures, one for each face of a cube. |
VertexBuffer | Represents a list of 3D vertices to be streamed to the graphics device. |
VertexDeclaration | A vertex declaration, which defines per-vertex data. |
VertexElement | Defines input vertex data to the pipeline. |
Viewport | Defines the window dimensions of a render-target surface onto which a 3D volume projects. |
Enum Summary | |
Blend | Defines color blending factors. |
BlendFunction | Defines how to combine a source color with the destination color already on the render target for color blending. |
BufferUsage | Specifies special usage of the buffer contents. |
ClearOptions | |
ColorWriteChannels | Defines the color channels that can be chosen for a per-channel write to a render target color buffer. |
CompareFunction | Defines comparison functions that can be chosen for alpha, stencil, or depth-buffer tests. |
CubeMapFace | Defines the faces of a cube map in the TextureCube class type. |
CullMode | Defines winding orders that may be used to identify back faces for culling. |
DepthFormat | Defines the format of data in a depth-stencil buffer. |
DeviceType | |
FillMode | Describes options for filling the vertices and lines that define a primitive. |
GraphicsDeviceStatus | Describes the status of the device. |
GraphicsProfile | Identifies the set of supported devices for the game based on device capabilities. |
PresentInterval | Defines flags that describe the relationship between the adapter refresh rate and the rate at which Present operations are completed. |
PrimitiveType | |
RenderTargetUsage | Determines how render target data is used once a new render target is set. |
SaveStateMode | |
ShaderProfile | |
SpriteEffects | Defines sprite mirroring options. |
SpriteSortMode | Defines sprite sort-rendering options. |
StencilOperation | Defines stencil buffer operations. |
SurfaceFormat | Defines various types of surface formats. |
TextureAddressMode | Defines modes for addressing texels using texture coordinates that are outside of the typical range of 0.0 to 1.0. |
TextureFilter | Defines filtering types during texture sampling. |
VertexElementFormat | Defines vertex element formats. |
VertexElementUsage | Defines usage for vertex elements. |
Exception Summary | |
DeviceLostException | The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but cannot be reset at this time. |
DeviceNotResetException | The exception that is thrown when the device has been lost, but can be reset at this time. |
NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException | Thrown when no available graphics device fits the given device preferences. |