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Keyboard - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
Allows retrieval of keystrokes from a keyboard input device.
Keyboard() - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keyboard
KeyboardState - Class in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
Represents a state of keystrokes recorded by a keyboard input device.
KeyboardState(Keys...) - Constructor for class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.KeyboardState
Initializes a new instance of the KeyboardState class.
KeyedCollection<TKey,TItem> - Class in System.Collections.ObjectModel
Provides the abstract base class for a collection whose keys are embedded in the values.
KeyedCollection() - Constructor for class System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection
KeyedCollection(IEqualityComparer<TKey>) - Constructor for class System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection
KeyedCollection(IEqualityComparer<TKey>, int) - Constructor for class System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection
KeyNotFoundException - Exception in System.Collections.Generic
The exception that is thrown when the key specified for accessing an element in a collection does not match any key in the collection.
KeyNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the KeyNotFoundException class using default property values.
KeyNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the KeyNotFoundException class with the specified error message.
KeyNotFoundException(String, RuntimeException) - Constructor for exception System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException
Initializes a new instance of the KeyNotFoundException class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
Keys - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
Identifies a particular key on a keyboard.
KeyState - Enum in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
Identifies the state of a keyboard key.
KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue> - Class in System.Collections.Generic
Defines a key/value pair that can be set or retrieved.
KeyValuePair(TKey, TValue) - Constructor for class System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair
Initializes a new instance of the KeyValuePair<,> structure with the specified key and value.
Khaki - Static variable in class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color
Gets a system-defined color with the value R:240 G:230 B:140 A:255.
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