- OpenGL Device is now Reset correctly when for example the window size changes (Recreating all resources)
- OpenGL render system doesn't crash anymore when closing the application
- Introduced TestStateAttribute for development to mark a file as tested/untested
- Made the plugin handling internally way simpler (no tons of duplicated code anymore)
- Added empty MediaSystem to have a default for now (Windows.OpenAL)
- Added a PercentageCompleteAttribute which will be used to mark the current state of a class (0-100%)
- Worked on a TODO in AudioEngine
- Worked on TODOs in ContentManager
- fixed another bunch of TODOs which doesn't need work or are very simple and solved directly
- Improved handling of GameWindow handle (needed for mouse and keyboard support)
- Improved exception handling while creating mouse and keyboard instances from InputDevice AddIns.
- Fixed some sample issues (and opened issues at codeplex for some remaining issues)
added information about OperatingSystem and Version to AddInSystemFactory
added IsSupported field to AddIn Creators
AddInSystemFactory now only loads supported AddIns
added Metadata resource files to all AddIns containing information about supported platforms.
- added new media files and licensing information
- some work on GraphicsDeviceManager to solve issue #461
- RenderSystemDX10: implemented DepthStencilBuffer handling
- fixed default size of GameWindow and BackBuffer to 800x480
added build folder
added build script for release build of ANX.Framework and all RenderSystems
fixed some issues in projects regarding compiler directives
removed StockShaderCodeGenerator from Pre-Build-Events. Build the Stock shaders using NAnt target build_stock_shaders.
started Wiki documentation for custom build switches (e.g. extended mode)