Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDisposable

Uses of IDisposable in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio

Classes in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio that implement IDisposable
 class DynamicSoundEffectInstance
          Provides properties, methods, and events for play back of the audio buffer.
 class SoundEffect
          Reference page contains links to related code samples.
 class SoundEffectInstance
          Provides a single playing, paused, or stopped instance of a SoundEffect sound.

Uses of IDisposable in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content

Classes in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content that implement IDisposable
 class ContentManager
          The ContentManager is the run-time component which loads managed objects from the binary files produced by the design time content pipeline.

Uses of IDisposable in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics

Classes in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics that implement IDisposable
 class BlendState
          Contains blend state for the device.
 class DepthStencilState
          Contains depth-stencil state for the device.
 class Effect
          Used to set and query effects, and to choose techniques.
 class GraphicsDevice
          Performs primitive-based rendering, creates resources, handles system-level variables, adjusts gamma ramp levels, and creates shaders.
 class GraphicsResource
          Queries and prepares resources.
 class RasterizerState
          Contains Rasterizer State, which determines how to convert vector data (shapes) into raster data (pixels).
 class RenderTarget2D
 class RenderTargetCube
          Represents a cubic texture resource that will be written to at the end of a render pass.
 class SamplerState
          Contains sampler state, which determines how to sample texture data.
 class SpriteBatch
          Enables a group of Sprites to be drawn using the same settings.
 class Texture
          Represents a texture resource
 class Texture2D
          Represents a 2D grid of texels.
 class Texture3D
          Represents a 3D volume of texels.
 class TextureCube
          Represents a set of six 2D textures, one for each face of a cube.
 class VertexBuffer
          Represents a list of 3D vertices to be streamed to the graphics device.
 class VertexDeclaration
          A vertex declaration, which defines per-vertex data.

Uses of IDisposable in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net

Classes in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net that implement IDisposable
 class PacketReader
          Provides common functionality for efficiently reading incoming network packets.
 class PacketWriter
          Provides common functionality for efficiently formatting outgoing network packets.

Uses of IDisposable in System.Collections.Generic

Subinterfaces of IDisposable in System.Collections.Generic
 interface IEnumerator<T>
          Supports a simple iteration over a generic collection.

Uses of IDisposable in System.IO

Classes in System.IO that implement IDisposable
 class BinaryReader
          Reads primitive data types as binary values in a specific encoding.
 class BinaryWriter
          Writes primitive types in binary to a stream and supports writing strings in a specific encoding.
 class MemoryStream
          Defines a stream whose backing store is memory.
 class Stream
          Provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes.