Class RasterizerState

  extended by Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
      extended by Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RasterizerState
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RasterizerState
extends GraphicsResource

Contains Rasterizer State, which determines how to convert vector data (shapes) into raster data (pixels).


Field Summary
static RasterizerState CullClockwise
          A built-in state object with settings for culling primitives with clockwise winding order.
static RasterizerState CullCounterClockwise
          A built-in state object with settings for culling primitives with counter-clockwise winding order.
static RasterizerState CullNone
          A built-in state object with settings for not culling any primitives.
Fields inherited from class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
_parent, Disposing, Name, Tag
Method Summary
 CullMode getCullMode()
 float getDepthBias()
          Retrieves the depth bias for polygons, which is the amount of bias to apply to the depth of a primitive to alleviate depth testing problems for primitives of similar depth.
 FillMode getFillMode()
 boolean getMultiSampleAntiAlias()
 boolean getScissorTestEnable()
 float getSlopeScaleDepthBias()
          Gets a bias value that takes into account the slope of a polygon.
 void setCullMode(CullMode value)
          Specifies the conditions for culling or removing triangles.
 void setDepthBias(float value)
          Sets the depth bias for polygons, which is the amount of bias to apply to the depth of a primitive to alleviate depth testing problems for primitives of similar depth.
 void setFillMode(FillMode value)
          The fill mode, which defines how a triangle is filled during rendering.
 void setMultiSampleAntiAlias(boolean value)
          Enables or disables multisample antialiasing.
 void setScissorTestEnable(boolean value)
          Enables or disables scissor testing.
 void setSlopeScaleDepthBias(float value)
          Sets a bias value that takes into account the slope of a polygon.
Methods inherited from class Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsResource
Dispose, Dispose, finalize, GraphicsDevice, IsDisposed, raise_disposing, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final RasterizerState CullClockwise
A built-in state object with settings for culling primitives with clockwise winding order.


public static final RasterizerState CullCounterClockwise
A built-in state object with settings for culling primitives with counter-clockwise winding order.


public static final RasterizerState CullNone
A built-in state object with settings for not culling any primitives.

Method Detail


public CullMode getCullMode()


public void setCullMode(CullMode value)
Specifies the conditions for culling or removing triangles. The default value is CullMode.CounterClockwise.

value -


public float getDepthBias()
Retrieves the depth bias for polygons, which is the amount of bias to apply to the depth of a primitive to alleviate depth testing problems for primitives of similar depth.


public void setDepthBias(float value)
Sets the depth bias for polygons, which is the amount of bias to apply to the depth of a primitive to alleviate depth testing problems for primitives of similar depth. The default value is 0.


public FillMode getFillMode()


public void setFillMode(FillMode value)
The fill mode, which defines how a triangle is filled during rendering. The default is FillMode.Solid.


public boolean getMultiSampleAntiAlias()


public void setMultiSampleAntiAlias(boolean value)
Enables or disables multisample antialiasing. The default is true.


public boolean getScissorTestEnable()


public void setScissorTestEnable(boolean value)
Enables or disables scissor testing. The default is false.


public float getSlopeScaleDepthBias()
Gets a bias value that takes into account the slope of a polygon. This bias value is applied to coplanar primitives to reduce aliasing and other rendering artifacts caused by z-fighting.


public void setSlopeScaleDepthBias(float value)
Sets a bias value that takes into account the slope of a polygon. This bias value is applied to coplanar primitives to reduce aliasing and other rendering artifacts caused by z-fighting. The default is 0.