Time stretching by keyboard control (Alt F5/F6) and/or Time Slider dialog
hooked winmm timeGetTime() API: makes time stretching work for Age of Empires series
changed time stretching grain: now it's not the coarse grained 2x, 4x,... series in 9 possible values but the fine grained series 1.5x, 2x, 3x,.... in 17 possible values
revised GetDC handling with 8BPP paletized surfaces: avoided need to emulate reverse-blitting and got an impressive speed improvement for games such as Age of Empires I & II and Hyperblade.
fixed some errors in the main directdraw palette descriptor. That gives better compatibility and less complicated source code.
added Fake Version feature: now Dungeon Keeper II (original version, not GOG hack) can detect a fake Win2000 / WinXP environment on Win7 and newer. Tested and working on Win7. Many thanks to Maxim for pushing me hard to win my lazyness and implement this new feature.
Fixed some proxy log messages (missing \n line terminator)
Fixed Trace "DirectX" flag.
improved GetDC handling in 8BPP palette mode: AddPalette called on demand, and on any surface (including backbuffers): makes Emergency work with no "Handle DC" flag set. Beware: this may affect the "Map GDI HDC on Primary DC" flag causing surface locks.
Fixed limit FPS timing issues: now the max possible FPS is 1000/delay.
Fixed EndPaint bug causing HDC lock in "Map GDI HDC to Primary DC" mode.
Added "Full RECT Blit" mode: may be useful to handle problematic situations (e.g. "Urban Assault" intro movies)
Fixed ClientToScreen and ScreenToClient hookers to properly handle scaled windows. This makes "Postal" working.
Fixed global palette reference count (??) in DirectDraw::Release hook
Fixed Window messages handling for SWP_NOMOVE, SWP_NOSIZE modes.
Added debug messages for GetSystemMetrics() modes, MapWindowPoints() points, DirectDrawEnumerate/Ex() devices.
ompiled with #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 -> handles Vista modes
Added NOPALETTEUPDATE ("Palette update don't Blit" flag) to eliminate flickering when ddraw and GDI methods conflict
Hooked all LoadLibraryA/W
and LoadLibraryExA/W calls
extDirectDrawEnumerate/Ex ddraw calls to handle Hide multi-monitor option.
Detected directshow activation through CoCreateInstance and hooked quartz.dll segment: now Urban Assault movies don't require "Full RECT Blit" option to be set.
Fixed clipping handling of primary/backbuffer surfaces
Added option to set AERO compatibility for Vista/Win7/Win8 platforms. Need to call a undocumented ddraw API. Thanks to Vovchik that discovered it. Use at your own risk!
Fixed "Remap client rect" option for Diablo's windows and Premier Manager 98 mouse movements
Added "Highlight blit to primary" option to draw a yellow bounding box around blits to primary surface
Fixed some exception conditions when closing the programs
Fixed CreateSurface handling to allow Premier Manager 98 start in emulated mode
Fixed ONEPIXELFIX handling
Fixed BIG WIN handling for Diablo's windows
Fixed FillRect hook to prevent filling outside virtual desktop
Disabled hooking of system libraries
Fixed a nasty bug that caused your desktop to freeze until shutdown !!!
Fixed GetWindowRect handling for windows not created by the task: Diablo queries the explorer window size! Now the retrieved RECT can't be larger than the virtual desktop
Fixed "disable setting gamma ramp" flag to intercept both GDI and D3D calls
Fixed client workarea setting to occupy the whole client area even when preserving aspect ratio (it draws black rectangles to the left/right or top/bottom side)
Completely revised CreateSurface hook: emulated and direct code are merged as much as possible, and reference counter are kept accurate. Now most games can work both in emulated and direct mode.
Fixed surface capabilities for "Vangers", "The Sims" (now working in emulated mode again)
Updated "Fixed aspect ratio" option: now uses the x,y size declared in the configuration instead of the fixed 800 x 600 standard one.
Added virtual fullscreen "Desktop" mode.
Completely revised the Peek/GetMessage handling: now it uses the standard SetWindowHook API instead of the address redirection, making the handling more reliable and accurate: now "Age of Empires III" works at last!
Added virtual fullscreen "Desktop" mode.
Added "Fix buffered IO after Win98" flag: this is meant to fix an incompatibility in the ReadFile kernel32 API that must read from block boundaries, where a block was smaller up to Win98 and bigger after it.
As a result, games like "Dylan Dog Horror Luna Park" show IO errors while reading data from the CD. Unfortunately, this is not the only problem of this game, so Dylan Dog fans will have to wait further.
Maybe some other programs suffer of this problem, and I will strongly appreciate if anyone finds some.
fixed BACKBUFFER surface attributes in direct (not emulated) mode: Rayman 2 playable again
added FILTERMESSAGES flag ("filter offending messages") to eliminate some problems to games not developed to work windowized (Rayman 2, Mirror's Edge ...)
fixed bug crashing the program when "keep aspect ratio" is selected with window size set to 0
Added "suppress child process creation"flag. This flag is introduced to manage games such as "Heart of Iron 2" that start intro movie by means of a separate process. HoI2 is starting the binkplay.exe program in the game's avi subfolder. This way you don't get a windowed movie, but completely suppress it.
added hook to kernel32.dll QueryPerformanceCounter API to enable time stretching to Rayman 2
handled GetAttachedSurface emulation for FLIP capability on primary surface - that makes the intro movies of Empire Earth visible.
fixed virtual screen size showing into status panel
hooked SetPixelFormat, GetPixelFormat, ChoosePixelFormat and DescribePixelFormat to redirect desktop hwnd and make wglCreateContext work (needed for Civ III)
fixed log message for TextOut parameters
hooked DisableD3DSpy (invoked by The Bard's Tale)
fixed extglViewport coordinate remapping when invoked with CW_USEDEFAULT values (Civ III)
fixed bug in DirectDarawCreate/Ex hooking with wrong module handle
Handling of ddraw screen color depth 15BPP - in "Hesperian Wars"
fixed IAT scanning: now function addresses for remapping are searched in possibly multiple instances of dll text segment - in "Aaron Hall's Dungeon Odissey"
hooked SystemParametersInfo call
fixed window size logic to check for window menu bar, considering also the WS_CHILD case.
fixed window move/resize when message processing is enabled: coordinates outside the child area or within ENTER/EXITSIZEMOVE must NOT be altered.
expanded timer processing to include user32 Set/KillTimer - in "Aaron Hall's Dungeon Odissey"
fixed possible recursion while hooking child window procedure identical to parent's one
fixed gdi emulation on top of ddraw surface, enough to play "Sid Meyer's Civilization III".
Added Automatic DirectX mode: not workink always, but should make it much easier to guess a proper surface setting.
Automatic mode allows dynamic mode change depending on the situation: it is necessary for Populous 3 D3D version.
fixed BltFast operation with SRC color key (often used to draw cursor from texures) directly to primary surface: this makes the cursor visible in Populous 3.
added directx "Compensate Flip emulation" flag: used primarily to get rid of mouse artifacts due to emulated Flip rpocedure in windowed mode. Fixes Gruntz issues and some other games...
fixed d3d hooking for Reset and GetDirect3D methods: now Jumpgate works at any available resolution, and the "Add proxy libs" option is no longer necessary
fixed "Compensate Flip emulation" option for non emulated surface mode: fixes mouse artifacts for "Rogue Spear Black Thorn"
added preliminary handling for "Disable Textures" option
fixed a ddraw session reference count error that prevented "Jet Moto" to start
fixed "Compensate Flip emulation" for ddraw7 games: now "Empire Earth" supports this flag.
fixed CloseWindow hook: now games that minimize/restore the main window on task switch can possibly recover (e.g. Hundred Swords)
fixed process hook: now it should be a little more robust and efficient. Hopefully should fix some Macromedia Flash problems.
fixed IDDrawSurface::Lock() prototype. Not gameplay improvements, though...
added DirectX "Return 0 ref counter" option as quick & dirty solution to many reference counter problems!
fixed DirectDrawCreateEx failing to register the main ddraw session handle
fixed palette problem in emulated mode: palette must be applied to backbuffer surface as well. Now "Duckman" and "Total Soccer 2000" show perfect colors.
fixed log for D3D CreateDevice method, missing in some D3D interface versions
added wildcarded program path: now you needn't set the full pathname, but it is sufficient to specify the rightmost part, e.g. the executable filename.
added emulated mode color conversion from 32BPP to 16BPP. Despite the fact that the best way to run a 32BPP game is against a 32BPP desktop, now it is possible to downgrade 32BPP colors to 16BPP. This fixed the fact that 32BPP games run on a 16BPP desktop showed simply black screens (e.g. Baldur's Gate II)
fixed logic for EnumDisplayModes implementation: now screen resolutions and, for emulated mode only, also color depth, are generated by DxWnd and not derived directly from the real ones. This make it possible to fake support for very low screen resolutions (e.g. 320x200) on modern screens that support them no longer. This make "Genocide" running on both supported resolutions 320x200 and 320x240.
added screen resolution choice: either a set of SVGA resolutions (mostly for 3:4 monitors), HDTV resolutions (mostly for 16:9 monitors) or the native set of resolutions offered by your monitor / video card.
improved exception catching to intercept memory violation exceptions and to neutralize offending code. Thank again to olly didasm lib, now the assembly instruction length is automatically determined so that the opcode can be replaced by the correct number of NOP instructions. If this doesn't mean much for you, just consider that this makes playable the Win95 (patched) release of "Star Wars Tie Fighter".
fixed FillRect user32 call - brings some improvements to Imperialism (still far from being acceptable).
fix: hooked "FrameRect", "TabbedTextOutA", "DrawTextA", "DrawTextExA", "FillRect" in scaled mode only
fix: when main win is closed, blit area is made null to avoid messing with a wrong screen area
added "Release mouse outside window" option. This option causes the get cursor position to detect a centered mouse position when the cursor is moved outside the window, allowing interaction with other windows without scrolling ot the windowed program. Mainly, this option is meant to help people with a physical disability to use other programs (e. g. the virtual keyboard) to play games.
Add: preliminary support for (unchecked) "Run in window" flag. Now if the flag is unchecked, DxWnd does NOT force the program to run in a window. Still, some rendering modes are not working perfectly.
add: support for Unicode DefWindowProcW API call
fixed some differences in D3D CreateDevice vs. CreateDeviceEx handling
added "Window frame compensation" input flag to set the cursor position properly in "Sub Commando"
fix: properly handled the case of NULL WindowProc routine in CreateDialog/Indirect API calls. Makes "LEGO Stunt Rally" working.
added support for Unicode SystemParametersInfoW API call
Add: API hot patching, thank to aqrit precious support. Now Doom 3 is played in window.
hooked GetCursorInfo call
fix: recalculate vsync timers in case of time stretching
fix: log failure for CreateWindowExW wchar api
Add: configurable keyboard commands
Add: timestretch toggle command
Add: "Enable hotkeys" flag to enable/disable hotkeys
fix: eliminated dialogs with timer warning messages (to be investigated...)
fix: moved "no banner" flag to main tab again
fix: potential string violation, possible cause for flash crash?
fixed and enhanced several features about registry emulation: added flags "Emulate registry" (to add missing entries) and "Override registry" (to fake existing entries with different values). Fixed "Requiem Avenging Angel" DirectX bogus check bug.
fixed Pitch setting in DirectDraw::EnumDisplayModes when in SVGA emulation mode. Let "Outlive" use this setting
fix: hooked GetMonitorInfoA/W that is a possible way to get the screen resolution. The hooker sets the virtual screen size updating both rcWork & rcMonitor rects in the MONITORINFO structure. This fixes the mouse control in "Tomb Raider Underworld" and likely in other games with a similar engine.
fix: completed chinese translation and language selection through dxwnd.ini file.
added bilinear filtering to directdraw palettized 8BPP emulated mode (where it is mostly needed!). A must try is "Genocide" !
attempt to fix Win8 missing support for earlier ddraw releases (Croc legend of the Gobbos, Project I.G.I., ...)
fix: optimized bilinear filtering with no horizontal / vertical sawtooth artifacts
added support for 16BPP and 32BPP desktop bilinear filtering
suppressed compatibility checking
fix: doubled default window size when bilinear filtering is active
added repositioning of control parent window when main win is moved
added debug messages about hooked window class and name
fix: ignore IME window when hooking main win, destroy it when requested
fix: ignore HWND_MESSAGE type windows
added "Diablo tweak" compatibility flag for Diablo proper screen update handling. It is a temporary tweak waiting to understand better how to properly manage it.
add: CLEARTARGET flag - forces a Clear CLEAR_TARGET operation on D3D BeginPaint: useful in combination with wireframe mode.
updated "Optimize CPU" behavior: now it emulates a VSync wait also on D3D8/D3D9. Fixes some "swimming" problem in "Soul Reaver 2", and saves CPU time by limiting the FPS to the refresh rate.
fixed positioning of FPS and time stretching indication on screen overlay
cleaned up GUI project: no more japanese and localized resources, no more unreferenced resources.
GUI: added Desktop status window
GUI: added pixel format descriptor to DxWnd status
fix: handling of "Keep aspect ratio" for aspect ratios different from 4:3
fix: missing resolution 400x300 in "Limit resolution" handling
fix: surface handling switch in automatic mode.
added two flags for DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY handling on different contexts. Added extra performances and compatibility with D3D in emulated mode.
added "Updated bigger than 1/4 screen size" flag, to perform FPS counting or limitations upon substantial screen updated (heuristic: bigger than 1/4 of the total size...)
added true bilinear filter. Previous one was renamed as fast 2x filter (BILINEAR2XFILTER).
fix: when the window was minimized & the "do not notify on task switch" flag was on, the game crashed. Now the blitting operations to invalid rect coordinates are suppressed.
fix: debug option "highlight blit to primary" was causing game crashes when the updated rect was too little.
fix: trapped sporadic CloseHandle(hMenu) crashes in a try/catch clause.
fix: attempt to fix FIXD3DFRAME option
fix: added SetStretchBltMode(hdc,HALFTONE) to SetDIBitsToDevice hooker to improve stretching: fixes "Celtic Kings Rage of War"
fix: when creating an IID_IDirectDrawGammaControl object through lpdds->QueryInterface redirect fake primary surface to real one to make the object working. Fixes "Might & Magic 7"
fix: do not try to set vsync delays on ddraw surface when not created yet
fix: catched several sporadic errors before they could crash the application
fix: GetAttachedSurface() now retrieves a backbuffer from the list, instead of referencing the last one - this fixes "Tomb Raider III" GOG release in non emulated mode.
add: "Normalize performance counter" flag to fix an improper use of QueryPerformanceCounter() made by "Cyber Gladiators"
fix: key matching for virtual registry now made case insensitive (needed for "Die Hard Trilogy")
fix: handling of null values passed to extRegQueryValueEx as lpType and lpData arguments (needed for "Die Hard Trilogy")
fix: DirectDrawSurface::GetPalette returns the virtual palette when applied to virtual primary / backup surfaces (needed for "Die Hard Trilogy")
fix: fixed dump for 8BPP palettized textures (needed for "Die Hard Trilogy")
fix: handling (with no operation) of D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8 texture type and other bumpmap formats (used by "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08")
fix: handling of LIMITRESOURCES flag for DirectDraw::GetCaps method when memory exceeds 0x70000000 bytes
fix: handling of LIMITRESOURCES flag for Direct3DDevice::GetAvailableTextureMem method when memory exceeds 1GB
fix: don't change screen resolution in SetDisplayMode when wrong (negative) values are passed. Fixes a problem in binkplayer.exe
fix: fixed OutTrace to avoid possible infinite recursion when loading C runtime libraries and logging LoadLibrary activity
fix: eliminated critical races when using DLL injection, thank to Luigi Auriemma's suggestion (inject an endless loop in the main thread and remove it at the end of injection)
fix: implemented DLL injection according to Luigi Auriemma's schema in CreateProcess hooking routine (needed for "Die Hard Trilogy")
fix: using MinHook library to acquire compatibility with all APIs
fix: hooked GetExitCodeProcess to handle "SUPPRESSCHILD" special case
fix: using hot patching for SystemParametersInfo APIs
fix: in SystemParametersInfo suppressed invalid operations in window mode: SPI_SETKEYBOARDDELAY SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED
add: son process handling with 4 different cases: 2 old cases (default case and "SUPPRESSCHILD") plus "INJECTSON" and "ENABLESONHOOK" to hook the son process without/with DLL injection
add: debug color conversion mode through GDI routines
add: multi-hooking for multiple processes contemporarily, adding the line "multiprocesshook=1" in [window] section of dxwnd.ini. Use at your own risk!
add: partial logging of Direct3DDevice::GetDeviceCaps output (to be completed)
add: handling of notes in the DxWnd GUI (configuration notes tab)
mod: when log is not possible on program's folder, it is no longer written in %TEMP% dir, is now written in DxWnd local dir.
fix: coordinates returned by user32.dll GetClipCursor() must be scaled accordingly with virtual desktop size. Fixes "SubCulture" mouse control problems
fix: several issues in fake registry hooks
add: continue char '\' in fake registry configuration for hex values
fix: GDI GetDC and GetWindowDC must not redirect the zero hWnd to the current main window if not in fullscreen mode.
add: Added "Set KEY_WOW64_64KEY flag" flag to registry operations. It could prove useful for old programs on recent W64 platforms.
add: Added "fix movies color depth" flag. It fixes some problems when windows multimedia functions detect and process the actual video color mode and they should rather consider the virtual value. Fixes "Killing Time" intro movies decoding.
fix: suppressed hooking for comdlg32.dll module. Common dialogues never need to be altered. Fixes "Road Rash" save/load game dialog problems.
fix: FillRect hooker. Good for "Premier Manager 98" and "Premier Manager 97".
fix: revised the DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY suppression, now separated for primary & backbuffer surfaces
fix: handling of "No SYSTEMMEMORY on BackBuffer" flag for no-emulation mode: necessary to run "Microsoft Motocross Madness 2" in this mode.
fix: allowing hot patching to GetCursorPos() user32.dll call. This allows correct mouse control with obfuscated exes, like the chinese RPG "Paladin 3".
add: new surface handling, more similar to D3DWindower. The previous mode can be activated by setting the "Flip emulation" flag. The new mode can successfully manage "Microsoft Motocross Madness 2".
fix: Reelease operation for primary surface when used for GDI GetDC operation
fix: protections for GDI ReleaseDC operations against null window or DC
fix: mciSendString hooker, was losing a final command line argument
add: added "Set ZBufferBitDepths capability" flag to set a no longer supported fields in the capability structure. This makes ""Banzai Bug" bypass the capability checks.
fix: better handling of surface capabilities in flippable mode
fix: fixed bug in primary surface handling when already created ...
add: added ""Share ddraw and GDI DC" flag: sharing was introduced in release v2.03.19, but proved to be incompatible in many situations. Now it is off by default and enabled when necessary.
fix: the flags for disabling DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY capability are now used also in non-emulated flipping emulation mode. Depending on the video card, it may help getting compatibility.
fix: handling of NULL DC in non emulated modes: the NULL DC (corresponding to the whole desktop) is replaced by the window DC. This reduces problems like clearing the whole desktop.
fix: EnumDisplayModes was returning wrong modes list in SVGA mode.
fix: applied the error suppression to the DeleteAttachedSurface hooker.
fix: handling of WM_ACTIVATE and WM_NCACTIVATE messages, should bring the window to HWND_NOTOPMOST z-order position only when activation is on, not off!
fix: in "Share GDI and draw DC" mode, check if the primary surface really has a DC and switch to another one if the DC is missing.
fix: eliminated some redundant code in GDI ReleaseDC in DC emulated mode
add: option to disable the disabling of Alt-Tab key through SetWindowHooks through WH_KEYBOARD_LL event. Make it posssible to use Alt-Tab key on "Dungeon Kepper II".
fix: palette object reference count decremented from extra references and zeroed by the "Return 0 refcount" flag: make it possible to run "Dark Earth" that makes a check on the palette reerence counter before starting the game.
fix: differentiated handling of blitting from memory to DC vs. from DC vs. memory. The second case is less frequent, but altered the correct rendering of "Battlezone 1998 edition", now working both in scaled, emulated DC shared DC and shared ddraw and GDI DC. The fix impacts both BitBlt and ScaledBlt GDI calls.
add: capability to hook calls referenced by ordinal number
add: "Acquire admin caps" flag to self elevate DxWnd if configured as necessary
add: added third mode to handle potentially offending messages, that is process them by the Window default process routine WinDefaultProc. Good for "Red Alert 2".
fix: set hook to ddraw SetPalette for all surface types (Drakan Order of the Flame)
add: preliminary support for windowed / fullscreen switching
fix: preliminary d3d7 function pointers separation for different interfaces
add: block process priority class
add: autohide DxWnd feature
fix: GUI kill process now kills the whole process tree to avoid leaving live processes around. Happens for instance in Win7 with rundll32.exe for compatibility in 64 bit environment, and that one uses a full core CPU!
fix: inserted bypass for DirectDraw::Compact method, that is unimplemented but can return errors. Fixes "Crazy Climber" error detection.
fix: error in d3d9::CrerateDeviceEx method preventing it to work when moving fullscreen devices to window mode, as tipically happens using DxWnd. Fixes d3d9 version of "Saint's Row the Third"
fix: accurate determination of ".text" or "CODE" segments where to apply the REPLACERTSC and REPLACEPRIVOPS flags.
fix: handling of restore previous screen mode when a primary fullscreen window is terminated. Fixes "Dethkarz" initialization error after 8BPP intro movie termination.
fix: SystemParameterInfo for SPI_SETSCREENSAVERRUNNING does not return an error
fix: added default pixel format specification to backbuffer: improves the possibility of ZBUFFER attach
fix: recovery of DDERR_SURFACELOST error on primary surface in PrimaryStretchBlt routine.
fix: possible palette handle leakage
fix: DC leakage caused by CreateCompatibleDC. Fix "Mechwarrior 3" repeated play sessions.
fix: added delay handling to several gdi32 amnd user32 routines blitting to screen
add: "Suppress DI common errors" flag, fixes initial failures of Acquire method.
fix: in centered window option, trims the window coordinates if they exceeds the screen size and risk getting negative values.
fix: fixed injection logic to avoid hooking task when the "Hook enabled" flag is off
fix: avoid calling GDI SetPixelFormat more than one upon a window since this is not supported. Fixes "bugdom" OpenGL problems.
fix: scales glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) returned values. Fixes "bugdom" rendering problems.
add: added GUI logging when debug mode is on.
add: added a third injection mode "Inject suspended process". Modified the GUI to select the injection mode through radio buttons. Improves injection compatibility, working mode for "T-ZWei" on WinXP.
fix: replaced hooked LoadLibrary with original call (*pLoadLibraryA), this seems to avoid the hook address replacements and the need for the "No hook update" flag. To be tested.
fix: added some missing IID_DirectDraw3 case in DirectDraw hooking
fix: fixed the logic for centering the main window for desktop with non-zero offset
fix: improved logic for window placement in CreateWindowEx call
fix: added wrapper for winmm/GetJoyPos() virtual joystick referenced in "Jane's FA18"
add: warning message and update when running a program with non updated virtual registry settings.fix: LoadLibrary wrappers failed to clear the recursion flag, stopping the hook of new modules after a recursion case.
add: fine tuning for vsync options: three modes (default: game native, force on, force off) three algorythms (ddraw WaitForVerticalBlank, loop controlled by GetScanLine, loop controlled by time delay)
add: fine tuning for WAIT options in ddraw Flip() and Blt() methods: three modes (default: game native, force on, force off)
fix: better support for non windowed + no emulation mode, surfaces and blit operations are left (almost) in original state, surface capabilities are left inaltered
fix: added missing recovery on surface lost
fix: some missing or wrong logs
fix: suppression of WS_EX_TOPMOST flag in all conditions for UNLOCKZORDER mode
fix: SUPPRESSOVERLAY flag applied also to D3D capabilities from D3D GetDeviceCaps() method
add: added more API hookers in IMAGEHLP.DLL bypass
fix: fixed logic to hook WindowProc routines for main window, childs and dialogs.
fix: more frequent updates of window coordinates to avoid scaling errors
fix: fixed CreateDialogIndirectParam and CreateDialogParam wrappers to make inner windows properly scaled (fixes red Alert 2)
add: GDI / "Pretend Win visible & on top" option: experimental, let the program believe that the main window is visible and on top of z-order as usually happens to full screen applications
add: GDI / "Win insulation" flag: avoid enumerating windows so that the program can't interfere with them. Fixes "Tribal Rage" damages to desktop.
add: hook to ddraw DuplicateSurface() method, so far for logging only.
fix: eliminated possible divide by 0 exception when minimizing windows
fix: mouse clipping now selected by radio buttons (default, off, on, locked)
fix: bug in D3D device enumeration log
fix: bug in Hybrid and GDI ddraw surface rendering
fix: missing "No HAL Device" flag default to disabled
add: added SmackW32 hooking to bypass SmackColorRemapWithTrans and SmackColorRemap: SmackColorRemap seems involved in changing screen resolution in "Civil War Generals 2"
fix: some log messages
fix: SetWindowLong hooker: eliminated a unassigned variable condition
fix: added hooker for GDI32/SetROP2 call to insert a InvalidateRect as in older OS. Makes "Titanic" working.
fix: avoid crashing on View Shims command on WinXP
fix: bilinear 2X crash
fix: handling of 16 to 32 bpp color conversion in D3D8 IDirect3DDevice8 Copyrects and GetFrontBuffer methods. Fixes "Dirt track Racing 2" missing panels.
fix: more / better logging
fix: in USER32/CreateWindow* calls, handles the case where a to-be main window is moved/resized before being declared as main window. Fixes uncontrolled position changes in "Civil Wars 2 Generals".
add: preliminary hooks for message loop APIs USER32/PeekMessage, GetMessage, PostMessage. Now PeekMessage includes SLOWDOW flag processing, reduces CPU time in "Civil Wars 2 Generals".