Time stretching by keyboard control (Alt F5/F6) and/or Time Slider dialog
hooked winmm timeGetTime() API: makes time stretching work for Age of Empires series
changed time stretching grain: now it's not the coarse grained 2x, 4x,... series in 9 possible values but the fine grained series 1.5x, 2x, 3x,.... in 17 possible values
added status and time stretching view panels to tray icon menu
preliminary FPS counter overlapped on game screen, Alt-F7 to toggle display on/off.
fixed buf on time stretch logging (and possible game crash).
revised GetDC handling with 8BPP paletized surfaces: avoided need to emulate reverse-blitting and got an impressive speed improvement for games such as Age of Empires I & II and Hyperblade.