Time stretching by keyboard control (Alt F5/F6) and/or Time Slider dialog
hooked winmm timeGetTime() API: makes time stretching work for Age of Empires series
changed time stretching grain: now it's not the coarse grained 2x, 4x,... series in 9 possible values but the fine grained series 1.5x, 2x, 3x,.... in 17 possible values
revised GetDC handling with 8BPP paletized surfaces: avoided need to emulate reverse-blitting and got an impressive speed improvement for games such as Age of Empires I & II and Hyperblade.
fixed some errors in the main directdraw palette descriptor. That gives better compatibility and less complicated source code.
added Fake Version feature: now Dungeon Keeper II (original version, not GOG hack) can detect a fake Win2000 / WinXP environment on Win7 and newer. Tested and working on Win7. Many thanks to Maxim for pushing me hard to win my lazyness and implement this new feature.
Fixed some proxy log messages (missing \n line terminator)
Fixed Trace "DirectX" flag.
improved GetDC handling in 8BPP palette mode: AddPalette called on demand, and on any surface (including backbuffers): makes Emergency work with no "Handle DC" flag set. Beware: this may affect the "Map GDI HDC on Primary DC" flag causing surface locks.
Fixed limit FPS timing issues: now the max possible FPS is 1000/delay.
Fixed EndPaint bug causing HDC lock in "Map GDI HDC to Primary DC" mode.
Added "Full RECT Blit" mode: may be useful to handle problematic situations (e.g. "Urban Assault" intro movies)
Fixed ClientToScreen and ScreenToClient hookers to properly handle scaled windows. This makes "Postal" working.
Fixed global palette reference count (??) in DirectDraw::Release hook
Fixed Window messages handling for SWP_NOMOVE, SWP_NOSIZE modes.
Added debug messages for GetSystemMetrics() modes, MapWindowPoints() points, DirectDrawEnumerate/Ex() devices.
ompiled with #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600 -> handles Vista modes
Added NOPALETTEUPDATE ("Palette update don't Blit" flag) to eliminate flickering when ddraw and GDI methods conflict
Hooked all LoadLibraryA/W
and LoadLibraryExA/W calls
extDirectDrawEnumerate/Ex ddraw calls to handle Hide multi-monitor option.
Detected directshow activation through CoCreateInstance and hooked quartz.dll segment: now Urban Assault movies don't require "Full RECT Blit" option to be set.
Fixed clipping handling of primary/backbuffer surfaces
Added option to set AERO compatibility for Vista/Win7/Win8 platforms. Need to call a undocumented ddraw API. Thanks to Vovchik that discovered it. Use at your own risk!
Fixed "Remap client rect" option for Diablo's windows and Premier Manager 98 mouse movements
Added "Highlight blit to primary" option to draw a yellow bounding box around blits to primary surface
Fixed some exception conditions when closing the programs
Fixed CreateSurface handling to allow Premier Manager 98 start in emulated mode
Fixed ONEPIXELFIX handling
Fixed BIG WIN handling for Diablo's windows
Fixed FillRect hook to prevent filling outside virtual desktop
Disabled hooking of system libraries
Fixed a nasty bug that caused your desktop to freeze until shutdown !!!
Fixed GetWindowRect handling for windows not created by the task: Diablo queries the explorer window size! Now the retrieved RECT can't be larger than the virtual desktop
Fixed "disable setting gamma ramp" flag to intercept both GDI and D3D calls
Fixed client workarea setting to occupy the whole client area even when preserving aspect ratio (it draws black rectangles to the left/right or top/bottom side)