increased the amount of shared code between vertex and index buffers
fixed GraphicsDevice.Reset() which didn't save the provided presentation
parameters and the backbuffer was still bound after the recent changes
about the rendertargets
Vertex and IndexBuffers that get dynamically generated for the UserDraw
methods dispose the buffers now
Added DebugNames to Index and VertexBuffers and their Dynamic version.
- Implemented Mipmap textures for Dx10, Dx11, GL3. Metro is implemented but has still some problems with mipmaps (probably cause of the vm)
- Added Sample dds texture
- Fixed compiler error in MetroGameTimer
- Started Windows, Metro and Linux Platform-Plugins
- Moved the RecordingSample to the Samples folder
- Started two samples for using the graphics device in a WinForms and Wpf Editor
- Refactorings in the AddIn-System
- Moved the Window initialization-code to the Platform modules
- Changed the License text in all code files which is now way smaller
- Started ProjectConverter tool which converts all the projects and solution to the target configuration
- Changed the SupportedPlatform names in the Resource files
- Changed the WIN8 define to WINDOWSMETRO which is actually meant
- Removed NLog and started our own Logger class
- Many more stuff...
added information about OperatingSystem and Version to AddInSystemFactory
added IsSupported field to AddIn Creators
AddInSystemFactory now only loads supported AddIns
added Metadata resource files to all AddIns containing information about supported platforms.