Each dedup bucket (in archive-it, generally one per seed) requires a
separate http request. The batches of urls processed by the trough dedup
loader and storer may include multiple dedup buckets. This commit makes
those all the trough queries in a given batch run in parallel, using a
thread pool.
It is necessary to pass cookies to the CDX Server we use for deduplication.
To do this, we add the optional CLI argument
``--cdxserver-dedup-cookies="cookie1=val1;cookie2=val2"`` and if it is
available, its used in the `Cookie` HTTP header in CDX server requests.
* master:
fix running_stats thing
Update CdxServerDedup unit test
Chec writer._fname in unit test
Configurable CdxServerDedup urllib3 connection pool size
Yet another unit test fix
Change the writer unit test
fix github problem with unit test
Another fix for the unit test
Fix writer unit test
Add WarcWriter warc_filename unit test
Fix warc_filename default value
Configurable WARC filenames
To work correctly with the new way we init the
``CdxServerDedup.http_pool``. Use ``mock.MagicMock`` instead of
``mock.patch``. The unit test logic remains entirely the same.
For some reason this test previously failed in github. Maybe it has to
do with the temporary files I need to create there... in any case, I
changed what we check and evaluate the ``write._fname`` for the correct
filename format.
urllib3 pool has default ``maxsize=1``
We need to set a higher value because we get warnings like this:
2018-01-15 20:04:10,044 18436 WARNING WarcWriterThread030(tid=18502)
urllib3.connectionpool._put_conn(connectionpool.py:277) Connection pool
is full, discarding connection: wwwb-dedup
We set value: ```cdxserver_maxsize = args.writer_threads or 200```.
Note that the ideal would be to use this
but it is initialized after dedup, there is a dependency and we cannot
use it.