Packages that use IAsyncResult | |
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices | |
System | |
System.IO |
Uses of IAsyncResult in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices |
Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices that return IAsyncResult | |
static IAsyncResult |
Gamer.BeginGetFromGamertag(java.lang.String gamertag,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object asyncState)
static IAsyncResult |
Gamer.BeginGetPartnerToken(java.lang.String audienceUri,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object asyncState)
IAsyncResult |
Gamer.BeginGetProfile(AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object asyncState)
Starts an asynchronous profile read operation. |
static IAsyncResult |
Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput(PlayerIndex player,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String defaultText,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state)
static IAsyncResult |
Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput(PlayerIndex player,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String description,
java.lang.String defaultText,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state,
boolean usePasswordMode)
static IAsyncResult |
Guide.BeginShowMessageBox(PlayerIndex player,
java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String text,
IEnumerable<java.lang.String> buttons,
int focusButton,
MessageBoxIcon icon,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state)
static IAsyncResult |
Guide.BeginShowMessageBox(java.lang.String title,
java.lang.String text,
IEnumerable<java.lang.String> buttons,
int focusButton,
MessageBoxIcon icon,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state)
Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices with parameters of type IAsyncResult | |
static Gamer |
Gamer.EndGetFromGamertag(IAsyncResult result)
static java.lang.String |
Gamer.EndGetPartnerToken(IAsyncResult result)
GamerProfile |
Gamer.EndGetProfile(IAsyncResult result)
Ends an asynchronous profile read operation. |
static java.lang.String |
Guide.EndShowKeyboardInput(IAsyncResult result)
static java.lang.Integer |
Guide.EndShowMessageBox(IAsyncResult result)
Uses of IAsyncResult in System |
Methods in System with parameters of type IAsyncResult | |
abstract void |
AsyncCallback.Invoke(IAsyncResult ar)
Uses of IAsyncResult in System.IO |
Methods in System.IO that return IAsyncResult | |
IAsyncResult |
Stream.BeginRead(byte[] buffer,
int offset,
int count,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state)
Begins an asynchronous read operation. |
IAsyncResult |
Stream.BeginWrite(byte[] buffer,
int offset,
int count,
AsyncCallback callback,
java.lang.Object state)
Begins an asynchronous write operation. |
Methods in System.IO with parameters of type IAsyncResult | |
int |
Stream.EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
Waits for the pending asynchronous read to complete. |
void |
Stream.EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
Ends an asynchronous write operation. |