Uses of Class

Packages that use Point

Uses of Point in Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Fields in Microsoft.Xna.Framework declared as Point
static Point Point.Zero
          Returns the point (0,0).

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework that return Point
 Point Rectangle.Center()
          Gets the Point that specifies the center of the rectangle.
 Point Rectangle.getLocation()
          Gets the upper-left value of the Rectangle.

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework with parameters of type Point
 boolean Rectangle.Contains(Point value)
          Determines whether this Rectangle contains a specified Point.
 void Rectangle.Contains(Point value, boolean result)
          Determines whether this Rectangle contains a specified Point.
 boolean Point.Equals(Point other)
          Determines whether two Point instances are equal.
 void Rectangle.Offset(Point amount)
          Changes the position of the Rectangle.
 void Rectangle.setLocation(Point newLocation)
          Sets the upper-left value of the Rectangle.