Uses of Class

Packages that use Plane

Uses of Plane in Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework that return Plane
static Plane Plane.Normalize(Plane value)
          Changes the coefficients of the Normal vector of a Plane to make it of unit length.
static Plane Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Matrix matrix)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Matrix.
static Plane Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Quaternion rotation)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Quaternion rotation.

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework with parameters of type Plane
static Matrix Matrix.CreateReflection(Plane value)
          Creates a Matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a specified Plane.
static void Matrix.CreateReflection(Plane value, Matrix result)
          Creates a Matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a specified Plane.
static Matrix Matrix.CreateShadow(Vector3 lightDirection, Plane plane)
          Creates a Matrix that flattens geometry into a specified Plane as if casting a shadow from a specified light source.
static void Matrix.CreateShadow(Vector3 lightDirection, Plane plane, Matrix result)
          Fills in a Matrix to flatten geometry into a specified Plane as if casting a shadow from a specified light source.
 boolean Plane.Equals(Plane other)
          Determines whether the specified Plane is equal to the Plane.
 java.lang.Float Ray.Intersects(Plane plane)
          Determines whether this Ray intersects a specified Plane.
 PlaneIntersectionType BoundingSphere.Intersects(Plane plane)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects with a specified Plane.
 PlaneIntersectionType BoundingBox.Intersects(Plane plane)
          Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Plane.
 void Ray.Intersects(Plane plane, java.lang.Float result)
          Determines whether this Ray intersects a specified Plane.
 void BoundingSphere.Intersects(Plane plane, PlaneIntersectionType result)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects a Plane.
 void BoundingBox.Intersects(Plane plane, PlaneIntersectionType result)
          Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a Plane.
static Plane Plane.Normalize(Plane value)
          Changes the coefficients of the Normal vector of a Plane to make it of unit length.
static void Plane.Normalize(Plane value, Plane result)
          Changes the coefficients of the Normal vector of a Plane to make it of unit length.
static Plane Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Matrix matrix)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Matrix.
static void Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Matrix matrix, Plane result)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Matrix.
static Plane Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Quaternion rotation)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Quaternion rotation.
static void Plane.Transform(Plane plane, Quaternion rotation, Plane result)
          Transforms a normalized Plane by a Quaternion rotation.