Packages that use BoundingSphere | |
Microsoft.Xna.Framework |
Uses of BoundingSphere in Microsoft.Xna.Framework |
Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework that return BoundingSphere | |
static BoundingSphere |
BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBox box)
Creates the smallest BoundingSphere that can contain a specified BoundingBox. |
static BoundingSphere |
BoundingSphere.CreateMerged(BoundingSphere original,
BoundingSphere additional)
Creates a BoundingSphere that contains the two specified BoundingSphere instances. |
BoundingSphere |
BoundingSphere.Transform(Matrix matrix)
Translates and scales the BoundingSphere using a given Matrix. |
Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework with parameters of type BoundingSphere | |
ContainmentType |
BoundingSphere.Contains(BoundingSphere sphere)
Checks whether the current BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingSphere. |
ContainmentType |
BoundingBox.Contains(BoundingSphere sphere)
Tests whether the BoundingBox contains a BoundingSphere. |
void |
BoundingSphere.Contains(BoundingSphere sphere,
ContainmentType result)
Checks whether the current BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingSphere. |
static void |
BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBox box,
BoundingSphere result)
Creates the smallest BoundingSphere that can contain a specified BoundingBox. |
static BoundingBox |
BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sphere)
Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere. |
static void |
BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sphere,
BoundingBox result)
Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere. |
static BoundingSphere |
BoundingSphere.CreateMerged(BoundingSphere original,
BoundingSphere additional)
Creates a BoundingSphere that contains the two specified BoundingSphere instances. |
static void |
BoundingSphere.CreateMerged(BoundingSphere original,
BoundingSphere additional,
BoundingSphere result)
Creates a BoundingSphere that contains the two specified BoundingSphere instances. |
boolean |
BoundingSphere.Equals(BoundingSphere other)
Determines whether the specified BoundingSphere is equal to the current BoundingSphere. |
java.lang.Float |
Ray.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
Checks whether the Ray intersects a specified BoundingSphere. |
PlaneIntersectionType |
Plane.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
Checks whether the current Plane intersects a specified BoundingSphere. |
boolean |
BoundingSphere.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects with a specified BoundingSphere. |
boolean |
BoundingBox.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a BoundingSphere. |
void |
BoundingSphere.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere,
boolean result)
Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects another BoundingSphere. |
void |
BoundingBox.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere,
boolean result)
Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects a BoundingSphere. |
void |
Ray.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere,
java.lang.Float result)
Checks whether the current Ray intersects a BoundingSphere. |
void |
Plane.Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere,
PlaneIntersectionType result)
Checks whether the current Plane intersects a BoundingSphere. |
void |
BoundingSphere.Transform(Matrix matrix,
BoundingSphere result)
Translates and scales the BoundingSphere using a given Matrix. |