Uses of Class

Packages that use BoundingBox

Uses of BoundingBox in Microsoft.Xna.Framework

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework that return BoundingBox
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sphere)
          Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.CreateMerged(BoundingBox original, BoundingBox additional)
          Creates the smallest BoundingBox that contains the two specified BoundingBox instances.

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework with parameters of type BoundingBox
 ContainmentType BoundingSphere.Contains(BoundingBox box)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingBox.
 ContainmentType BoundingBox.Contains(BoundingBox box)
          Tests whether the BoundingBox contains another BoundingBox.
 void BoundingSphere.Contains(BoundingBox box, ContainmentType result)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere contains the specified BoundingBox.
static BoundingSphere BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBox box)
          Creates the smallest BoundingSphere that can contain a specified BoundingBox.
static void BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(BoundingBox box, BoundingSphere result)
          Creates the smallest BoundingSphere that can contain a specified BoundingBox.
static void BoundingBox.CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sphere, BoundingBox result)
          Creates the smallest BoundingBox that will contain the specified BoundingSphere.
static BoundingBox BoundingBox.CreateMerged(BoundingBox original, BoundingBox additional)
          Creates the smallest BoundingBox that contains the two specified BoundingBox instances.
static void BoundingBox.CreateMerged(BoundingBox original, BoundingBox additional, BoundingBox result)
          Creates the smallest BoundingBox that contains the two specified BoundingBox instances.
 boolean BoundingBox.Equals(BoundingBox other)
          Determines whether two instances of BoundingBox are equal.
 java.lang.Float Ray.Intersects(BoundingBox box)
          Checks whether the Ray intersects a specified BoundingBox.
 PlaneIntersectionType Plane.Intersects(BoundingBox box)
          Checks whether the current Plane intersects a specified BoundingBox.
 boolean BoundingSphere.Intersects(BoundingBox box)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects with a specified BoundingBox.
 boolean BoundingBox.Intersects(BoundingBox box)
          Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects another BoundingBox.
 void BoundingSphere.Intersects(BoundingBox box, boolean result)
          Checks whether the current BoundingSphere intersects a BoundingBox.
 void BoundingBox.Intersects(BoundingBox box, boolean result)
          Checks whether the current BoundingBox intersects another BoundingBox.
 void Ray.Intersects(BoundingBox box, java.lang.Float result)
          Checks whether the current Ray intersects a BoundingBox.
 void Plane.Intersects(BoundingBox box, PlaneIntersectionType result)
          Checks whether the current Plane intersects a BoundingBox.