Speedy Eggbert 2 Source Code Decomp
This is decompiled source code of Speedy Eggbert 2.
This repository is based on the following works:
- https://github.com/jummy0/sb2-decomp
- https://github.com/HMVocaloid/Speedy-Eggbert-2-Source-Code-Decomp
As of now (5/17/24), there hasn't been any source code found for SE2. So we are using the released (original) source code from Planet Blupi to compare code and help us with the proccess.
Used technologies
- C++
- DirectX 3
Clone with git
Init and update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update
How to setup the development environment locally
Install "Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017"
- This (IDE) will be changed in the future
Install v140 toolset for desktop
Open the Project
Click on "Speedy Eggbert 2 Source.sln" and select Open with "Microsoft Visual Studio 2017"
Set the Platform to x86 and debugging to Win32.
Set "Additional Options"
Properties / Configuration Properties / C/C++ / Command Line / Additional Options
Add : /wd4700 /wd4703
Click with the right mouse button on "Speedy Eggbert 2 Source.sln"
- launch Build/Build Speedy Eggbert 2 Source.sln
Current status
CPP File | Progress |
blupi.cpp | 99% complete |
button.cpp | 100% complete |
decor.cpp | 80% complete |
event.cpp | 70% complete |
menu.cpp | 100% complete |
misc.cpp | 100% complete |
movie.cpp | 100% complete |
network.cpp | 100% complete |
pixmap.cpp | 99% complete |
sound.cpp | 100% complete |
text.cpp | 100% complete |
wave.cpp | 100% complete |
Credit to jummy over at the Blupi Games Fan Server for doing the decompilation work on the game.
- Migration from DirectX 3 to SDL2
- Migration from Visual Studio 2017 to another IDE
- Making it crossplatform