When trying to begin downloading from a remote host, we may get a
`RemoteDisconnected` exception if it returns no data. We already handle
that. We may also get `BadStatusLine` in case the response HTTP status
is not fine.
We should also add these cases in bad hosts cache.
A common error is to connect to the remote server successfully but raise a
`http_client.RemoteDisconnected` exception when trying to begin
downloading. Its caused by call `prox_rec_res.begin(...)` which calls
`http_client._read_status()`. In that case, we also add the target
`hostname:port` to the `bad_hostnames_ports` cache.
Modify 2 unit tests to clear the `bad_hostnames_ports` cache because
localhost is added from previous tests and this breaks them.
Do not add entries to bad_hostnames_ports during connection running if
an exception occurs. Do it only on connection init because for some
unclear reason unit tests fail in that case.
If connection to a hostname:port fails, add it to a `TTLCache` with
60 sec expiration time. Subsequent requests to the same hostname:port
return really quickly as we check the cache and avoid trying a new
network connection.
The short expiration time guarantees that if a host becomes OK again,
we'll be able to connect to it quickly.
Adding `cachetools` dependency was necessary as there isn't any other
way to have an expiring in-memory cache using stdlib. The library
doesn't have any other dependencies, it has good test coverage and seems
maintained. It also supports Python 3.7.
In addition to checking for scheme='http', we should also check that
netloc has a value. There are many meaningless URLs that pass the
current check. For instance:
In [5]: urlparse("http://")
Out[5]: ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='', params='',
query='', fragment='')
In [6]: urlparse("http:///")
Out[6]: ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='/', params='',
query='', fragment='')
netloc should always have a value.
In python2/3, urllib parse caches in memory URL parsing results to
avoid repeating the process for the same URL. The problem is that the
default in memory cache size is just 20.
Since we do a lot of URL parsing, it makes sense to increase cache size.
`http.client` has an arbitrary limit of MAXHEADERS=100. If a target URL
has more it raises an HTTPException and the request fails. (The target
pages are perfectly fine besides having more than 100 headers).
We increase this limit to 7000. We currently use this in production WBM.
We bumped into the same issue trying to replay pages with too many
HTTP headers. We increased the limit progressively from 100 to 500, 1000
etc and we found that 7000 is a good place to stop.
New option `--logging-conf-file` to load `logging` conf from a JSON
Prefer JSON over the `configparser` format supported by
`logging.config.fileConfig` because JSON format is much better (nesting
is supported) and its easier to detect errors.
Add option `--cdxserver-dedup-lru-cache-size=N` (default None) to enable
in-memory caching of CDX dedup requests using stdlib `lru_cache` method.
Cache memory info is available on `INFO` logging outputs like:
CacheInfo(hits=3172, misses=3293, maxsize=1024, currsize=1024)
`CdxServerDedupLoader` used `max_workers=400` by default.
We make it a CLI option `--cdxserver-dedup-max-threads` with a default
value of 400.
We need to be able to tweak this setting because it creates too many CDX
queries which cause problems with our production CDX servers.
New API to allow some code from outside of warcprox proper (in a
third-party plugin for example) can close open warcs promptly when it
knows they are finished.
We started getting some WARC-Dates like this:
> WARC-Date: 2018-11-04T06:34:35+00:00Z
but only rarely. The warctools library function we were using to format
the timestamps looks like this:
def warc_datetime_str(d):
s = d.isoformat()
if '.' in s:
s = s[:s.find('.')]
return (s + 'Z').encode('utf-8')
isoformat() adds a timestamp like "+00:00" if the datetime has a
timezone. And it turns out that `isoformat()` leaves off the fractional
part if it's zero. In that case we don't get inside the if statement
there and don't chop off the timestamp.
Theoretically this case should only happen once in every million
records, but in practice we are seeing it more often than that (maybe in
the ballpark of 1/1000). It could be that there's a codepath that
produces a timestamp with no microsecond part but I'm not seeing that in
the warcprox code.
In any case, this is the fix.
... status json populates rethinkdb service registry when that is
enabled, and rethinkdb insists on timezones on dates, and it doesn't
cause any problems