mirror of https://github.com/jummy0/sb2-decomp synced 2025-03-14 20:23:30 +01:00
2024-11-30 20:11:05 -06:00

646 lines
16 KiB

// Decor.h
#ifndef DECOR_H
#define DECOR_H
#include "DEF.H"
#include "jauge.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "pixmap.h"
#include "network.h"
#define MAXQUART 441
#define SCROLL_SPEED 8
#define SCROLL_MARGX 80
#define SCROLL_MARGY 40
#define BLUPIFLOOR 2
#define BLUPISURF 12
#define OVERHEIGHT 80
#define TEXTDELAY 10 // tooltip popup delay
#define NOTIFDELAY 200
typedef struct
short icon;
typedef struct
short type;
short stepAdvance;
short stepRecede;
short timeStopStart;
short timeStopEnd;
short unknown1;
POINT posStart;
POINT posEnd;
POINT posCurrent;
short step;
short time;
short phase;
short channel;
short icon;
short unknown2;
typedef struct
char type;
char data1;
short data2;
short data3;
short data4;
typedef struct
char size;
char type;
short keyPress;
int time;
short blupiPosX;
short blupiPosY;
short blupiIcon;
short blupiSec;
char blupiChannel;
char blupiTransport;
char unk12;
char nbMessages;
typedef struct
short majRev;
short minRev;
short reserve1[100];
POINT posDecor;
POINT dimDecor;
short world;
short music;
short region;
short reserve2[51];
POINT blupiPos[4];
int blupiDir[4];
char name[100];
short reserve3[196];
typedef struct
int lg;
int majRev;
int minRev;
int reserve1[50];
short decor[100][100];
short bigDecor[100][100];
char balleTraj[100][13];
char moveTraj[100][13];
MoveObject moveObject[200];
int reserve2[50];
POINT posDecor;
POINT dimDecor;
int phase;
int term;
int music;
int region;
int time;
char missionTitle[100];
int reserve3[50];
int nbRankCaisse;
int rankCaisse[200];
int nbLinkCaisse;
int linkCaisse[200];
int reserve4[50];
POINT blupiPos;
POINT blupiValidPos;
int blupiAction;
int blupiDir;
int blupiPhase;
POINT blupiVitesse;
int blupiIcon;
int blupiSec;
int blupiChannel;
POINT blupiVector;
int blupiTransport;
BOOL blupiFocus;
BOOL blupiAir;
BOOL blupiHelico;
BOOL blupiJeep;
BOOL blupiTank;
BOOL blupiSkate;
BOOL blupiNage;
BOOL blupiSurf;
BOOL blupiVent;
BOOL blupiSuspend;
BOOL blupiJumpAie;
BOOL blupiShield;
BOOL blupiPower;
BOOL blupiCloud;
BOOL blupiHide;
POINT blupiPosHelico;
POINT blupiPosMagic;
BOOL blupiRestart;
BOOL blupiFront;
int blupiBullet;
int blupiCle;
int blupiPerso;
int blupiNoBarre;
int blupiTimeShield;
int blupiTimeFire;
int blupiTimeOuf;
int blupiActionOuf;
int blupiFifoNb;
BOOL blupiInvert;
BOOL blupiBalloon;
BOOL blupiOver;
BOOL blupiEcrase;
int blupiTimeNoAsc;
int blupiDynamite;
int reserve5[41];
POINT blupiStartPos[4];
int blupiStartDir[4];
int reserve6[50];
BOOL jaugeHide[2];
BOOL jaugeType[2];
BOOL jaugeLevel[2];
int blupiLevel;
int energyUnused;
int reserve7[50];
BOOL bHelicoMarch;
BOOL bHelicoStop;
BOOL bJeepMarch;
BOOL bJeepStop;
int reserve8[50];
BOOL bFoundCle;
BOOL bPrivate;
BOOL bCheatDoors;
BOOL bSuperBlupi;
BOOL bDrawSecret;
BOOL bJoystick;
int idklol;
int mission;
char doors[200];
int nbVies;
int nbTresor;
int totalTresor;
int goalPhase;
int reserve9[50];
int d8f8;
POINT scrollPoint;
POINT scrollAdd;
int reserve10[50];
int voyageIcon;
int voyageChannel;
int voyagePhase;
int voyageTotal;
POINT voyageStart;
POINT voyageEnd;
int reserve11[50];
int decorAction;
int decorPhase;
int reserve12[50];
class CDecor
// Decor.cpp
void Create(HWND hWnd, CSound *pSound, CPixmap *pPixmap,
CNetwork *pNetwork);
BOOL LoadImages();
void InitGamer();
void InitDecor();
void SetTime(int time);
int GetTime();
void PlayPrepare(BOOL bTest);
void BuildPrepare();
int IsTerminated();
void MoveStep();
int GetBlupiChannelStandard();
int GetBlupiChannelActual();
int GetIconPerso();
void Build(RECT rect);
void DrawInfo();
POINT DecorNextAction();
void SetInput(int keys);
void SetJoystickEnable(BOOL bJoystick);
void SetDemoPlay(BOOL param_1);
void PlaySound(int sound, POINT pos, BOOL bLocal);
void PlaySound(int sound, POINT pos); // hack
void StopSound(int sound);
void AdaptMotorVehicleSound(POINT pos);
void VehicleSoundsPhase(int phase);
int GetRegion();
void SetRegion(int region);
int GetMusic();
void SetMusic(int music);
POINT GetDim();
void SetDim(POINT dim);
int GetNbVies();
void SetNbVies(int nbVies);
BOOL GetPause();
void SetPause(BOOL bPause);
void InitializeDoors(BYTE *doors);
void MemorizeDoors(BYTE* doors);
void SetAllMissions(BOOL bAllMissions);
void CheatAction(int cheat);
BOOL GetSuperBlupi();
void SetSuperBlupi(BOOL bSuperBlupi);
BOOL GetDrawSecret();
void SetDrawSecret(BOOL bDrawSecret);
void SetBuildOfficialMissions(BOOL bBuildOfficialMissions);
BOOL GetNetPacked();
void SetNetPacked(BOOL bNetPacked);
BOOL GetNetMovePredict();
void SetNetMovePredict(BOOL bNetMovePredict);
BOOL GetNetDebug();
void SetNetDebug(BOOL bNetDebug);
void OutputNetDebug(char* text);
void SetMulti(BOOL bMulti);
void SetTeam(int team);
POINT VoyageGetPosVie(int nbVies);
void VoyageInit(POINT start, POINT end, int icon, int channel);
void VoyageStep();
void VoyageDraw();
BOOL DrawMap(BOOL bPlay, int team);
// DecBlock.cpp
BOOL BlitzActif(POINT cel);
int SoundEnviron(int sound, int obstacle);
int IsWorld(POINT pos);
void ActiveSwitch(BOOL bState, POINT cel);
int GetTypeBarre(POINT pos);
BOOL IsLave(POINT pos);
BOOL IsPiege(POINT pos);
BOOL IsGoutte(POINT pos, BOOL bAlways);
BOOL IsScie(POINT pos);
BOOL IsSwitch(POINT pos, POINT *outCelSwitch);
BOOL IsEcraseur(POINT pos);
BOOL IsBlitz(POINT pos, BOOL bAlways);
BOOL IsRessort(POINT pos);
BOOL IsTemp(POINT pos);
BOOL IsBridge(POINT pos, POINT *outCelBridge);
int IsDoor(POINT pos, POINT *outCelPorte);
int IsTeleporte(POINT pos);
BOOL SearchTeleporte(POINT pos, POINT *newpos);
BOOL IsSurfWater(POINT pos);
BOOL IsDeepWater(POINT pos);
BOOL IsOutWater(POINT pos);
BOOL IsPassIcon(int icon);
BOOL IsBlocIcon(int icon);
BOOL IsVentillo(POINT pos);
void ModifDecor(POINT pos, int icon, BOOL bMulti=TRUE);
BOOL IsRightBorder(POINT cel, POINT offset);
BOOL IsFromage(POINT cel);
BOOL IsGrotte(POINT cel);
void AdaptMidBorder(POINT cel);
void AdaptBorder(POINT cel);
// DecDesign.cpp
POINT ScreenPosToCelPos(POINT pos);
void SetCelPosFromScreenPos(POINT pos);
void SetFieldCC38AndStuff(int _foo, int _bar);
void DeleteCel(POINT cel);
void PlaceMenuItem(short *pCel, int *pTable, int lastIndex, BYTE flags, int currentIcon, BOOL bRand);
void PlaceItemFromMenu1(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu2(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu3(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu4(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu5(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu6(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu7(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu8(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu9(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
void PlaceItemFromMenu10(POINT cel, int index, BYTE flags, int currentIcon);
char* GetMissionTitle();
void SetMissionTitle(char *str);
// DecBlupi.cpp
void BlupiSearchIcon();
BOOL BlupiIsGround();
RECT BlupiRect(POINT pos);
void BlupiAdjust();
BOOL BlupiBloque(POINT pos, int dir);
void BlupiStep();
void BlupiDead(int action, int action2);
POINT GetPosDecor(POINT pos);
void BlupiAddFifo(POINT pos);
BOOL DecorDetect(RECT rect, BOOL bCaisse=TRUE);
void GetBlupiInfo(BOOL *pbHelico, BOOL *pbJeep, BOOL *pbSkate,
BOOL *pbNage);
// DecMove.cpp
BOOL TestPath(RECT rect, POINT start, POINT *end);
void MoveObjectPollution();
void MoveObjectPlouf(POINT pos);
void MoveObjectTiplouf(POINT pos);
void MoveObjectBlup(POINT pos);
void FlushBalleTraj();
void SetBalleTraj(POINT pos);
BOOL IsBalleTraj(POINT pos);
void FlushMoveTraj();
void SetMoveTraj(POINT pos);
BOOL IsMoveTraj(POINT pos);
int SearchDistRight(POINT pos, POINT dir, int type);
void StartSploutchGlu(POINT pos);
BOOL ObjectStart(POINT pos, int type, int speed);
BOOL ObjectStart(POINT pos, int type, int speed, BOOL bMulti);
BOOL ObjectDelete(POINT pos, int type, BOOL bMulti = TRUE);
void MoveObjectStep();
void MoveObjectStepLine(int i);
void MoveObjectStepIcon(int i);
void DynamiteStart(int i, int dx, int dy);
int AscenseurDetect(RECT rect, POINT oldpos, POINT newpos);
void AscenseurVertigo(int i, BOOL *pbVertigoLeft, BOOL *pbVertigoRight);
BOOL AscenseurShift(int i);
void AscenseurSynchro(int i);
void UpdateCaisse();
BOOL TestPushCaisse(int i, POINT pos, BOOL bPop);
BOOL TestPushOneCaisse(int i, POINT move, int b);
void SearchLinkCaisse(int rank, BOOL bPop);
BOOL AddLinkCaisse(int rank);
int CaisseInFront();
int CaisseGetMove(int max);
BOOL MockeryDetect(POINT pos);
BOOL BlupiElectro(POINT pos);
void MoveObjectFollow(POINT pos);
int MoveObjectDetect(POINT pos, BOOL *pbNear);
int MoveAscenseurDetect(POINT pos, int height);
int MoveChargeDetect(POINT pos);
int MovePersoDetect(POINT pos);
int MoveBalleDetect(POINT pos);
int MoveObjectDelete(POINT pos);
int MoveObjectFree();
int SortGetType(int type);
void MoveObjectSort();
void MoveObjectPriority(int i);
int MoveObjectSearch(POINT pos, int type);
// DecNet.cpp
void NetStopCloud(int rank);
void NetPlaySound(short channel, POINT pos);
void NetStopSound(short channel);
void NetDataFlush();
void NetSendBarePacket(BYTE _foo, short _bar);
void TreatNetData();
void DoNetSmooth(int player);
void NetAdjustToLift();
void NetAscenseurSynchro(int rank, short step);
void NetPlayerCollide(POINT pos, int *out);
void NetMessageIndexFlush();
BOOL NetMessagePush(NetMessage *message);
BOOL NetMessagePop(NetMessage *message);
void NotifFlush();
void NotifPop();
void NotifPush(char *str);
void NotifStep();
// DecIO.cpp
void GetMissionPath(char *out, int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser);
BOOL Write(int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser);
BOOL Read(int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser);
BOOL SomethingMissionPath(int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser);
BOOL CurrentWrite(int gamer, int mission, BOOL bUser=FALSE);
BOOL CurrentRead(int gamer, int mission, BOOL *pbMission, BOOL *pbPrivate);
BOOL MissionStart(int gamer, int mission, char* param3);
BOOL SearchWorld(int world, POINT *cel, POINT *newBlupiPos);
BOOL SearchDoor(int n, POINT *cel);
void AdaptDoors(BOOL bPrivate, int mission);
void OpenDoorsTresor();
void OpenDoor(POINT cel);
void OpenDoorsWin();
void OpenGoldsWin();
void DoorsLost();
BOOL DeleteMission(int user, int mission, BOOL bUser);
inline BOOL IsValidCel(POINT cel);
inline void MoveObjectCopy(MoveObject *src, MoveObject *dest);
inline void StopVehicleSound();
inline BOOL IsDeadAction(int action);
inline void StopBlupi(BOOL bFocus = FALSE);
inline BOOL IsBlupiVehicle();
inline BOOL IsBlupiMotorVehicle();
inline BOOL IsBlupiStanding();
HWND m_hWnd;
CSound* m_pSound;
CPixmap* m_pPixmap;
CNetwork* m_pNetwork;
Cellule m_decor[MAXCELX][MAXCELY];
Cellule m_bigDecor[MAXCELX][MAXCELY];
byte m_balleTraj[MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 8 + 1];
byte m_moveTraj[MAXCELX * MAXCELY / 8 + 1];
MoveObject m_moveObject[MAXMOVEOBJECT];
int m_keyPress;
int m_lastKeyPress;
POINT m_posDecor;
POINT m_dimDecor;
POINT m_posCelHili;
POINT m_dimCelHili;
int m_2ndPositionCalculationSlot;
int m_phase;
int m_term;
int m_music;
int m_region;
int m_lastRegion;
int m_iconLift;
int m_time;
char m_missionTitle[100];
BOOL m_bPause;
int m_nbRankCaisse;
int m_rankCaisse[MAXMOVEOBJECT];
int m_nbLinkCaisse;
int m_linkCaisse[MAXMOVEOBJECT];
POINT m_blupiPos;
POINT m_blupiValidPos;
int m_blupiAction;
int m_blupiDir;
int m_blupiPhase;
POINT m_blupiVitesse;
int m_blupiIcon;
int m_blupiSec;
int m_blupiChannel;
POINT m_blupiVector;
int m_blupiTransport;
BOOL m_blupiFocus;
BOOL m_blupiAir;
BOOL m_blupiHelico;
BOOL m_blupiOver;
BOOL m_blupiJeep;
BOOL m_blupiTank;
BOOL m_blupiSkate;
BOOL m_blupiNage;
BOOL m_blupiSurf;
BOOL m_blupiVent;
BOOL m_blupiSuspend;
BOOL m_blupiJumpAie;
BOOL m_blupiShield;
BOOL m_blupiPower;
BOOL m_blupiCloud;
BOOL m_blupiHide;
BOOL m_blupiInvert;
BOOL m_blupiBalloon;
BOOL m_blupiEcrase;
POINT m_blupiPosHelico;
POINT m_blupiPosMagic;
BOOL m_blupiRestart;
BOOL m_blupiFront;
int m_blupiBullet;
int m_blupiCle;
int m_blupiPerso;
int m_blupiDynamite;
int m_blupiNoBarre;
int m_blupiTimeShield;
int m_blupiTimeFire;
int m_blupiTimeNoAsc;
int m_blupiTimeMockery;
int m_blupiTimeOuf;
int m_blupiActionOuf;
int m_blupiFifoNb;
POINT m_blupiFifoPos[10];
POINT m_blupiStartPos[4];
int m_blupiStartDir[4];
BOOL m_bMulti;
int m_team;
int m_netPacketsSent;
int m_netPacketsSent2;
int m_netPacketsReceived;
int m_netPacketsReceived2;
int m_netBlupiIcon[MAXNETPLAYER];
int m_netBlupiSec[MAXNETPLAYER];
int m_netBlupiTransport[MAXNETPLAYER];
int m_netTransports[MAXNETPLAYER]; // index of lift ridden by each player, or -1
int m_netTimes[MAXNETPLAYER];
int m_netPrevTimes[MAXNETPLAYER];
int m_netTimeSincePacket[MAXNETPLAYER];
POINT m_netPacketPos;
int m_netPacketIcon;
NetMessage m_netMessages[MAXNETMESSAGE];
int m_netMessageIndex1;
int m_netMessageIndex2;
int m_netMessageIndex3;
char m_notifText[MAXNOTIF][100];
int m_notifTime;
CJauge m_jauges[2];
int m_blupiLevel;
int m_blupiEnergyUnused;
BOOL m_bHelicoMarch;
BOOL m_bHelicoStop;
BOOL m_bJeepMarch;
BOOL m_bJeepStop;
BOOL m_bFoundCle;
BOOL m_bPrivate;
BOOL m_bCheatDoors; // opendoors
BOOL m_bSuperBlupi; // megablupi
BOOL m_bDrawSecret; // showsecret
BOOL m_bBuildOfficialMissions; // xmission/xnjttjpo
BOOL m_bNetPacked; // netpacked
BOOL m_bNetMovePredict; // ynosmooth
BOOL m_bNetDebug; // znetdebug
BOOL m_bJoystick;
int m_bDemoPlay;
int m_mission;
BYTE m_doors[200];
int m_nbVies;
int m_nbTresor;
int m_totalTresor;
int m_goalPhase;
int m_detectIcon;
int m_D8F8;
POINT m_scrollPoint;
POINT m_scrollAdd;
int m_voyageIcon;
int m_voyageChannel;
int m_voyagePhase;
int m_voyageTotal;
POINT m_voyageStart;
POINT m_voyageEnd;
int m_decorAction;
int m_decorPhase;
int m_lastDecorIndexes[200];
int reserve[11];
BYTE dummy[100000];
POINT GetCel(int x, int y);
POINT GetCel(POINT cel, int x, int y);
POINT GetVector(int direct);
inline BOOL CDecor::IsValidCel(POINT cel)
return cel.x >= 0 && cel.x < MAXCELX && cel.y >= 0 && cel.y < MAXCELY;
inline void CDecor::MoveObjectCopy(MoveObject *dest, MoveObject *src)
memcpy(dest, src, sizeof(dest));
inline void CDecor::StopVehicleSound()
inline BOOL CDecor::IsDeadAction(int action)
return action == ACTION_CLEAR1 || (action >= ACTION_CLEAR2 && action <= ACTION_CLEAR8);
inline void CDecor::StopBlupi(BOOL bSetFocus)
m_blupiAction = ACTION_STOP;
m_blupiPhase = 0;
if (bSetFocus) m_blupiFocus = TRUE;
inline BOOL CDecor::IsBlupiVehicle()
return IsBlupiMotorVehicle() || m_blupiSkate;
inline BOOL CDecor::IsBlupiMotorVehicle()
return m_blupiHelico || m_blupiOver || m_blupiJeep || m_blupiTank;
inline BOOL CDecor::IsBlupiStanding()
return !(m_blupiAction == ACTION_TURN ||
m_blupiAction == ACTION_JUMP ||
m_blupiAction == ACTION_AIR ||
m_blupiAction == ACTION_VERTIGO ||
m_blupiAction == ACTION_ADVANCE ||
m_blupiAction == ACTION_RECEDE) &&
!IsBlupiVehicle() &&
!(m_blupiAir || m_blupiBalloon || m_blupiEcrase ||
m_blupiNage || m_blupiSurf || m_blupiSuspend);