- extended ContentImporter to provide OutputType of imported content - provided a list of available ContentProcessors in current context PlatformSystems are no longer AddIns. This doesn't mean, that you can't load them dynamically. The handling is just different. There's only a single PlatformSystem available for each platform ANX runs on. This one is auto loaded. If it doesn't exist the game doesn't run. The reason for this is, that we will move the AddIn system from ANX.Framework to the specialized PlatformSystem. This is necessary because we want ANX.Framework to become platform independent. The AddIn system is different for some platforms (Android, iOS, Windows 8 Metro) and needs to be specialized. On the other hand we are able to simplify the AddIn system when moving it to the PlatformSystem because we don't need a big AddIn system supporting all platforms with much conditional compiling. THIS COMMIT DOES BREAK SOME FUNCTIONALITY. METRO DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE, AS IT IS NOT TESTED. DON'T USE THIS COMMIT IF YOU ARE NO ANX.FRAMEWORK DEVELOPER. We will catch up soon with a tested and working version.
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254 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.PlatformSystem;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Reflection;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.NonXNA
public class AddInSystemFactory
#region Constants
internal static readonly Type[] ValidAddInCreators =
#region Private
private Dictionary<string, ICreator> creators;
private static AddInSystemFactory instance;
private bool initialized;
private Dictionary<AddInType, AddInTypeCollection> addInSystems;
#region Public
public static AddInSystemFactory Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new AddInSystemFactory();
Logger.Info("Created AddInSystemFactory instance");
return instance;
#region Constructor
private AddInSystemFactory()
creators = new Dictionary<string, ICreator>();
addInSystems = new Dictionary<AddInType, AddInTypeCollection>();
foreach (AddInType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AddInType)))
addInSystems.Add(type, new AddInTypeCollection());
#region Initialize
public void Initialize()
if (initialized)
initialized = true;
Logger.Info("[ANX] Initializing ANX.Framework AddInSystemFactory...");
#region CreateAllAddIns
private void CreateAllAddIns()
foreach (Type creatorType in AssemblyLoader.CreatorTypes)
Type matchingSupportedPlatformsType = FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByNamespace(creatorType);
if (matchingSupportedPlatformsType == null)
matchingSupportedPlatformsType = FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByAssembly(creatorType);
AddIn addin = new AddIn(creatorType, matchingSupportedPlatformsType);
if (addin.IsSupported)
Logger.Info("[ANX] successfully loaded AddIn (" + addin.Type + ") " + creatorType.FullName + ".");
Logger.Info("[ANX] skipped loading file because it is not supported or not a valid AddIn.");
#region FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByNamespace
private Type FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByNamespace(Type creatorType)
foreach (Type spType in AssemblyLoader.SupportedPlatformsTypes)
if (spType.Namespace == creatorType.Namespace)
return spType;
return null;
#region FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByAssembly
private Type FindSupportedPlatformsTypeByAssembly(Type creatorType)
foreach (Type spType in AssemblyLoader.SupportedPlatformsTypes)
if (TypeHelper.GetAssemblyFrom(spType) == TypeHelper.GetAssemblyFrom(creatorType))
return spType;
return null;
#region AddCreator
internal void AddCreator(ICreator creator)
string creatorName = creator.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (creators.ContainsKey(creatorName))
throw new Exception("Duplicate creator found. A creator with the name '" + creator.Name +
"' was already registered.");
creators.Add(creatorName, creator);
Logger.Info("added creator '{0}'. Total count of registered creators is now {1}.", creatorName, creators.Count);
#region HasFramework
public bool HasFramework(string name)
return creators.ContainsKey(name.ToLowerInvariant());
#region GetCreator
public T GetCreator<T>(string name) where T : class, ICreator
if (creators.ContainsKey(name.ToLowerInvariant()))
return creators[name.ToLowerInvariant()] as T;
return null;
#region GetCreators
public IEnumerable<T> GetCreators<T>() where T : class, ICreator
foreach (ICreator creator in creators.Values)
Type[] interfaces = TypeHelper.GetInterfacesFrom(creator.GetType());
foreach (Type t in interfaces)
if (t.Name.Equals(typeof(T).Name))
yield return creator as T;
#region GetAvailableCreators
public IEnumerable<T> GetAvailableCreators<T>() where T : class, ICreator
AddInType type = GetAddInType(typeof(T));
if (type != AddInType.Unknown)
AddInTypeCollection addIns = addInSystems[type];
foreach (AddIn addIn in addIns)
T instance = addIn.Instance as T;
if (instance != null && instance.IsSupported)
yield return instance;
throw new Exception("couldn't resolve AddInType of '" + typeof(T).FullName + "'");
#region GetDefaultCreator
public T GetDefaultCreator<T>() where T : class, ICreator
AddInType addInType = GetAddInType(typeof(T));
return addInSystems[addInType].GetDefaultCreator<T>(addInType);
#region SortAddIns
public void SortAddIns()
foreach (AddInTypeCollection info in addInSystems.Values)
creators = creators.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Priority).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
#region GetPreferredSystem
public string GetPreferredSystem(AddInType addInType)
return addInSystems[addInType].PreferredName;
#region SetPreferredSystem
public void SetPreferredSystem(AddInType addInType, string preferredName)
if (addInSystems[addInType].PreferredLocked)
throw new AddInLoadingException(String.Format("Can't set preferred {0} because a {0} is alread in use.", addInType));
addInSystems[addInType].PreferredName = preferredName;
#region PreventSystemChange
public void PreventSystemChange(AddInType addInType)
#region GetAddInType
internal static AddInType GetAddInType(Type t)
foreach (Type creatorType in ValidAddInCreators)
if (TypeHelper.IsTypeAssignableFrom(creatorType, t))
string addInTypeName = creatorType.Name.Substring(1, creatorType.Name.Length - 8);
return (AddInType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AddInType), addInTypeName);
return AddInType.Unknown;