Konstantin Koch 8287c54432 Included the Visual Studio extension and made the necessary changes to make it run.
Replaced the old VS templates with ones that offer more flexiblity.
Started replacing the Content Project for the samples with our custom project type.
Inlcuded a basic not yet working AssimpImporter.
2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00

232 lines
9.5 KiB

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics;
using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers;
using System.Diagnostics;
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public abstract class BitmapContent : ContentItem
public BitmapContent()
protected BitmapContent(int width, int height)
if (width <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width must be bigger than 0.");
if (height <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height must be bigger than 0.");
Width = width;
Height = height;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the height of the bitmap.
/// </summary>
public int Height
private set;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the width of the bitmap.
/// </summary>
public int Width
private set;
/// <summary>
/// Copies the content from <paramref name="sourceBitmap"/> onto <paramref name="destinationBitmap"/> by using <see cref="TryCopyTo"/> and <see cref="TryCopyFrom"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceBitmap">The source bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
/// <param name="destinationBitmap">The destination bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
public static void Copy(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, BitmapContent destinationBitmap)
if (sourceBitmap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceBitmap");
if (destinationBitmap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationBitmap");
Copy(sourceBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceBitmap.Width, sourceBitmap.Height), destinationBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, destinationBitmap.Width, destinationBitmap.Height));
/// <summary>
/// Copies a region of <paramref name="sourceBitmap"/> onto a region of <paramref name="destinationBitmap"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceBitmap"The source bitmap of the copy operation.></param>
/// <param name="sourceRegion"></param>
/// <param name="destinationBitmap">The destination bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
/// <param name="destinationRegion"></param>
public static void Copy(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, BitmapContent destinationBitmap, Rectangle destinationRegion)
ValidateCopyArguments(sourceBitmap, sourceRegion, destinationBitmap, destinationRegion);
if (sourceBitmap.TryCopyTo(destinationBitmap, sourceRegion, destinationRegion))
if (destinationBitmap.TryCopyFrom(sourceBitmap, sourceRegion, destinationRegion))
private static void ValidateConvertArguments(BitmapContent source, Type newType)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
if (newType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("newBitmapType");
if (!newType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BitmapContent)))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The wanted bitmap type {0} does not inherit from {1}.", newType.FullName, typeof(BitmapContent).FullName));
if (newType.IsAbstract)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must not be abstract.", newType.FullName));
if (newType.ContainsGenericParameters)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must not contain unset generic parameters.", newType.FullName));
if (newType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }) == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must contain a public constructor that accepts width and height.", newType.FullName));
public static BitmapContent Convert(BitmapContent source, Type newType)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
return Convert(source, newType, source.Width, source.Height);
public static T Convert<T>(BitmapContent source) where T : BitmapContent
return (T)Convert(source, typeof(T));
public static BitmapContent Convert(BitmapContent source, Type newType, int newWidth, int newHeight)
ValidateConvertArguments(source, newType);
if (source.GetType() != newType)
BitmapContent newBitmap = (BitmapContent)Activator.CreateInstance(newType, newWidth, newHeight);
BitmapContent.Copy(source, newBitmap);
return newBitmap;
return source;
public static T Convert<T>(BitmapContent source, int newWidth, int newHeight) where T : BitmapContent
return (T)Convert(source, typeof(T), newWidth, newHeight);
public abstract byte[] GetPixelData();
public abstract void SetPixelData(byte[] sourceData);
public abstract bool TryGetFormat(out SurfaceFormat format);
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}, {1}x{2}", GetType().Name, this.Width, this.Height);
protected abstract bool TryCopyFrom(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle destinationRegion);
protected abstract bool TryCopyTo(BitmapContent destinationBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, Rectangle destinationRegion);
protected static void ValidateCopyArguments(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, BitmapContent destinationBitmap, Rectangle destinationRegion)
if (sourceBitmap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceBitmap");
if (destinationBitmap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationBitmap");
// Make sure regions are within the bounds of the bitmaps
if (sourceRegion.X < 0 || sourceRegion.Y < 0 || sourceRegion.Width <= 0 || sourceRegion.Height <= 0 ||
sourceRegion.Right > sourceBitmap.Width || sourceRegion.Bottom > sourceBitmap.Height)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceRegion");
if (destinationRegion.X < 0 || destinationRegion.Y < 0 || destinationRegion.Width <= 0 || destinationRegion.Height <= 0 ||
destinationRegion.Right > destinationBitmap.Width || destinationRegion.Bottom > destinationBitmap.Height)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("destinationRegion");
private void ValidateTextureSize(SurfaceFormat format, ref int width, ref int height)
switch (format)
case SurfaceFormat.Dxt1:
case SurfaceFormat.Dxt3:
case SurfaceFormat.Dxt5:
width = MathHelper.Multiple(width, 4);
height = MathHelper.Multiple(height, 4);
protected static bool Draw(BitmapContent sourceBitmap, Rectangle sourceRegion, BitmapContent destinationBitmap, Rectangle destinationRegion, TextureFilter filter)
var pixelSource = BitmapContent.Convert<PixelBitmapContent<Color>>(sourceBitmap);
var pixelDestination = BitmapContent.Convert<PixelBitmapContent<Color>>(destinationBitmap);
if (pixelSource == null || pixelDestination == null)
return false;
using (Texture2D sourceTexture = new Texture2D(GraphicsHelper.ReferenceDevice, pixelSource.Width, pixelSource.Height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color))
using (RenderTarget2D destinationTexture = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsHelper.ReferenceDevice, pixelDestination.Width, pixelDestination.Height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None))
byte[] sourceData = pixelSource.GetPixelData();
byte[] destinationData = pixelDestination.GetPixelData();
GraphicsHelper.DrawQuad(GraphicsHelper.ReferenceDevice, sourceTexture, sourceRegion, destinationTexture, destinationRegion, filter);
BitmapContent.Copy(pixelSource, sourceBitmap);
BitmapContent.Copy(pixelDestination, destinationBitmap);
return true;