2012-08-16 12:04:46 +00:00
#region Using Statements
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using ANX.Framework.Graphics ;
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using ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Helpers ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
2012-08-16 12:04:46 +00:00
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the
// "ANX.Framework developer group" and released under the Ms-PL license.
// For details see: http://anxframework.codeplex.com/license
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
public abstract class BitmapContent : ContentItem
public BitmapContent ( )
protected BitmapContent ( int width , int height )
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if ( width < = 0 )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "width must be bigger than 0." ) ;
if ( height < = 0 )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "height must be bigger than 0." ) ;
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Width = width ;
Height = height ;
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/// <summary>
/// Returns the height of the bitmap.
/// </summary>
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public int Height
get ;
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private set ;
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2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Returns the width of the bitmap.
/// </summary>
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public int Width
get ;
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private set ;
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2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Copies the content from <paramref name="sourceBitmap"/> onto <paramref name="destinationBitmap"/> by using <see cref="TryCopyTo"/> and <see cref="TryCopyFrom"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceBitmap">The source bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
/// <param name="destinationBitmap">The destination bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
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public static void Copy ( BitmapContent sourceBitmap , BitmapContent destinationBitmap )
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if ( sourceBitmap = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "sourceBitmap" ) ;
if ( destinationBitmap = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "destinationBitmap" ) ;
Copy ( sourceBitmap , new Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , sourceBitmap . Width , sourceBitmap . Height ) , destinationBitmap , new Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , destinationBitmap . Width , destinationBitmap . Height ) ) ;
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2015-04-08 14:50:03 +02:00
/// <summary>
/// Copies a region of <paramref name="sourceBitmap"/> onto a region of <paramref name="destinationBitmap"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceBitmap"The source bitmap of the copy operation.></param>
/// <param name="sourceRegion"></param>
/// <param name="destinationBitmap">The destination bitmap of the copy operation.</param>
/// <param name="destinationRegion"></param>
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public static void Copy ( BitmapContent sourceBitmap , Rectangle sourceRegion , BitmapContent destinationBitmap , Rectangle destinationRegion )
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ValidateCopyArguments ( sourceBitmap , sourceRegion , destinationBitmap , destinationRegion ) ;
if ( sourceBitmap . TryCopyTo ( destinationBitmap , sourceRegion , destinationRegion ) )
return ;
if ( destinationBitmap . TryCopyFrom ( sourceBitmap , sourceRegion , destinationRegion ) )
return ;
private static void ValidateConvertArguments ( BitmapContent source , Type newType )
if ( source = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "source" ) ;
if ( newType = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "newBitmapType" ) ;
if ( ! newType . IsSubclassOf ( typeof ( BitmapContent ) ) )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "The wanted bitmap type {0} does not inherit from {1}." , newType . FullName , typeof ( BitmapContent ) . FullName ) ) ;
if ( newType . IsAbstract )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must not be abstract." , newType . FullName ) ) ;
if ( newType . ContainsGenericParameters )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must not contain unset generic parameters." , newType . FullName ) ) ;
if ( newType . GetConstructor ( new Type [ ] { typeof ( int ) , typeof ( int ) } ) = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( string . Format ( "Can't construct a new instance of {0}. It must contain a public constructor that accepts width and height." , newType . FullName ) ) ;
public static BitmapContent Convert ( BitmapContent source , Type newType )
if ( source = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "source" ) ;
return Convert ( source , newType , source . Width , source . Height ) ;
public static T Convert < T > ( BitmapContent source ) where T : BitmapContent
return ( T ) Convert ( source , typeof ( T ) ) ;
public static BitmapContent Convert ( BitmapContent source , Type newType , int newWidth , int newHeight )
ValidateConvertArguments ( source , newType ) ;
if ( source . GetType ( ) ! = newType )
BitmapContent newBitmap = ( BitmapContent ) Activator . CreateInstance ( newType , newWidth , newHeight ) ;
BitmapContent . Copy ( source , newBitmap ) ;
return newBitmap ;
return source ;
public static T Convert < T > ( BitmapContent source , int newWidth , int newHeight ) where T : BitmapContent
return ( T ) Convert ( source , typeof ( T ) , newWidth , newHeight ) ;
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public abstract byte [ ] GetPixelData ( ) ;
public abstract void SetPixelData ( byte [ ] sourceData ) ;
public abstract bool TryGetFormat ( out SurfaceFormat format ) ;
public override string ToString ( )
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return string . Format ( "{0}, {1}x{2}" , GetType ( ) . Name , this . Width , this . Height ) ;
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protected abstract bool TryCopyFrom ( BitmapContent sourceBitmap , Rectangle sourceRegion , Rectangle destinationRegion ) ;
protected abstract bool TryCopyTo ( BitmapContent destinationBitmap , Rectangle sourceRegion , Rectangle destinationRegion ) ;
protected static void ValidateCopyArguments ( BitmapContent sourceBitmap , Rectangle sourceRegion , BitmapContent destinationBitmap , Rectangle destinationRegion )
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if ( sourceBitmap = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "sourceBitmap" ) ;
if ( destinationBitmap = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "destinationBitmap" ) ;
// Make sure regions are within the bounds of the bitmaps
if ( sourceRegion . X < 0 | | sourceRegion . Y < 0 | | sourceRegion . Width < = 0 | | sourceRegion . Height < = 0 | |
sourceRegion . Right > sourceBitmap . Width | | sourceRegion . Bottom > sourceBitmap . Height )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "sourceRegion" ) ;
if ( destinationRegion . X < 0 | | destinationRegion . Y < 0 | | destinationRegion . Width < = 0 | | destinationRegion . Height < = 0 | |
destinationRegion . Right > destinationBitmap . Width | | destinationRegion . Bottom > destinationBitmap . Height )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "destinationRegion" ) ;
private void ValidateTextureSize ( SurfaceFormat format , ref int width , ref int height )
switch ( format )
case SurfaceFormat . Dxt1 :
case SurfaceFormat . Dxt3 :
case SurfaceFormat . Dxt5 :
width = MathHelper . Multiple ( width , 4 ) ;
height = MathHelper . Multiple ( height , 4 ) ;
break ;
protected static bool Draw ( BitmapContent sourceBitmap , Rectangle sourceRegion , BitmapContent destinationBitmap , Rectangle destinationRegion , TextureFilter filter )
var pixelSource = BitmapContent . Convert < PixelBitmapContent < Color > > ( sourceBitmap ) ;
var pixelDestination = BitmapContent . Convert < PixelBitmapContent < Color > > ( destinationBitmap ) ;
if ( pixelSource = = null | | pixelDestination = = null )
return false ;
using ( Texture2D sourceTexture = new Texture2D ( GraphicsHelper . ReferenceDevice , pixelSource . Width , pixelSource . Height , false , SurfaceFormat . Color ) )
using ( RenderTarget2D destinationTexture = new RenderTarget2D ( GraphicsHelper . ReferenceDevice , pixelDestination . Width , pixelDestination . Height , false , SurfaceFormat . Color , DepthFormat . None ) )
byte [ ] sourceData = pixelSource . GetPixelData ( ) ;
byte [ ] destinationData = pixelDestination . GetPixelData ( ) ;
sourceTexture . SetData ( sourceData ) ;
destinationTexture . SetData ( destinationData ) ;
GraphicsHelper . DrawQuad ( GraphicsHelper . ReferenceDevice , sourceTexture , sourceRegion , destinationTexture , destinationRegion , filter ) ;
sourceTexture . GetData ( sourceData ) ;
destinationTexture . GetData ( destinationData ) ;
pixelSource . SetPixelData ( sourceData ) ;
pixelDestination . SetPixelData ( destinationData ) ;
BitmapContent . Copy ( pixelSource , sourceBitmap ) ;
BitmapContent . Copy ( pixelDestination , destinationBitmap ) ;
return true ;
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