Made it possible to separate the InputDevices by their provider and set
a preffered provider. Otherwise you are restricted to only having one
input Device provider.
Improved the error message if the WindowHandle on the InputDeviceFactory
is invalid.
Improved AssemblyLoader which was skipping the InputDevices.OpenTK
assembly because the OpenTK assembly was blocked. Added ANX.Framework
and SharpDX.Direct3D11.Effects to the ignore list.
The AssemblyLoader is not static anymore (Only used in
AddinSystemFactory) and it doesn't add the same assembly multiple times
anymore. Additionally, if a type of an assembly couldn't be loaded, it
throws now a TypeLoadException with the hint that a dependency might
have been loaded in the wrong version.
Refactored RenderSystem.GL3 with the latest changes on the effect system
that have been done in the ANX.Framework.
- Implemented Properties of EffectParameter
- Fixed OutOfRange behaviour in multiple collection files in graphics to match xna behaviour (which just returns null)
- Implemented some methods in collection classes