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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Development;
using ANX.Framework.NonXNA.Reflection;
namespace ANX.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Importer
[ContentImporter(new[] {".xml"})]
[Developer("SilentWarrior / Eagle Eye Studios")]
public class XmlImporter : ContentImporter<object>
private XDocument _doc;
public override object Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
object result;
context.Logger.LogMessage("Checking if file exists.");
if (!File.Exists(filename))
throw new InvalidContentException("The XML file \"" + filename + "\" could not be found.");
context.Logger.LogMessage("Starting analysis of the XML file.");
using (XmlReader xml = XmlReader.Create(filename))
_doc = XDocument.Load(filename);
//Check if XML contains XnaContent or AnxContent root element
context.Logger.LogMessage("Checking for root element.");
var tag = _doc.Element("XnaContent");
if (tag == null)
tag = _doc.Element("AnxContent");
if (tag == null)
throw new InvalidContentException(
"The Xml file does not contain a valid XnaContent or AnxContent tag.");
//Check which type is beeing described in the XML by grabbing the Asset node
var assetNode = _doc.Descendants("Asset").ToArray()[0];
if (assetNode == null)
throw new InvalidContentException("Xml document does not contain an asset definition.");
Type type = null;
foreach (var attrib in assetNode.Attributes().Where(attrib => attrib.Name == "Type"))
type = GetType(attrib.Value);
if (type == null)
throw new InvalidContentException("There is no assembly within the search path that contains such type.");
context.Logger.LogImportantMessage("Type is " + type);
//Create an instance of that type and fill it with the appropriate stuff
result = ReadObject(type, context.Logger);
context.Logger.LogMessage("XmlImporter has finished.");
return result;
private static Type GetType(string typeString)
//TODO: Implement custom assembly path checking
//Check every assembly in the current working dir for type
foreach (
var file in
Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location), "*.dll"))
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file);
foreach (Type type in TypeHelper.SafelyExtractTypesFrom(assembly))
if (type.FullName == typeString)
return type;
catch (Exception ex)
Debugger.Break(); //Go and check whats wrong
Type t = Type.GetType(typeString);
return t;
private object ReadObject(Type type, ContentBuildLogger logger)
var props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
var assetNode = _doc.Descendants("Asset").ToArray()[0]; //Get first node again, can not be null cause we checked it before
var nodes = assetNode.Descendants();
foreach (var xElement in nodes.Where(xElement => xElement.Name != "Item" && xElement.Name != "Key" && xElement.Name != "Value")) //Reserved keywords
if (!xElement.HasElements) //Normal node
string key = xElement.Name.LocalName;
object value = XmlContentToObject(xElement);
props.Add(key, value);
else //List or Dictionary
var theItem = xElement.Descendants("Item");
if (theItem.Any())
if (theItem.Descendants("Key").Any() && theItem.Descendants("Value").Any()) // is a dictionary
var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
foreach (var item in xElement.Descendants("Item"))
var key = item.Descendants("Key").ToArray()[0].Value;
object value = XmlContentToObject(item.Descendants("Value").ToArray()[0]);
dic.Add(key, value);
props.Add(xElement.Name.LocalName, dic);
else //must be a list
var list = xElement.Descendants("Item").Select(XmlContentToObject).ToList();
props.Add(xElement.Name.LocalName, list);
//Activate instance
var constructors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var result = constructors[0].Invoke(new object[] {});
var properties = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var property in properties)
var attribs = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (ContentSerializerAttribute), true);
if (attribs.Length == 0)
if (props.ContainsKey(((ContentSerializerAttribute)attribs[0]).ElementName))
property.SetValue(result, props[((ContentSerializerAttribute)attribs[0]).ElementName]);
if (props.Count > 0)
logger.LogWarning("", null, "There are unset properties left!", result);
//Return the whole construct
return result;
public static object XmlContentToObject(XElement item)
if (!item.HasAttributes && !item.HasElements) // String
return item.Value;
else if (item.HasAttributes && !item.HasElements)
var stuffs = item.Attributes("Type").ToArray();
string typeString = stuffs[0].Value;
var type = GetType(typeString);
if (type == typeof(Single))
return Convert.ToSingle(item.Value);
if (type == typeof(Int32))
return Convert.ToInt32(item.Value);
if (type == typeof(Int64))
return Convert.ToInt64(item.Value);
if (type == typeof(Double))
return Convert.ToDouble(item.Value);
if (type == typeof(Boolean))
return Convert.ToBoolean(item.Value);
throw new NotSupportedException("Sorry, conversion of type \"" + type + "\" is currently not supported.");
throw new NotSupportedException("Conversion of nested stuff is not supported! If you have the time, go ahead and implement it! :P");