2011-10-31 05:36:24 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using ANXStatusComparer.Data;
2011-11-15 06:46:22 +00:00
#region License
// This file is part of the ANX.Framework created by the "ANX.Framework developer group".
// This file is released under the Ms-PL license.
// Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
// This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license.
// If you do not accept the license, do not use the software.
// 1.Definitions
// The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and "distribution" have the same meaning
// here as under U.S. copyright law.
// A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or changes to the software.
// A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under this license.
// "Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its contribution.
// 2.Grant of Rights
// (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations
// in section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to
// reproduce its contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its contribution
// or any derivative works that you create.
// (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license conditions and limitations in
// section 3, each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed
// patents to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of its contribution
// in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the software.
// 3.Conditions and Limitations
// (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks.
// (B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you claim are infringed by the software, your
// patent license from such contributor to the software ends automatically.
// (C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution
// notices that are present in the software.
// (D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may do so only under this license by including
// a complete copy of this license with your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or
// object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this license.
// (E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The contributors give no express warranties, guarantees,
// or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot change. To the
// extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
// particular purpose and non-infringement.
#endregion // License
2011-10-31 05:36:24 +00:00
namespace ANXStatusComparer.Output
public static class HtmlOutput
#region Constants
public const string HtmlFilepath = "Summary.html";
private const string EmptyCell = @"<td class=""emptyCell""> </td>";
#region GenerateOutput
/// <summary>
/// Generate an html result summary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Result data to output.</param>
/// <param name="stylesheetFile">Filepath to the stylesheet.</param>
/// <returns>Finished result output.</returns>
public static void GenerateOutput(ResultData result, string stylesheetFile)
string text =
<link rel=""stylesheet"" type=""text/css"" href=""" + stylesheetFile + @""">
#region Summary
text += String.Format(@"
<td class=""elementHeader"">Summary</td>
<td class=""missingColor"">Missing</td>
<td class=""wrongColor"">Wrong</td>
<td class=""implementedColor"">Implemented</td>
<td><a href=""#MissNamespaces"">{0}</a></td>
<td> </td>
<td><a href=""#ImplNamespaces"">{1}</a></td>
<td><a href=""#MissClasses"">{2}</a></td>
<td><a href=""#WrongClasses"">{3}</a></td>
<td><a href=""#ImplClasses"">{4}</td>
<td><a href=""#MissStructs"">{5}</td>
<td><a href=""#WrongStructs"">{6}</td>
<td><a href=""#ImplStructs"">{7}</td>
<td><a href=""#MissInterfaces"">{8}</td>
<td><a href=""#WrongInterfaces"">{9}</td>
<td><a href=""#ImplInterfaces"">{10}</td>
<td><a href=""#MissEnums"">{11}</td>
<td><a href=""#WrongEnums"">{12}</td>
<td><a href=""#ImplEnums"">{13}</td>
#region Implemented/Missing Namespaces
text += @"
<a name=""MissNamespaces"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""missingColor"">Missing Namespaces</td>
foreach (string missingNamespace in result.MissingNamespaces)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, missingNamespace);
text += @"
<a name=""ImplNamespaces"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""implementedColor"">Implemented Namespaces</td>
foreach (string implementedNamespace in result.ImplementedNamespaces)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, implementedNamespace);
text += "\n</table>";
text += CreateWrongOutput("Classes", result.WrongClasses);
#region Implemented/Missing Classes
text += @"
<a name=""MissClasses"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""missingColor"">Missing Classes</td>
foreach (BaseObject classData in result.MissingClasses)
text += String.Format(@"
2011-11-05 11:35:05 +00:00
EmptyCell, classData.Handle.FullName);
2011-10-31 05:36:24 +00:00
text += @"
<a name=""ImplClasses"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""implementedColor"">Implemented Classes</td>
foreach (BaseObject classData in result.ImplementedClasses)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, classData.Handle.Name);
text += "\n</table>";
text += CreateWrongOutput("Structs", result.WrongStructs);
#region Implemented/Missing Structs
text += @"
<a name=""MissStructs"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""missingColor"">Missing Structs</td>
foreach (BaseObject structData in result.MissingStructs)
text += String.Format(@"
2011-11-05 11:35:05 +00:00
EmptyCell, structData.Handle.FullName);
2011-10-31 05:36:24 +00:00
text += @"
<a name=""ImplStructs"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""implementedColor"">Implemented Structs</td>
foreach (BaseObject structData in result.ImplementedStructs)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, structData.Handle.Name);
text += "\n</table>";
text += CreateWrongOutput("Interfaces", result.WrongInterfaces);
#region Implemented/Missing Interfaces
text += @"
<a name=""MissInterfaces"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""missingColor"">Missing Interfaces</td>
foreach (BaseObject interfaceData in result.MissingInterfaces)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, interfaceData.Handle.Name);
text += @"
<a name=""ImplInterfaces"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""implementedColor"">Implemented Interfaces</td>
foreach (BaseObject interfaceData in result.ImplementedInterfaces)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, interfaceData.Handle.Name);
text += "\n</table>";
#region Wrong Enums
text += @"
<a name=""WrongEnums"" />
<td colspan=""4"" class=""wrongColor"">Wrong Enums</td>
foreach (KeyValuePair<EnumData, EnumData> wrongEnum in result.WrongEnums)
text += String.Format(@"
<td class=""elementHeader"">{1}</td>
EmptyCell, wrongEnum.Key.Handle.Name);
string col1 = "";
for (int index = 0; index < wrongEnum.Key.Names.Count; index++)
col1 += wrongEnum.Key.Names[index] + "=" +
wrongEnum.Key.Values[index] + "<br />\n";
string col2 = "";
for (int index = 0; index < wrongEnum.Value.Names.Count; index++)
col2 += wrongEnum.Value.Names[index] + "=" +
wrongEnum.Value.Values[index] + "<br />\n";
text += String.Format(@"
<td nowrap=""nowrap"">{1}</td>
<td nowrap=""nowrap"">{2}</td>
EmptyCell, col1, col2);
text += "\n</table>";
#region Implemented/Missing Enums
text += @"
<a name=""MissEnums"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""missingColor"">Missing Enums</td>
foreach (EnumData enumeration in result.MissingEnums)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, enumeration.Handle.Name);
text += @"
<a name=""ImplEnums"" />
<td colspan=""2"" class=""implementedColor"">Implemented Enums</td>
foreach (EnumData enumeration in result.ImplementedEnums)
text += String.Format(@"
EmptyCell, enumeration.Handle.Name);
text += "\n</table>";
text += @"
File.WriteAllText(HtmlFilepath, text.Replace("\t", " "));
#region CreateWrongOutput
private static string CreateWrongOutput(string type,
List<ResultData.WrongObjectPair> pairs)
string result = @"
<a name=""Wrong" + type + @""" />
<td colspan=""5"" class=""wrongColor"">Wrong " + type + @"</td>
foreach (ResultData.WrongObjectPair wrongPair in pairs)
#region Missing parents
string missingParents = "";
if (wrongPair.MissingParents.Count > 0)
foreach (string parent in wrongPair.MissingParents)
missingParents += parent + ", ";
missingParents = String.Format(@"
<td colspan=""4"">Missing Parents: {1}</td>
EmptyCell, missingParents);
#region Wrong access
string wrongAccess = "";
if (wrongPair.WrongAccesses.Count > 0)
foreach (string access in wrongPair.WrongAccesses)
wrongAccess += access;
wrongAccess = String.Format(@"
<td colspan=""4"">Wrong Access: {1}</td>
EmptyCell, wrongAccess);
result += String.Format(@"
<td colspan=""4"" class=""elementHeader"">{1}</td>
EmptyCell, wrongPair.XnaObject.Handle.FullName,
missingParents, wrongAccess);
string lastType = "";
string col1 = "";
string col2 = "";
foreach (BaseObjectElement element in wrongPair.XnaElements)
string elementTypeString = element is FieldElement
? "Field"
: element is PropertyElement
? "Property"
: element is MethodElement
? "Method"
: element is ConstructorElement
? "Constructor"
: "Event";
if (lastType != elementTypeString)
lastType = elementTypeString;
col1 += elementTypeString;
col1 += "<br />\n";
col2 += element.GetDescription() + "<br />\n";
string col3 = "";
foreach (BaseObjectElement element in wrongPair.AnxElements)
col3 += (element != null ? element.GetDescription() :
"<Missing>") +
"<br />\n";
result += String.Format(@"
<td nowrap=""nowrap"">{1}</td>
<td nowrap=""nowrap"">{2}</td>
<td nowrap=""nowrap"">{3}</td>
EmptyCell, col1, col2, col3);
result += "\n</table>";
return result;