mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 13:28:35 +01:00
374 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
374 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
1=Unknown syntax error at line #l#.
2= at line #l#.
3= in program.
1=Could not determine parameter type of '#1#' at line #l#.
2=Types '#1#' and '#2#' are incompatible at line #l#.
3=Could not cast '#1#' value from '#2#' at line #l#.
4=Parameter mismatch in expression '#1#' at line #l#.
5=Variable '#1#' must have type defined at line #l#.
6=Variable '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
7=Variable '#1#' name is not valid at line #l#.
8=Parameter for '#1#' do not match '#2#' at line #l#.
9=Irregular number of brackets at line #l#.
10=Cannot perform '#1#' cast on type '#2#' at line #l#.
11=Could not understand command at line #l#.
12=Could not close nest at line #l#.
13=Command out of place at line #l#.
14=WHILE condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
15=REPEAT condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
16=NEXT only takes one parameter at line #l#.
17=IF condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
18=Label '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
19=CASE needs a literal parameter at line #l#.
20=Unknown command in SELECT statement at line #l#.
21=CASE DEFAULT must be last case in select statement at line #l#.
22=SELECT statement requires ENDSELECT at line #l#.
23=Could not understand item '#1#' in DATA statement at line #l#.
24=Cannot use reserved word '#1#' as declaration at line #l#.
25=Declaration name '#1#' is not valid at line #l#.
26=Cannot declare an array within a type at line #l#.
27=Initialisation data '#1#' is incompatible type at line #l#.
28=Unknown type found at line #l#.
29=Parameter mismatch in command '#1#' at line #l#.
30=ENDFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
31=EXITFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
32=Zero length parameter not allowed at line #l#.
33=Array size value must be numeric at line #l#.
34=Could not understand FOR statement at line #l#.
35=Type definition '#1#' could not be understood at line #l#.
36=Cannot declare '#1#' variable twice at line #l#.
37=Variable declared using unknown type '#1#' at line #l#.
38=Could not find field '#1#' in type '#2#' at line #l#.
39=Could not find include file '#1#'.
40=Only nine dimensions allowed at line #l#.
41=User function call must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
42=Unknown parameter at line #l#.
43=Array must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
44=Cannot find structure '#1#' in local declaration at line #l#.
45=User function declaration must use no spaces, no numerical first character and include a set of brackets at line #l#.
46=User function '#1#' must return a value if used in an expression at line #l#.
47=Both user defined type values must use the same type at line #l#.
48=Constant name '#1#' must use only alphanumeric characters
49=The type of FOR statement values must match the type of the variable
50=Must use integer data type for bitwise operations at line #l#.
51=Cannot perform INC and DEC on a string or double data type at line #l#.
52=Constant name '#1#' must also be provided with a constant value
53=The name '#1#' duplicated in the program at line #l#.
54=Declaration is not valid at line #l#.
55=Function call '#1#' expects parameters in brackets at line #l#.
56=Function declaration '#1#' must be outside any program nests at line #l#.
57=EXITFUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION must return the same data type at line #l#.
58=ENDFUNCTION only accepts a single value or local variables at line #l#.
59=Both operands are required for non-uniary operations at line #l#.
60=Reserve word '#1#' used out of place at line #l#.
61=END found inside a declaration, perhaps ENDTYPE required at line #l#.
62=Must close speech marks at line #l#.
63=Subscript must be Integer or DWORD when referencing an array at line #l#.
64=User Defined Type Arrays cannot be passed directly into user functions at line #l#.
65=Cannot define a function inside another function at line #l#.
66=Constant name '#1#' cannot share the name of a reserved word or command.
67=Constant declaration for '#1#' duplicated.
68=Variable in FOR NEXT loop cannot be a complex data type at line #l#.
69=Error 69 at line #l#.
0000=An unknown error has occurred
0001=Broke from nested subroutine. Cannot resume program after CLI usage.
0021=The program tried to execute a function header declaration
0051=The index number you have used is bigger than the array size
0052=The index number you have used must be within the arrray
0053=The array is empty
0054=Array type is invalid
0055=Array specified must be a single dimension array for this type of command
0101=There was not enough memory to make such an array
0102=Unknown array error
0103=The file is too large
0104=The file is invalid
0105=File does not exist
0106=File already exists
0107=The string is to long
0108=Stack overflow error
0109=Cannot make an array of that type
0110=Only positive numbers are allowed
0111=Divide by zero error
0112=Illegal size error
0113=Only positive numbers are allowed
0114=You must use a variable
0115=You must use a variable
0116=This command is now obsolete
0117=Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0118=Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds
0119=Division by zero
0300=Unknown sprite error
0301=Sprite number must be greater than zero
0302=Sprite does not exist
0303=Sprite backsave illegal
0304=Sprite transparency illegal
0310=Sprite rotation illegal
0311=Sprite scale illegal
0312=Sprite size illegal
0313=Sprite angle illegal
0314=Sprite alpha value illegal
0315=Sprite rgb value illegal
0316=Sprite animation delay value illegal
0317=Sprite vertex number illegal
0318=Sprite width illegal
0319=Sprite height illegal
0320=Sprite animation value illegal
0321=Sprite already exists
0500=Unknown image error
0501=Image number illegal
0502=Image does not exist
0503=Cannot grab image due to the area being too large
0504=Cannot grab image due to an illegal area
0505=Image is too large to be a texture
0506=Could not load image
0507=Cannot read an image currently locked by system
1000=Unknown bitmap error
1001=Bitmap number illegal
1002=Bitmap does not exist
1003=Could not load bitmap
1004=Could not save bitmap
1005=Could not create bitmap
1006=Cannot delete bitmap zerp
1007=Bitmap numbers are identical
1008=Source bitmap is too large
1009=Bitmap zero is reserved
1010=Region has exceeded bitmap size
1011=Bitmap area is illegal
1012=Blur value illegal
1013=Fade value illegal
1014=Gamm value illegal
1500=Unknown screen error
1501=Screen size is illegal
1502=Screen depth is illegal
1503=Screen mode is illegal
1504=Display cannot be created due to unknown DirectX error
1505=Display using 16 bit is not supported by available hardware
1506=Display using 24 bit is not supported by available hardware
1507=Display using 32 bit is not supported by available hardware
1508=Display does not support selected method of vertex processing
1509=Display does not support selected method of backbuffer access
1510=Display cannot be initialized due to absent DirectX interface
1511=Display cannot be created due to invalid function parameters
1512=Display is not supported by available hardware
1513=Display cannot be created due to insufficient video memory
1514=24 bit depth not supported. Select either 16 or 32 bit mode
2000=Unknown animation error
2001=Animation number illegal
2002=Could not load animation
2003=Animation already exists
2004=Animation does not exist
2005=Animation volume value illegal
2006=Animation frequency value illegal
2007=Animation is already playing
2008=Animation is not playing
2009=Animation is already paused
2010=Animation is not paused
3000=Unknown sound error
3001=Sound number illegal
3002=Could not load sound
3003=Sound already exists
3004=Sound does not exist
3005=Sound volume value illegal
3006=Sound frequency value illegal
3007=Sound pan value illegal
3008=Could not save sound
3021=Could not clone sound
3022=A sound must be specified
3023=A sound must be specified to clone
3201=A speech engine cannot be found
3500=Unknown music error
3501=Music number illegal
3502=Could not load music
3503=Music already exists
3504=Music does not exist
3505=Music volume value illegal
3506=Music speed value illegal
3507=Music is not playing
3508=Music track is illegal
4001=Unknown controller error
4002=A controller has not been selected
4101=No force-feedback controller found
4102=Magnitude value illegal
4103=Duration value illegal
4104=Angle value illegal
5101=Memblock range is illegal
5102=Memblock already exists
5103=Memblock does not exist
5104=Could not create memblock
5105=Memblock position outside range
5106=Memblock size value illegal
5107=Not a memblock byte
5108=Not a memblock word
5109=Not a memblock dword
7000=Unknown 3D error
7001=Mesh number illegal
7002=Could not load mesh
7003=Mesh does not exist
7004=Mesh darken value illegal
7005=Mesh lighten value illegal
7006=Object number illegal
7007=Object already exists
7008=Object does not exist
7009=Matrix already exists
7010=Matrix number illegal
7011=Matrix dimensions illegal
7012=Matrix segments illegal
7013=Matrix does not exist
7014=Matrix height error
7015=Matrix exceeds maximum size
7016=Matrix tile illegal
7017=Matrix coordinates illegal
7018=Could not load 3D object
7019=Object angle value illegal
7020=Too many limbs exist in the object
7021=Limb number illegal
7022=Cannot add a limb with that number
7023=Limb does not exist
7024=Limb already exists
7025=Cannot link a limb to that number
7026=You must link limbs in chain sequence
7027=You can only link new limbs
7028=Mesh is too large for limb placement
7029=3D Memory Error
7030=You must use the .DBO extension for a saved DBPro object
7031=Object fade value illegal
7032=Limb does not contain a mesh
7101=Particles object already exists
7102=Particles object does not exist
7103=Unknown particles objects error
7104=Particle number illegal
7105=Particle must have an emission value greater than zero
7126=Could not create terrain
7127=Terrain already exists
7128=Terrain does not exist
7129=Terrain data must be exactly square
7130=Terrain number illegal
7151=Could not load BSP file
7152=BSP does not exist
7153=BSP already exists
7154=BSP collision index must be between 1 and 24
7201=Camera number illegal
7202=Camera already exists
7203=Camera does not exist
7204=Cannot create camera
7205=Cannot use camera zero
7301=Light number illegal
7302=Light already exists
7303=Light does not exist
7304=Cannot create light
7305=Cannot use light zero
7601=Animation frame number illegal
7602=Animation keyframe does not exist
7603=Animation speed value illegal
7604=Animation interpolation illegal
7605=Cannot append to the object
7606=Append can only add to end of object animation
7607=Failed to compile CSG file from X File
7701=Vertex shader number illegal
7702=Vertex shader count illegal
7703=Cannot create vertex shader
7704=Vertex shader stream position illegal
7705=Vertex shader data illegal
7706=Vertex shader stream illegal
7707=Vertex shader cannot be assembled
7708=Vertex shader is illegal
7721=Effect number is illegal
7722=Effect does not exist
7723=Effect already exists
7801=Vector does not exist
7802=Matrix4 does not exist
7901=Fogging effect is not available
7911=Ambient percentage value illegal
7912=Camera range value illegal
7931=The source must be a 3DS file
7932=The destination must be an X file
8001=Could not scan current directory
8002=There are no more files in directory
8003=Could not find path
8021=Could not make file
8022=Could not delete file
8023=Could not copy file
8024=Could not rename file
8025=Could not move file
8101=Could not create directory
8102=Could not delete directory
8103=Could not execute file
8201=Could not open file for reading
8202=Could not open file for writing
8203=File is already open
8204=File is not open
8211=Cannot read from file
8212=Cannot write to file
8213=File number illegal
8301=Could not connect to FTP
8302=Cannot find FTP path
8303=Cannot put FTP file
8304=Cannot delete FTP file
8305=Cannot get FTP file
8501=Could not establish multiplayer connection
8502=Could not find session
8503=Could not setup session
8504=Could not create net game
8505=Could not join net game
8506=Could not send net game message
8507=Only 2 to 255 players can be specified
8508=Player name required
8509=Game name required
8510=Connection number illegal
8511=Session number illegal
8512=Player number illegal
8513=Not currently in net game session
8514=Player number does not exist
8515=Session number does not exist
8516=Player could not be created
8517=Player could not be deleted
8518=Too many players in session
9001=Checklist number illegal
9002=Checklist number illegal
9003=Checklist contains only numbers
9004=Checklist contains only strings
9005=Checklist does not exist
9011=Could not find the device
9012=Could not get texture memory
9013=Could not get video memory
9014=Could not get system memory
9701=Could not load DLL
9702=DLL does not exist
9703=DLL already exists
9704=Could not call DLL function
9705=Index number illegal