mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 13:28:35 +01:00
update lab material
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Environment Setup
Normal file
Environment Setup
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
There are two types of environments needed for the labs. Windows and Linux.
We reccomomend performing all labs in a virtual machine, while none of the code provided in the labs is intentionally malicious. It is always best practice to do security testing, and learning in an isolated enviornment.
Windows - Any modern version of Windows
Linux - We reccomend Ubuntu, as all labs were designed and testing in Ubuntu. If you have a passion for other linux distro's you're welcome to try them out but we offer no guarantees.
Lab - Anti-Debugging/antidebugging.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Anti-Debugging/antidebugging.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Anti-Debugging/crackme.exe
Normal file
Lab - Anti-Debugging/crackme.exe
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Anti-Debugging/pong.exe
Normal file
Lab - Anti-Debugging/pong.exe
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking LaFarge/cracking_lafarge.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Cracking LaFarge/cracking_lafarge.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking LaFarge/crackmes.de.zip
Normal file
Lab - Cracking LaFarge/crackmes.de.zip
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/cracking_with_ida.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/cracking_with_ida.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/LICENSE
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/LICENSE
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 The Game Creators Ltd
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/README
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/README
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Dark Basic Pro is available at https://github.com/TheGameCreators/Dark-Basic-Pro
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/TGCSerial.exe
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/TGCSerial.exe
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
1=Unknown syntax error at line #l#.
2= at line #l#.
3= in program.
1=Could not determine parameter type of '#1#' at line #l#.
2=Types '#1#' and '#2#' are incompatible at line #l#.
3=Could not cast '#1#' value from '#2#' at line #l#.
4=Parameter mismatch in expression '#1#' at line #l#.
5=Variable '#1#' must have type defined at line #l#.
6=Variable '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
7=Variable '#1#' name is not valid at line #l#.
8=Parameter for '#1#' do not match '#2#' at line #l#.
9=Irregular number of brackets at line #l#.
10=Cannot perform '#1#' cast on type '#2#' at line #l#.
11=Could not understand command at line #l#.
12=Could not close nest at line #l#.
13=Command out of place at line #l#.
14=WHILE condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
15=REPEAT condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
16=NEXT only takes one parameter at line #l#.
17=IF condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
18=Label '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
19=CASE needs a literal parameter at line #l#.
20=Unknown command in SELECT statement at line #l#.
21=CASE DEFAULT must be last case in select statement at line #l#.
22=SELECT statement requires ENDSELECT at line #l#.
23=Could not understand item '#1#' in DATA statement at line #l#.
24=Cannot use reserved word '#1#' as declaration at line #l#.
25=Declaration name '#1#' is not valid at line #l#.
26=Cannot declare an array within a type at line #l#.
27=Initialisation data '#1#' is incompatible type at line #l#.
28=Unknown type found at line #l#.
29=Parameter mismatch in command '#1#' at line #l#.
30=ENDFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
31=EXITFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
32=Zero length parameter not allowed at line #l#.
33=Array size value must be numeric at line #l#.
34=Could not understand FOR statement at line #l#.
35=Type definition '#1#' could not be understood at line #l#.
36=Cannot declare '#1#' variable twice at line #l#.
37=Variable declared using unknown type '#1#' at line #l#.
38=Could not find field '#1#' in type '#2#' at line #l#.
39=Could not find include file '#1#'.
40=Only nine dimensions allowed at line #l#.
41=User function call must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
42=Unknown parameter at line #l#.
43=Array must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
44=Cannot find structure '#1#' in local declaration at line #l#.
45=User function declaration must use no spaces, no numerical first character and include a set of brackets at line #l#.
46=User function '#1#' must return a value if used in an expression at line #l#.
47=Both user defined type values must use the same type at line #l#.
48=Constant name '#1#' must use only alphanumeric characters
49=The type of FOR statement values must match the type of the variable
50=Must use integer data type for bitwise operations at line #l#.
51=Cannot perform INC and DEC on a string or double data type at line #l#.
52=Constant name '#1#' must also be provided with a constant value
53=The name '#1#' duplicated in the program at line #l#.
54=Declaration is not valid at line #l#.
55=Function call '#1#' expects parameters in brackets at line #l#.
56=Function declaration '#1#' must be outside any program nests at line #l#.
57=EXITFUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION must return the same data type at line #l#.
58=ENDFUNCTION only accepts a single value or local variables at line #l#.
59=Both operands are required for non-uniary operations at line #l#.
60=Reserve word '#1#' used out of place at line #l#.
61=END found inside a declaration, perhaps ENDTYPE required at line #l#.
62=Must close speech marks at line #l#.
63=Subscript must be Integer or DWORD when referencing an array at line #l#.
64=User Defined Type Arrays cannot be passed directly into user functions at line #l#.
65=Cannot define a function inside another function at line #l#.
66=Constant name '#1#' cannot share the name of a reserved word or command.
67=Constant declaration for '#1#' duplicated.
68=Variable in FOR NEXT loop cannot be a complex data type at line #l#.
69=Error 69 at line #l#.
0000=An unknown error has occurred
0001=Broke from nested subroutine. Cannot resume program after CLI usage.
0021=The program tried to execute a function header declaration
0051=The index number you have used is bigger than the array size
0052=The index number you have used must be within the arrray
0053=The array is empty
0054=Array type is invalid
0055=Array specified must be a single dimension array for this type of command
0101=There was not enough memory to make such an array
0102=Unknown array error
0103=The file is too large
0104=The file is invalid
0105=File does not exist
0106=File already exists
0107=The string is to long
0108=Stack overflow error
0109=Cannot make an array of that type
0110=Only positive numbers are allowed
0111=Divide by zero error
0112=Illegal size error
0113=Only positive numbers are allowed
0114=You must use a variable
0115=You must use a variable
0116=This command is now obsolete
0117=Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0118=Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds
0119=Division by zero
0300=Unknown sprite error
0301=Sprite number must be greater than zero
0302=Sprite does not exist
0303=Sprite backsave illegal
0304=Sprite transparency illegal
0310=Sprite rotation illegal
0311=Sprite scale illegal
0312=Sprite size illegal
0313=Sprite angle illegal
0314=Sprite alpha value illegal
0315=Sprite rgb value illegal
0316=Sprite animation delay value illegal
0317=Sprite vertex number illegal
0318=Sprite width illegal
0319=Sprite height illegal
0320=Sprite animation value illegal
0321=Sprite already exists
0500=Unknown image error
0501=Image number illegal
0502=Image does not exist
0503=Cannot grab image due to the area being too large
0504=Cannot grab image due to an illegal area
0505=Image is too large to be a texture
0506=Could not load image
0507=Cannot read an image currently locked by system
1000=Unknown bitmap error
1001=Bitmap number illegal
1002=Bitmap does not exist
1003=Could not load bitmap
1004=Could not save bitmap
1005=Could not create bitmap
1006=Cannot delete bitmap zerp
1007=Bitmap numbers are identical
1008=Source bitmap is too large
1009=Bitmap zero is reserved
1010=Region has exceeded bitmap size
1011=Bitmap area is illegal
1012=Blur value illegal
1013=Fade value illegal
1014=Gamm value illegal
1500=Unknown screen error
1501=Screen size is illegal
1502=Screen depth is illegal
1503=Screen mode is illegal
1504=Display cannot be created due to unknown DirectX error
1505=Display using 16 bit is not supported by available hardware
1506=Display using 24 bit is not supported by available hardware
1507=Display using 32 bit is not supported by available hardware
1508=Display does not support selected method of vertex processing
1509=Display does not support selected method of backbuffer access
1510=Display cannot be initialized due to absent DirectX interface
1511=Display cannot be created due to invalid function parameters
1512=Display is not supported by available hardware
1513=Display cannot be created due to insufficient video memory
1514=24 bit depth not supported. Select either 16 or 32 bit mode
2000=Unknown animation error
2001=Animation number illegal
2002=Could not load animation
2003=Animation already exists
2004=Animation does not exist
2005=Animation volume value illegal
2006=Animation frequency value illegal
2007=Animation is already playing
2008=Animation is not playing
2009=Animation is already paused
2010=Animation is not paused
3000=Unknown sound error
3001=Sound number illegal
3002=Could not load sound
3003=Sound already exists
3004=Sound does not exist
3005=Sound volume value illegal
3006=Sound frequency value illegal
3007=Sound pan value illegal
3008=Could not save sound
3021=Could not clone sound
3022=A sound must be specified
3023=A sound must be specified to clone
3201=A speech engine cannot be found
3500=Unknown music error
3501=Music number illegal
3502=Could not load music
3503=Music already exists
3504=Music does not exist
3505=Music volume value illegal
3506=Music speed value illegal
3507=Music is not playing
3508=Music track is illegal
4001=Unknown controller error
4002=A controller has not been selected
4101=No force-feedback controller found
4102=Magnitude value illegal
4103=Duration value illegal
4104=Angle value illegal
5101=Memblock range is illegal
5102=Memblock already exists
5103=Memblock does not exist
5104=Could not create memblock
5105=Memblock position outside range
5106=Memblock size value illegal
5107=Not a memblock byte
5108=Not a memblock word
5109=Not a memblock dword
7000=Unknown 3D error
7001=Mesh number illegal
7002=Could not load mesh
7003=Mesh does not exist
7004=Mesh darken value illegal
7005=Mesh lighten value illegal
7006=Object number illegal
7007=Object already exists
7008=Object does not exist
7009=Matrix already exists
7010=Matrix number illegal
7011=Matrix dimensions illegal
7012=Matrix segments illegal
7013=Matrix does not exist
7014=Matrix height error
7015=Matrix exceeds maximum size
7016=Matrix tile illegal
7017=Matrix coordinates illegal
7018=Could not load 3D object
7019=Object angle value illegal
7020=Too many limbs exist in the object
7021=Limb number illegal
7022=Cannot add a limb with that number
7023=Limb does not exist
7024=Limb already exists
7025=Cannot link a limb to that number
7026=You must link limbs in chain sequence
7027=You can only link new limbs
7028=Mesh is too large for limb placement
7029=3D Memory Error
7030=You must use the .DBO extension for a saved DBPro object
7031=Object fade value illegal
7032=Limb does not contain a mesh
7101=Particles object already exists
7102=Particles object does not exist
7103=Unknown particles objects error
7104=Particle number illegal
7105=Particle must have an emission value greater than zero
7126=Could not create terrain
7127=Terrain already exists
7128=Terrain does not exist
7129=Terrain data must be exactly square
7130=Terrain number illegal
7151=Could not load BSP file
7152=BSP does not exist
7153=BSP already exists
7154=BSP collision index must be between 1 and 24
7201=Camera number illegal
7202=Camera already exists
7203=Camera does not exist
7204=Cannot create camera
7205=Cannot use camera zero
7301=Light number illegal
7302=Light already exists
7303=Light does not exist
7304=Cannot create light
7305=Cannot use light zero
7601=Animation frame number illegal
7602=Animation keyframe does not exist
7603=Animation speed value illegal
7604=Animation interpolation illegal
7605=Cannot append to the object
7606=Append can only add to end of object animation
7607=Failed to compile CSG file from X File
7701=Vertex shader number illegal
7702=Vertex shader count illegal
7703=Cannot create vertex shader
7704=Vertex shader stream position illegal
7705=Vertex shader data illegal
7706=Vertex shader stream illegal
7707=Vertex shader cannot be assembled
7708=Vertex shader is illegal
7721=Effect number is illegal
7722=Effect does not exist
7723=Effect already exists
7801=Vector does not exist
7802=Matrix4 does not exist
7901=Fogging effect is not available
7911=Ambient percentage value illegal
7912=Camera range value illegal
7931=The source must be a 3DS file
7932=The destination must be an X file
8001=Could not scan current directory
8002=There are no more files in directory
8003=Could not find path
8021=Could not make file
8022=Could not delete file
8023=Could not copy file
8024=Could not rename file
8025=Could not move file
8101=Could not create directory
8102=Could not delete directory
8103=Could not execute file
8201=Could not open file for reading
8202=Could not open file for writing
8203=File is already open
8204=File is not open
8211=Cannot read from file
8212=Cannot write to file
8213=File number illegal
8301=Could not connect to FTP
8302=Cannot find FTP path
8303=Cannot put FTP file
8304=Cannot delete FTP file
8305=Cannot get FTP file
8501=Could not establish multiplayer connection
8502=Could not find session
8503=Could not setup session
8504=Could not create net game
8505=Could not join net game
8506=Could not send net game message
8507=Only 2 to 255 players can be specified
8508=Player name required
8509=Game name required
8510=Connection number illegal
8511=Session number illegal
8512=Player number illegal
8513=Not currently in net game session
8514=Player number does not exist
8515=Session number does not exist
8516=Player could not be created
8517=Player could not be deleted
8518=Too many players in session
9001=Checklist number illegal
9002=Checklist number illegal
9003=Checklist contains only numbers
9004=Checklist contains only strings
9005=Checklist does not exist
9011=Could not find the device
9012=Could not get texture memory
9013=Could not get video memory
9014=Could not get system memory
9701=Could not load DLL
9702=DLL does not exist
9703=DLL already exists
9704=Could not call DLL function
9705=Index number illegal
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
1=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
2=Activate 30 Day Trial Version
3=If you own the CD-Rom you can obtain an Order Key by selecting 'Activate From DBPro CD' located in the START Menu Programs folder for this product.
4=Click Next to activate the trial
5=Email Address
7=Please enter your TGC email and password. A TGC email and password can be obtained by visiting the TGC website and registering with us. Email and password are optional. You must register to be eligible for the early order discount we may offer on this trial product.
8=Enter your TGC email and password here (optional).
9=Order Key
10=Click NEXT to activate product.
11=Enter the Email and Order Key you received from TGC.
12=Enter the BYPASS code to activate a product:
13=Trial / 60DAY / Full
14=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
15=This tool will read the CD in your CDROM Drive and determine if it is a valid product from TGC. This information will be used to register your product on our database. Once your registration has been recieved, you will be sent an email which will allow you to activate your product and enjoy continued upgrades.
16=Enter your email address in the field provided.
17=Checking CD...
18=Your CD is a valid TGC product.
19=Sending CD activation request...
20=You have been successfully registered. An email will be sent to you shortly.
22=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
23=Your CD is not a valid TGC product. Ensure the Dark BASIC Professional CD is in the drive.
24=This may take several minutes.
25=Requesting Activation...
26=Trial Activation Successful.
27=Please enjoy using our software.
28=Order Key Verified. Product is now activated.
29=Product unknown.
30=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
31=Response from server not recognised.
32=Failed to verify.
33=You must provide your email address
34=Click Next to check CD for validity
35=Click Next to activate the product
36=Enter email and order key
37=Click Next to activate the product
38=Welcome to the Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
39=Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
41=< Back
42=Next >
44=Enter Order Key
45=Click 'Activate / Register' to activate Dark Basic Professional!
51=No Connection.
52=InternetOpen failed.
53=InternetConnect failed.
54=InternetQueryDataAvailable failed.
55=HttpSendRequest failed.
56=Product Or Email Not Given.
57=Product Not Given.
121=Machine Key (m) not supplied
122=Product ID (p) not supplied
123=Machine Key <> 32 chars
124=Product ID > 64 chars
125=Machine Key = Product ID (invalid possibility)
126=Machine Key has spaces in it (not allowed)
127=Product ID has spaces in it (not allowed)
128=SQL Error Saving the Certificate, try again later
129=SQL Error Retrieving Certificate Data, I've given up, sorry
130=The Machine Key has been banned from activating this Products Trial
131=The Machine Key has been deleted for this Product Trial
132=The Machine Key given is associated with a Fraudulent Order, banned
133=Verification Key Missing
134=Verification Key Invalid
137=System Error - the SQL Database Failed to Respond, Network Down?
140=AP Value (c) not supplied
141=AP Value (c) not supplied
142=AP Value (c) not supplied
143=AP Value (c) not supplied
144=Email Address not supplied
150=The email address given was too long. Maximum of 100 characters
151=The email address given was too short. Minimum of 8 characters
153=Invalid email address. Please check and re-try
154=Unknown error
71=Dark Basic Professional
72=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
73=More Information
74=Activate / Register
76=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
77=Buy DBPro now and receive an early registration discount of %s percent!
78=Click 'More Information' for details on our other products!
79=Enhance the power of Dark Basic Professional with additional modules!
81=Your installed products are
82=(valid certificate for
84=(valid certificate)
85=(expired certificate)
86=Dark Basic Professional - Not Activated
87=(not installed)
91=Dark Basic Professional Serial Code System
92=Welcome to Dark Basic Professional
93=Please enter your serial code
94=Serial Code:
97=Serial code is valid
98=Serial code is invalid - please try again
99=Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key
100=Welcome to the Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key Service
101=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking NEXT.
102=Enter your email address to register your product on our database. You will then be sent an email which contains the free order key you need to activate your product.
103=Click Next to register your email on our database.
104=An error occurred sending the registration request. Contact support for further information.
105=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking GET FREE ORDER KEY above.
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with IDA/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1=Restore Date From At Least
2=Demo Expired
3=Days Ago
1=Command Line Interface
2=Variable Watcher
3=Step Through Mode
6=Watch A
7=Watch B
11=No Program Listed
12=Stop Program
13=Step Program
14=Slow Program
15=Play Program
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/cracking_with_immunity.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/cracking_with_immunity.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/LICENSE
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/LICENSE
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 The Game Creators Ltd
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/README
Normal file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/README
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Dark Basic Pro is available at https://github.com/TheGameCreators/Dark-Basic-Pro
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/TGCOnline.exe
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/TGCOnline.exe
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
1=Unknown syntax error at line #l#.
2= at line #l#.
3= in program.
1=Could not determine parameter type of '#1#' at line #l#.
2=Types '#1#' and '#2#' are incompatible at line #l#.
3=Could not cast '#1#' value from '#2#' at line #l#.
4=Parameter mismatch in expression '#1#' at line #l#.
5=Variable '#1#' must have type defined at line #l#.
6=Variable '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
7=Variable '#1#' name is not valid at line #l#.
8=Parameter for '#1#' do not match '#2#' at line #l#.
9=Irregular number of brackets at line #l#.
10=Cannot perform '#1#' cast on type '#2#' at line #l#.
11=Could not understand command at line #l#.
12=Could not close nest at line #l#.
13=Command out of place at line #l#.
14=WHILE condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
15=REPEAT condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
16=NEXT only takes one parameter at line #l#.
17=IF condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
18=Label '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
19=CASE needs a literal parameter at line #l#.
20=Unknown command in SELECT statement at line #l#.
21=CASE DEFAULT must be last case in select statement at line #l#.
22=SELECT statement requires ENDSELECT at line #l#.
23=Could not understand item '#1#' in DATA statement at line #l#.
24=Cannot use reserved word '#1#' as declaration at line #l#.
25=Declaration name '#1#' is not valid at line #l#.
26=Cannot declare an array within a type at line #l#.
27=Initialisation data '#1#' is incompatible type at line #l#.
28=Unknown type found at line #l#.
29=Parameter mismatch in command '#1#' at line #l#.
30=ENDFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
31=EXITFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
32=Zero length parameter not allowed at line #l#.
33=Array size value must be numeric at line #l#.
34=Could not understand FOR statement at line #l#.
35=Type definition '#1#' could not be understood at line #l#.
36=Cannot declare '#1#' variable twice at line #l#.
37=Variable declared using unknown type '#1#' at line #l#.
38=Could not find field '#1#' in type '#2#' at line #l#.
39=Could not find include file '#1#'.
40=Only nine dimensions allowed at line #l#.
41=User function call must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
42=Unknown parameter at line #l#.
43=Array must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
44=Cannot find structure '#1#' in local declaration at line #l#.
45=User function declaration must use no spaces, no numerical first character and include a set of brackets at line #l#.
46=User function '#1#' must return a value if used in an expression at line #l#.
47=Both user defined type values must use the same type at line #l#.
48=Constant name '#1#' must use only alphanumeric characters
49=The type of FOR statement values must match the type of the variable
50=Must use integer data type for bitwise operations at line #l#.
51=Cannot perform INC and DEC on a string or double data type at line #l#.
52=Constant name '#1#' must also be provided with a constant value
53=The name '#1#' duplicated in the program at line #l#.
54=Declaration is not valid at line #l#.
55=Function call '#1#' expects parameters in brackets at line #l#.
56=Function declaration '#1#' must be outside any program nests at line #l#.
57=EXITFUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION must return the same data type at line #l#.
58=ENDFUNCTION only accepts a single value or local variables at line #l#.
59=Both operands are required for non-uniary operations at line #l#.
60=Reserve word '#1#' used out of place at line #l#.
61=END found inside a declaration, perhaps ENDTYPE required at line #l#.
62=Must close speech marks at line #l#.
63=Subscript must be Integer or DWORD when referencing an array at line #l#.
64=User Defined Type Arrays cannot be passed directly into user functions at line #l#.
65=Cannot define a function inside another function at line #l#.
66=Constant name '#1#' cannot share the name of a reserved word or command.
67=Constant declaration for '#1#' duplicated.
68=Variable in FOR NEXT loop cannot be a complex data type at line #l#.
69=Error 69 at line #l#.
0000=An unknown error has occurred
0001=Broke from nested subroutine. Cannot resume program after CLI usage.
0021=The program tried to execute a function header declaration
0051=The index number you have used is bigger than the array size
0052=The index number you have used must be within the arrray
0053=The array is empty
0054=Array type is invalid
0055=Array specified must be a single dimension array for this type of command
0101=There was not enough memory to make such an array
0102=Unknown array error
0103=The file is too large
0104=The file is invalid
0105=File does not exist
0106=File already exists
0107=The string is to long
0108=Stack overflow error
0109=Cannot make an array of that type
0110=Only positive numbers are allowed
0111=Divide by zero error
0112=Illegal size error
0113=Only positive numbers are allowed
0114=You must use a variable
0115=You must use a variable
0116=This command is now obsolete
0117=Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0118=Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds
0119=Division by zero
0300=Unknown sprite error
0301=Sprite number must be greater than zero
0302=Sprite does not exist
0303=Sprite backsave illegal
0304=Sprite transparency illegal
0310=Sprite rotation illegal
0311=Sprite scale illegal
0312=Sprite size illegal
0313=Sprite angle illegal
0314=Sprite alpha value illegal
0315=Sprite rgb value illegal
0316=Sprite animation delay value illegal
0317=Sprite vertex number illegal
0318=Sprite width illegal
0319=Sprite height illegal
0320=Sprite animation value illegal
0321=Sprite already exists
0500=Unknown image error
0501=Image number illegal
0502=Image does not exist
0503=Cannot grab image due to the area being too large
0504=Cannot grab image due to an illegal area
0505=Image is too large to be a texture
0506=Could not load image
0507=Cannot read an image currently locked by system
1000=Unknown bitmap error
1001=Bitmap number illegal
1002=Bitmap does not exist
1003=Could not load bitmap
1004=Could not save bitmap
1005=Could not create bitmap
1006=Cannot delete bitmap zerp
1007=Bitmap numbers are identical
1008=Source bitmap is too large
1009=Bitmap zero is reserved
1010=Region has exceeded bitmap size
1011=Bitmap area is illegal
1012=Blur value illegal
1013=Fade value illegal
1014=Gamm value illegal
1500=Unknown screen error
1501=Screen size is illegal
1502=Screen depth is illegal
1503=Screen mode is illegal
1504=Display cannot be created due to unknown DirectX error
1505=Display using 16 bit is not supported by available hardware
1506=Display using 24 bit is not supported by available hardware
1507=Display using 32 bit is not supported by available hardware
1508=Display does not support selected method of vertex processing
1509=Display does not support selected method of backbuffer access
1510=Display cannot be initialized due to absent DirectX interface
1511=Display cannot be created due to invalid function parameters
1512=Display is not supported by available hardware
1513=Display cannot be created due to insufficient video memory
1514=24 bit depth not supported. Select either 16 or 32 bit mode
2000=Unknown animation error
2001=Animation number illegal
2002=Could not load animation
2003=Animation already exists
2004=Animation does not exist
2005=Animation volume value illegal
2006=Animation frequency value illegal
2007=Animation is already playing
2008=Animation is not playing
2009=Animation is already paused
2010=Animation is not paused
3000=Unknown sound error
3001=Sound number illegal
3002=Could not load sound
3003=Sound already exists
3004=Sound does not exist
3005=Sound volume value illegal
3006=Sound frequency value illegal
3007=Sound pan value illegal
3008=Could not save sound
3021=Could not clone sound
3022=A sound must be specified
3023=A sound must be specified to clone
3201=A speech engine cannot be found
3500=Unknown music error
3501=Music number illegal
3502=Could not load music
3503=Music already exists
3504=Music does not exist
3505=Music volume value illegal
3506=Music speed value illegal
3507=Music is not playing
3508=Music track is illegal
4001=Unknown controller error
4002=A controller has not been selected
4101=No force-feedback controller found
4102=Magnitude value illegal
4103=Duration value illegal
4104=Angle value illegal
5101=Memblock range is illegal
5102=Memblock already exists
5103=Memblock does not exist
5104=Could not create memblock
5105=Memblock position outside range
5106=Memblock size value illegal
5107=Not a memblock byte
5108=Not a memblock word
5109=Not a memblock dword
7000=Unknown 3D error
7001=Mesh number illegal
7002=Could not load mesh
7003=Mesh does not exist
7004=Mesh darken value illegal
7005=Mesh lighten value illegal
7006=Object number illegal
7007=Object already exists
7008=Object does not exist
7009=Matrix already exists
7010=Matrix number illegal
7011=Matrix dimensions illegal
7012=Matrix segments illegal
7013=Matrix does not exist
7014=Matrix height error
7015=Matrix exceeds maximum size
7016=Matrix tile illegal
7017=Matrix coordinates illegal
7018=Could not load 3D object
7019=Object angle value illegal
7020=Too many limbs exist in the object
7021=Limb number illegal
7022=Cannot add a limb with that number
7023=Limb does not exist
7024=Limb already exists
7025=Cannot link a limb to that number
7026=You must link limbs in chain sequence
7027=You can only link new limbs
7028=Mesh is too large for limb placement
7029=3D Memory Error
7030=You must use the .DBO extension for a saved DBPro object
7031=Object fade value illegal
7032=Limb does not contain a mesh
7101=Particles object already exists
7102=Particles object does not exist
7103=Unknown particles objects error
7104=Particle number illegal
7105=Particle must have an emission value greater than zero
7126=Could not create terrain
7127=Terrain already exists
7128=Terrain does not exist
7129=Terrain data must be exactly square
7130=Terrain number illegal
7151=Could not load BSP file
7152=BSP does not exist
7153=BSP already exists
7154=BSP collision index must be between 1 and 24
7201=Camera number illegal
7202=Camera already exists
7203=Camera does not exist
7204=Cannot create camera
7205=Cannot use camera zero
7301=Light number illegal
7302=Light already exists
7303=Light does not exist
7304=Cannot create light
7305=Cannot use light zero
7601=Animation frame number illegal
7602=Animation keyframe does not exist
7603=Animation speed value illegal
7604=Animation interpolation illegal
7605=Cannot append to the object
7606=Append can only add to end of object animation
7607=Failed to compile CSG file from X File
7701=Vertex shader number illegal
7702=Vertex shader count illegal
7703=Cannot create vertex shader
7704=Vertex shader stream position illegal
7705=Vertex shader data illegal
7706=Vertex shader stream illegal
7707=Vertex shader cannot be assembled
7708=Vertex shader is illegal
7721=Effect number is illegal
7722=Effect does not exist
7723=Effect already exists
7801=Vector does not exist
7802=Matrix4 does not exist
7901=Fogging effect is not available
7911=Ambient percentage value illegal
7912=Camera range value illegal
7931=The source must be a 3DS file
7932=The destination must be an X file
8001=Could not scan current directory
8002=There are no more files in directory
8003=Could not find path
8021=Could not make file
8022=Could not delete file
8023=Could not copy file
8024=Could not rename file
8025=Could not move file
8101=Could not create directory
8102=Could not delete directory
8103=Could not execute file
8201=Could not open file for reading
8202=Could not open file for writing
8203=File is already open
8204=File is not open
8211=Cannot read from file
8212=Cannot write to file
8213=File number illegal
8301=Could not connect to FTP
8302=Cannot find FTP path
8303=Cannot put FTP file
8304=Cannot delete FTP file
8305=Cannot get FTP file
8501=Could not establish multiplayer connection
8502=Could not find session
8503=Could not setup session
8504=Could not create net game
8505=Could not join net game
8506=Could not send net game message
8507=Only 2 to 255 players can be specified
8508=Player name required
8509=Game name required
8510=Connection number illegal
8511=Session number illegal
8512=Player number illegal
8513=Not currently in net game session
8514=Player number does not exist
8515=Session number does not exist
8516=Player could not be created
8517=Player could not be deleted
8518=Too many players in session
9001=Checklist number illegal
9002=Checklist number illegal
9003=Checklist contains only numbers
9004=Checklist contains only strings
9005=Checklist does not exist
9011=Could not find the device
9012=Could not get texture memory
9013=Could not get video memory
9014=Could not get system memory
9701=Could not load DLL
9702=DLL does not exist
9703=DLL already exists
9704=Could not call DLL function
9705=Index number illegal
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
1=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
2=Activate 30 Day Trial Version
3=If you own the CD-Rom you can obtain an Order Key by selecting 'Activate From DBPro CD' located in the START Menu Programs folder for this product.
4=Click Next to activate the trial
5=Email Address
7=Please enter your TGC email and password. A TGC email and password can be obtained by visiting the TGC website and registering with us. Email and password are optional. You must register to be eligible for the early order discount we may offer on this trial product.
8=Enter your TGC email and password here (optional).
9=Order Key
10=Click NEXT to activate product.
11=Enter the Email and Order Key you received from TGC.
12=Enter the BYPASS code to activate a product:
13=Trial / 60DAY / Full
14=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
15=This tool will read the CD in your CDROM Drive and determine if it is a valid product from TGC. This information will be used to register your product on our database. Once your registration has been recieved, you will be sent an email which will allow you to activate your product and enjoy continued upgrades.
16=Enter your email address in the field provided.
17=Checking CD...
18=Your CD is a valid TGC product.
19=Sending CD activation request...
20=You have been successfully registered. An email will be sent to you shortly.
22=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
23=Your CD is not a valid TGC product. Ensure the Dark BASIC Professional CD is in the drive.
24=This may take several minutes.
25=Requesting Activation...
26=Trial Activation Successful.
27=Please enjoy using our software.
28=Order Key Verified. Product is now activated.
29=Product unknown.
30=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
31=Response from server not recognised.
32=Failed to verify.
33=You must provide your email address
34=Click Next to check CD for validity
35=Click Next to activate the product
36=Enter email and order key
37=Click Next to activate the product
38=Welcome to the Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
39=Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
41=< Back
42=Next >
44=Enter Order Key
45=Click 'Activate / Register' to activate Dark Basic Professional!
51=No Connection.
52=InternetOpen failed.
53=InternetConnect failed.
54=InternetQueryDataAvailable failed.
55=HttpSendRequest failed.
56=Product Or Email Not Given.
57=Product Not Given.
121=Machine Key (m) not supplied
122=Product ID (p) not supplied
123=Machine Key <> 32 chars
124=Product ID > 64 chars
125=Machine Key = Product ID (invalid possibility)
126=Machine Key has spaces in it (not allowed)
127=Product ID has spaces in it (not allowed)
128=SQL Error Saving the Certificate, try again later
129=SQL Error Retrieving Certificate Data, I've given up, sorry
130=The Machine Key has been banned from activating this Products Trial
131=The Machine Key has been deleted for this Product Trial
132=The Machine Key given is associated with a Fraudulent Order, banned
133=Verification Key Missing
134=Verification Key Invalid
137=System Error - the SQL Database Failed to Respond, Network Down?
140=AP Value (c) not supplied
141=AP Value (c) not supplied
142=AP Value (c) not supplied
143=AP Value (c) not supplied
144=Email Address not supplied
150=The email address given was too long. Maximum of 100 characters
151=The email address given was too short. Minimum of 8 characters
153=Invalid email address. Please check and re-try
154=Unknown error
71=Dark Basic Professional
72=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
73=More Information
74=Activate / Register
76=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
77=Buy DBPro now and receive an early registration discount of %s percent!
78=Click 'More Information' for details on our other products!
79=Enhance the power of Dark Basic Professional with additional modules!
81=Your installed products are
82=(valid certificate for
84=(valid certificate)
85=(expired certificate)
86=Dark Basic Professional - Not Activated
87=(not installed)
91=Dark Basic Professional Serial Code System
92=Welcome to Dark Basic Professional
93=Please enter your serial code
94=Serial Code:
97=Serial code is valid
98=Serial code is invalid - please try again
99=Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key
100=Welcome to the Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key Service
101=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking NEXT.
102=Enter your email address to register your product on our database. You will then be sent an email which contains the free order key you need to activate your product.
103=Click Next to register your email on our database.
104=An error occurred sending the registration request. Contact support for further information.
105=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking GET FREE ORDER KEY above.
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
Lab - Cracking with Immunity/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1=Restore Date From At Least
2=Demo Expired
3=Days Ago
1=Command Line Interface
2=Variable Watcher
3=Step Through Mode
6=Watch A
7=Watch B
11=No Program Listed
12=Stop Program
13=Step Program
14=Slow Program
15=Play Program
Lab - Decompiling/Alvas.Audio.zip
Normal file
Lab - Decompiling/Alvas.Audio.zip
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Decompiling/decompiling.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Decompiling/decompiling.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/LICENSE
Normal file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/LICENSE
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 The Game Creators Ltd
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/README
Normal file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/README
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Dark Basic Pro is available at https://github.com/TheGameCreators/Dark-Basic-Pro
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/TGCSerial.exe
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/TGCSerial.exe
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/TGCSerial.orig.exe
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/TGCSerial.orig.exe
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
1=Unknown syntax error at line #l#.
2= at line #l#.
3= in program.
1=Could not determine parameter type of '#1#' at line #l#.
2=Types '#1#' and '#2#' are incompatible at line #l#.
3=Could not cast '#1#' value from '#2#' at line #l#.
4=Parameter mismatch in expression '#1#' at line #l#.
5=Variable '#1#' must have type defined at line #l#.
6=Variable '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
7=Variable '#1#' name is not valid at line #l#.
8=Parameter for '#1#' do not match '#2#' at line #l#.
9=Irregular number of brackets at line #l#.
10=Cannot perform '#1#' cast on type '#2#' at line #l#.
11=Could not understand command at line #l#.
12=Could not close nest at line #l#.
13=Command out of place at line #l#.
14=WHILE condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
15=REPEAT condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
16=NEXT only takes one parameter at line #l#.
17=IF condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
18=Label '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
19=CASE needs a literal parameter at line #l#.
20=Unknown command in SELECT statement at line #l#.
21=CASE DEFAULT must be last case in select statement at line #l#.
22=SELECT statement requires ENDSELECT at line #l#.
23=Could not understand item '#1#' in DATA statement at line #l#.
24=Cannot use reserved word '#1#' as declaration at line #l#.
25=Declaration name '#1#' is not valid at line #l#.
26=Cannot declare an array within a type at line #l#.
27=Initialisation data '#1#' is incompatible type at line #l#.
28=Unknown type found at line #l#.
29=Parameter mismatch in command '#1#' at line #l#.
30=ENDFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
31=EXITFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
32=Zero length parameter not allowed at line #l#.
33=Array size value must be numeric at line #l#.
34=Could not understand FOR statement at line #l#.
35=Type definition '#1#' could not be understood at line #l#.
36=Cannot declare '#1#' variable twice at line #l#.
37=Variable declared using unknown type '#1#' at line #l#.
38=Could not find field '#1#' in type '#2#' at line #l#.
39=Could not find include file '#1#'.
40=Only nine dimensions allowed at line #l#.
41=User function call must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
42=Unknown parameter at line #l#.
43=Array must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
44=Cannot find structure '#1#' in local declaration at line #l#.
45=User function declaration must use no spaces, no numerical first character and include a set of brackets at line #l#.
46=User function '#1#' must return a value if used in an expression at line #l#.
47=Both user defined type values must use the same type at line #l#.
48=Constant name '#1#' must use only alphanumeric characters
49=The type of FOR statement values must match the type of the variable
50=Must use integer data type for bitwise operations at line #l#.
51=Cannot perform INC and DEC on a string or double data type at line #l#.
52=Constant name '#1#' must also be provided with a constant value
53=The name '#1#' duplicated in the program at line #l#.
54=Declaration is not valid at line #l#.
55=Function call '#1#' expects parameters in brackets at line #l#.
56=Function declaration '#1#' must be outside any program nests at line #l#.
57=EXITFUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION must return the same data type at line #l#.
58=ENDFUNCTION only accepts a single value or local variables at line #l#.
59=Both operands are required for non-uniary operations at line #l#.
60=Reserve word '#1#' used out of place at line #l#.
61=END found inside a declaration, perhaps ENDTYPE required at line #l#.
62=Must close speech marks at line #l#.
63=Subscript must be Integer or DWORD when referencing an array at line #l#.
64=User Defined Type Arrays cannot be passed directly into user functions at line #l#.
65=Cannot define a function inside another function at line #l#.
66=Constant name '#1#' cannot share the name of a reserved word or command.
67=Constant declaration for '#1#' duplicated.
68=Variable in FOR NEXT loop cannot be a complex data type at line #l#.
69=Error 69 at line #l#.
0000=An unknown error has occurred
0001=Broke from nested subroutine. Cannot resume program after CLI usage.
0021=The program tried to execute a function header declaration
0051=The index number you have used is bigger than the array size
0052=The index number you have used must be within the arrray
0053=The array is empty
0054=Array type is invalid
0055=Array specified must be a single dimension array for this type of command
0101=There was not enough memory to make such an array
0102=Unknown array error
0103=The file is too large
0104=The file is invalid
0105=File does not exist
0106=File already exists
0107=The string is to long
0108=Stack overflow error
0109=Cannot make an array of that type
0110=Only positive numbers are allowed
0111=Divide by zero error
0112=Illegal size error
0113=Only positive numbers are allowed
0114=You must use a variable
0115=You must use a variable
0116=This command is now obsolete
0117=Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0118=Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds
0119=Division by zero
0300=Unknown sprite error
0301=Sprite number must be greater than zero
0302=Sprite does not exist
0303=Sprite backsave illegal
0304=Sprite transparency illegal
0310=Sprite rotation illegal
0311=Sprite scale illegal
0312=Sprite size illegal
0313=Sprite angle illegal
0314=Sprite alpha value illegal
0315=Sprite rgb value illegal
0316=Sprite animation delay value illegal
0317=Sprite vertex number illegal
0318=Sprite width illegal
0319=Sprite height illegal
0320=Sprite animation value illegal
0321=Sprite already exists
0500=Unknown image error
0501=Image number illegal
0502=Image does not exist
0503=Cannot grab image due to the area being too large
0504=Cannot grab image due to an illegal area
0505=Image is too large to be a texture
0506=Could not load image
0507=Cannot read an image currently locked by system
1000=Unknown bitmap error
1001=Bitmap number illegal
1002=Bitmap does not exist
1003=Could not load bitmap
1004=Could not save bitmap
1005=Could not create bitmap
1006=Cannot delete bitmap zerp
1007=Bitmap numbers are identical
1008=Source bitmap is too large
1009=Bitmap zero is reserved
1010=Region has exceeded bitmap size
1011=Bitmap area is illegal
1012=Blur value illegal
1013=Fade value illegal
1014=Gamm value illegal
1500=Unknown screen error
1501=Screen size is illegal
1502=Screen depth is illegal
1503=Screen mode is illegal
1504=Display cannot be created due to unknown DirectX error
1505=Display using 16 bit is not supported by available hardware
1506=Display using 24 bit is not supported by available hardware
1507=Display using 32 bit is not supported by available hardware
1508=Display does not support selected method of vertex processing
1509=Display does not support selected method of backbuffer access
1510=Display cannot be initialized due to absent DirectX interface
1511=Display cannot be created due to invalid function parameters
1512=Display is not supported by available hardware
1513=Display cannot be created due to insufficient video memory
1514=24 bit depth not supported. Select either 16 or 32 bit mode
2000=Unknown animation error
2001=Animation number illegal
2002=Could not load animation
2003=Animation already exists
2004=Animation does not exist
2005=Animation volume value illegal
2006=Animation frequency value illegal
2007=Animation is already playing
2008=Animation is not playing
2009=Animation is already paused
2010=Animation is not paused
3000=Unknown sound error
3001=Sound number illegal
3002=Could not load sound
3003=Sound already exists
3004=Sound does not exist
3005=Sound volume value illegal
3006=Sound frequency value illegal
3007=Sound pan value illegal
3008=Could not save sound
3021=Could not clone sound
3022=A sound must be specified
3023=A sound must be specified to clone
3201=A speech engine cannot be found
3500=Unknown music error
3501=Music number illegal
3502=Could not load music
3503=Music already exists
3504=Music does not exist
3505=Music volume value illegal
3506=Music speed value illegal
3507=Music is not playing
3508=Music track is illegal
4001=Unknown controller error
4002=A controller has not been selected
4101=No force-feedback controller found
4102=Magnitude value illegal
4103=Duration value illegal
4104=Angle value illegal
5101=Memblock range is illegal
5102=Memblock already exists
5103=Memblock does not exist
5104=Could not create memblock
5105=Memblock position outside range
5106=Memblock size value illegal
5107=Not a memblock byte
5108=Not a memblock word
5109=Not a memblock dword
7000=Unknown 3D error
7001=Mesh number illegal
7002=Could not load mesh
7003=Mesh does not exist
7004=Mesh darken value illegal
7005=Mesh lighten value illegal
7006=Object number illegal
7007=Object already exists
7008=Object does not exist
7009=Matrix already exists
7010=Matrix number illegal
7011=Matrix dimensions illegal
7012=Matrix segments illegal
7013=Matrix does not exist
7014=Matrix height error
7015=Matrix exceeds maximum size
7016=Matrix tile illegal
7017=Matrix coordinates illegal
7018=Could not load 3D object
7019=Object angle value illegal
7020=Too many limbs exist in the object
7021=Limb number illegal
7022=Cannot add a limb with that number
7023=Limb does not exist
7024=Limb already exists
7025=Cannot link a limb to that number
7026=You must link limbs in chain sequence
7027=You can only link new limbs
7028=Mesh is too large for limb placement
7029=3D Memory Error
7030=You must use the .DBO extension for a saved DBPro object
7031=Object fade value illegal
7032=Limb does not contain a mesh
7101=Particles object already exists
7102=Particles object does not exist
7103=Unknown particles objects error
7104=Particle number illegal
7105=Particle must have an emission value greater than zero
7126=Could not create terrain
7127=Terrain already exists
7128=Terrain does not exist
7129=Terrain data must be exactly square
7130=Terrain number illegal
7151=Could not load BSP file
7152=BSP does not exist
7153=BSP already exists
7154=BSP collision index must be between 1 and 24
7201=Camera number illegal
7202=Camera already exists
7203=Camera does not exist
7204=Cannot create camera
7205=Cannot use camera zero
7301=Light number illegal
7302=Light already exists
7303=Light does not exist
7304=Cannot create light
7305=Cannot use light zero
7601=Animation frame number illegal
7602=Animation keyframe does not exist
7603=Animation speed value illegal
7604=Animation interpolation illegal
7605=Cannot append to the object
7606=Append can only add to end of object animation
7607=Failed to compile CSG file from X File
7701=Vertex shader number illegal
7702=Vertex shader count illegal
7703=Cannot create vertex shader
7704=Vertex shader stream position illegal
7705=Vertex shader data illegal
7706=Vertex shader stream illegal
7707=Vertex shader cannot be assembled
7708=Vertex shader is illegal
7721=Effect number is illegal
7722=Effect does not exist
7723=Effect already exists
7801=Vector does not exist
7802=Matrix4 does not exist
7901=Fogging effect is not available
7911=Ambient percentage value illegal
7912=Camera range value illegal
7931=The source must be a 3DS file
7932=The destination must be an X file
8001=Could not scan current directory
8002=There are no more files in directory
8003=Could not find path
8021=Could not make file
8022=Could not delete file
8023=Could not copy file
8024=Could not rename file
8025=Could not move file
8101=Could not create directory
8102=Could not delete directory
8103=Could not execute file
8201=Could not open file for reading
8202=Could not open file for writing
8203=File is already open
8204=File is not open
8211=Cannot read from file
8212=Cannot write to file
8213=File number illegal
8301=Could not connect to FTP
8302=Cannot find FTP path
8303=Cannot put FTP file
8304=Cannot delete FTP file
8305=Cannot get FTP file
8501=Could not establish multiplayer connection
8502=Could not find session
8503=Could not setup session
8504=Could not create net game
8505=Could not join net game
8506=Could not send net game message
8507=Only 2 to 255 players can be specified
8508=Player name required
8509=Game name required
8510=Connection number illegal
8511=Session number illegal
8512=Player number illegal
8513=Not currently in net game session
8514=Player number does not exist
8515=Session number does not exist
8516=Player could not be created
8517=Player could not be deleted
8518=Too many players in session
9001=Checklist number illegal
9002=Checklist number illegal
9003=Checklist contains only numbers
9004=Checklist contains only strings
9005=Checklist does not exist
9011=Could not find the device
9012=Could not get texture memory
9013=Could not get video memory
9014=Could not get system memory
9701=Could not load DLL
9702=DLL does not exist
9703=DLL already exists
9704=Could not call DLL function
9705=Index number illegal
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
1=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
2=Activate 30 Day Trial Version
3=If you own the CD-Rom you can obtain an Order Key by selecting 'Activate From DBPro CD' located in the START Menu Programs folder for this product.
4=Click Next to activate the trial
5=Email Address
7=Please enter your TGC email and password. A TGC email and password can be obtained by visiting the TGC website and registering with us. Email and password are optional. You must register to be eligible for the early order discount we may offer on this trial product.
8=Enter your TGC email and password here (optional).
9=Order Key
10=Click NEXT to activate product.
11=Enter the Email and Order Key you received from TGC.
12=Enter the BYPASS code to activate a product:
13=Trial / 60DAY / Full
14=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
15=This tool will read the CD in your CDROM Drive and determine if it is a valid product from TGC. This information will be used to register your product on our database. Once your registration has been recieved, you will be sent an email which will allow you to activate your product and enjoy continued upgrades.
16=Enter your email address in the field provided.
17=Checking CD...
18=Your CD is a valid TGC product.
19=Sending CD activation request...
20=You have been successfully registered. An email will be sent to you shortly.
22=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
23=Your CD is not a valid TGC product. Ensure the Dark BASIC Professional CD is in the drive.
24=This may take several minutes.
25=Requesting Activation...
26=Trial Activation Successful.
27=Please enjoy using our software.
28=Order Key Verified. Product is now activated.
29=Product unknown.
30=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
31=Response from server not recognised.
32=Failed to verify.
33=You must provide your email address
34=Click Next to check CD for validity
35=Click Next to activate the product
36=Enter email and order key
37=Click Next to activate the product
38=Welcome to the Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
39=Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
41=< Back
42=Next >
44=Enter Order Key
45=Click 'Activate / Register' to activate Dark Basic Professional!
51=No Connection.
52=InternetOpen failed.
53=InternetConnect failed.
54=InternetQueryDataAvailable failed.
55=HttpSendRequest failed.
56=Product Or Email Not Given.
57=Product Not Given.
121=Machine Key (m) not supplied
122=Product ID (p) not supplied
123=Machine Key <> 32 chars
124=Product ID > 64 chars
125=Machine Key = Product ID (invalid possibility)
126=Machine Key has spaces in it (not allowed)
127=Product ID has spaces in it (not allowed)
128=SQL Error Saving the Certificate, try again later
129=SQL Error Retrieving Certificate Data, I've given up, sorry
130=The Machine Key has been banned from activating this Products Trial
131=The Machine Key has been deleted for this Product Trial
132=The Machine Key given is associated with a Fraudulent Order, banned
133=Verification Key Missing
134=Verification Key Invalid
137=System Error - the SQL Database Failed to Respond, Network Down?
140=AP Value (c) not supplied
141=AP Value (c) not supplied
142=AP Value (c) not supplied
143=AP Value (c) not supplied
144=Email Address not supplied
150=The email address given was too long. Maximum of 100 characters
151=The email address given was too short. Minimum of 8 characters
153=Invalid email address. Please check and re-try
154=Unknown error
71=Dark Basic Professional
72=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
73=More Information
74=Activate / Register
76=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
77=Buy DBPro now and receive an early registration discount of %s percent!
78=Click 'More Information' for details on our other products!
79=Enhance the power of Dark Basic Professional with additional modules!
81=Your installed products are
82=(valid certificate for
84=(valid certificate)
85=(expired certificate)
86=Dark Basic Professional - Not Activated
87=(not installed)
91=Dark Basic Professional Serial Code System
92=Welcome to Dark Basic Professional
93=Please enter your serial code
94=Serial Code:
97=Serial code is valid
98=Serial code is invalid - please try again
99=Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key
100=Welcome to the Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key Service
101=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking NEXT.
102=Enter your email address to register your product on our database. You will then be sent an email which contains the free order key you need to activate your product.
103=Click Next to register your email on our database.
104=An error occurred sending the registration request. Contact support for further information.
105=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking GET FREE ORDER KEY above.
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1=Restore Date From At Least
2=Demo Expired
3=Days Ago
1=Command Line Interface
2=Variable Watcher
3=Step Through Mode
6=Watch A
7=Watch B
11=No Program Listed
12=Stop Program
13=Step Program
14=Slow Program
15=Play Program
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/unpacking.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Detecting and Unpacking/unpacking.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Hello World/Makefile
Normal file
Lab - Hello World/Makefile
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
all: helloworld.o
helloworld.o: helloworld.asm
nasm -f elf32 -g helloworld.asm
ld -melf_i386 -g helloworld.o -o helloworld.out
rm helloworld.o helloworld.out
Lab - Hello World/helloworld.asm
Normal file
Lab - Hello World/helloworld.asm
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 4 ; write
mov ebx, 1 ; stdout
mov ecx, msg
mov edx, msg.len
int 0x80
mov eax, 1 ; exit
mov ebx, 0
int 0x80
section .data
msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
.len: equ $ - msg
Lab - Hello World/helloworld.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Hello World/helloworld.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/IDA Logic Flows.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/IDA Logic Flows.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution1.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution1.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution2.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution2.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution3.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution3.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution4.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution4.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution5.pdf
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/ida_logic-Solution5.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part1.o
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part1.o
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part2.o
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part2.o
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part3.o
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part3.o
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part4.o
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part4.o
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part5.o
Normal file
Lab - IDA Logic Flows/part5.o
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Introductory Keygen/keygen.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Introductory Keygen/keygen.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Introductory Keygen/keygenme
Normal file
Lab - Introductory Keygen/keygenme
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/.gdbinit
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/.gdbinit
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Lab - Obfuscation/check_all
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/check_all
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/check_bcf
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/check_bcf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/check_fla
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/check_fla
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/check_hard_mode
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/check_hard_mode
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/check_sub
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/check_sub
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/moving
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/moving
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - Obfuscation/obfuscation.pdf
Normal file
Lab - Obfuscation/obfuscation.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - ProcMon/procmon.pdf
Normal file
Lab - ProcMon/procmon.pdf
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - ProcMon/target/LICENSE
Normal file
Lab - ProcMon/target/LICENSE
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 The Game Creators Ltd
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Lab - ProcMon/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/MD5.dll
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - ProcMon/target/README
Normal file
Lab - ProcMon/target/README
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Dark Basic Pro is available at https://github.com/TheGameCreators/Dark-Basic-Pro
Lab - ProcMon/target/TGCTrial.exe
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/TGCTrial.exe
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - ProcMon/target/certificates/860877f4cb8c1f11166152da43b091d5
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/certificates/860877f4cb8c1f11166152da43b091d5
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
DESC=Dark Basic Professional
Lab - ProcMon/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/certificates/local.ini
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/Errors.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
1=Unknown syntax error at line #l#.
2= at line #l#.
3= in program.
1=Could not determine parameter type of '#1#' at line #l#.
2=Types '#1#' and '#2#' are incompatible at line #l#.
3=Could not cast '#1#' value from '#2#' at line #l#.
4=Parameter mismatch in expression '#1#' at line #l#.
5=Variable '#1#' must have type defined at line #l#.
6=Variable '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
7=Variable '#1#' name is not valid at line #l#.
8=Parameter for '#1#' do not match '#2#' at line #l#.
9=Irregular number of brackets at line #l#.
10=Cannot perform '#1#' cast on type '#2#' at line #l#.
11=Could not understand command at line #l#.
12=Could not close nest at line #l#.
13=Command out of place at line #l#.
14=WHILE condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
15=REPEAT condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
16=NEXT only takes one parameter at line #l#.
17=IF condition only takes one parameter at line #l#.
18=Label '#1#' does not exist at line #l#.
19=CASE needs a literal parameter at line #l#.
20=Unknown command in SELECT statement at line #l#.
21=CASE DEFAULT must be last case in select statement at line #l#.
22=SELECT statement requires ENDSELECT at line #l#.
23=Could not understand item '#1#' in DATA statement at line #l#.
24=Cannot use reserved word '#1#' as declaration at line #l#.
25=Declaration name '#1#' is not valid at line #l#.
26=Cannot declare an array within a type at line #l#.
27=Initialisation data '#1#' is incompatible type at line #l#.
28=Unknown type found at line #l#.
29=Parameter mismatch in command '#1#' at line #l#.
30=ENDFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
31=EXITFUNCTION only takes one parameter at line #l#.
32=Zero length parameter not allowed at line #l#.
33=Array size value must be numeric at line #l#.
34=Could not understand FOR statement at line #l#.
35=Type definition '#1#' could not be understood at line #l#.
36=Cannot declare '#1#' variable twice at line #l#.
37=Variable declared using unknown type '#1#' at line #l#.
38=Could not find field '#1#' in type '#2#' at line #l#.
39=Could not find include file '#1#'.
40=Only nine dimensions allowed at line #l#.
41=User function call must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
42=Unknown parameter at line #l#.
43=Array must include a set of brackets at line #l#.
44=Cannot find structure '#1#' in local declaration at line #l#.
45=User function declaration must use no spaces, no numerical first character and include a set of brackets at line #l#.
46=User function '#1#' must return a value if used in an expression at line #l#.
47=Both user defined type values must use the same type at line #l#.
48=Constant name '#1#' must use only alphanumeric characters
49=The type of FOR statement values must match the type of the variable
50=Must use integer data type for bitwise operations at line #l#.
51=Cannot perform INC and DEC on a string or double data type at line #l#.
52=Constant name '#1#' must also be provided with a constant value
53=The name '#1#' duplicated in the program at line #l#.
54=Declaration is not valid at line #l#.
55=Function call '#1#' expects parameters in brackets at line #l#.
56=Function declaration '#1#' must be outside any program nests at line #l#.
57=EXITFUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION must return the same data type at line #l#.
58=ENDFUNCTION only accepts a single value or local variables at line #l#.
59=Both operands are required for non-uniary operations at line #l#.
60=Reserve word '#1#' used out of place at line #l#.
61=END found inside a declaration, perhaps ENDTYPE required at line #l#.
62=Must close speech marks at line #l#.
63=Subscript must be Integer or DWORD when referencing an array at line #l#.
64=User Defined Type Arrays cannot be passed directly into user functions at line #l#.
65=Cannot define a function inside another function at line #l#.
66=Constant name '#1#' cannot share the name of a reserved word or command.
67=Constant declaration for '#1#' duplicated.
68=Variable in FOR NEXT loop cannot be a complex data type at line #l#.
69=Error 69 at line #l#.
0000=An unknown error has occurred
0001=Broke from nested subroutine. Cannot resume program after CLI usage.
0021=The program tried to execute a function header declaration
0051=The index number you have used is bigger than the array size
0052=The index number you have used must be within the arrray
0053=The array is empty
0054=Array type is invalid
0055=Array specified must be a single dimension array for this type of command
0101=There was not enough memory to make such an array
0102=Unknown array error
0103=The file is too large
0104=The file is invalid
0105=File does not exist
0106=File already exists
0107=The string is to long
0108=Stack overflow error
0109=Cannot make an array of that type
0110=Only positive numbers are allowed
0111=Divide by zero error
0112=Illegal size error
0113=Only positive numbers are allowed
0114=You must use a variable
0115=You must use a variable
0116=This command is now obsolete
0117=Cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
0118=Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds
0119=Division by zero
0300=Unknown sprite error
0301=Sprite number must be greater than zero
0302=Sprite does not exist
0303=Sprite backsave illegal
0304=Sprite transparency illegal
0310=Sprite rotation illegal
0311=Sprite scale illegal
0312=Sprite size illegal
0313=Sprite angle illegal
0314=Sprite alpha value illegal
0315=Sprite rgb value illegal
0316=Sprite animation delay value illegal
0317=Sprite vertex number illegal
0318=Sprite width illegal
0319=Sprite height illegal
0320=Sprite animation value illegal
0321=Sprite already exists
0500=Unknown image error
0501=Image number illegal
0502=Image does not exist
0503=Cannot grab image due to the area being too large
0504=Cannot grab image due to an illegal area
0505=Image is too large to be a texture
0506=Could not load image
0507=Cannot read an image currently locked by system
1000=Unknown bitmap error
1001=Bitmap number illegal
1002=Bitmap does not exist
1003=Could not load bitmap
1004=Could not save bitmap
1005=Could not create bitmap
1006=Cannot delete bitmap zerp
1007=Bitmap numbers are identical
1008=Source bitmap is too large
1009=Bitmap zero is reserved
1010=Region has exceeded bitmap size
1011=Bitmap area is illegal
1012=Blur value illegal
1013=Fade value illegal
1014=Gamm value illegal
1500=Unknown screen error
1501=Screen size is illegal
1502=Screen depth is illegal
1503=Screen mode is illegal
1504=Display cannot be created due to unknown DirectX error
1505=Display using 16 bit is not supported by available hardware
1506=Display using 24 bit is not supported by available hardware
1507=Display using 32 bit is not supported by available hardware
1508=Display does not support selected method of vertex processing
1509=Display does not support selected method of backbuffer access
1510=Display cannot be initialized due to absent DirectX interface
1511=Display cannot be created due to invalid function parameters
1512=Display is not supported by available hardware
1513=Display cannot be created due to insufficient video memory
1514=24 bit depth not supported. Select either 16 or 32 bit mode
2000=Unknown animation error
2001=Animation number illegal
2002=Could not load animation
2003=Animation already exists
2004=Animation does not exist
2005=Animation volume value illegal
2006=Animation frequency value illegal
2007=Animation is already playing
2008=Animation is not playing
2009=Animation is already paused
2010=Animation is not paused
3000=Unknown sound error
3001=Sound number illegal
3002=Could not load sound
3003=Sound already exists
3004=Sound does not exist
3005=Sound volume value illegal
3006=Sound frequency value illegal
3007=Sound pan value illegal
3008=Could not save sound
3021=Could not clone sound
3022=A sound must be specified
3023=A sound must be specified to clone
3201=A speech engine cannot be found
3500=Unknown music error
3501=Music number illegal
3502=Could not load music
3503=Music already exists
3504=Music does not exist
3505=Music volume value illegal
3506=Music speed value illegal
3507=Music is not playing
3508=Music track is illegal
4001=Unknown controller error
4002=A controller has not been selected
4101=No force-feedback controller found
4102=Magnitude value illegal
4103=Duration value illegal
4104=Angle value illegal
5101=Memblock range is illegal
5102=Memblock already exists
5103=Memblock does not exist
5104=Could not create memblock
5105=Memblock position outside range
5106=Memblock size value illegal
5107=Not a memblock byte
5108=Not a memblock word
5109=Not a memblock dword
7000=Unknown 3D error
7001=Mesh number illegal
7002=Could not load mesh
7003=Mesh does not exist
7004=Mesh darken value illegal
7005=Mesh lighten value illegal
7006=Object number illegal
7007=Object already exists
7008=Object does not exist
7009=Matrix already exists
7010=Matrix number illegal
7011=Matrix dimensions illegal
7012=Matrix segments illegal
7013=Matrix does not exist
7014=Matrix height error
7015=Matrix exceeds maximum size
7016=Matrix tile illegal
7017=Matrix coordinates illegal
7018=Could not load 3D object
7019=Object angle value illegal
7020=Too many limbs exist in the object
7021=Limb number illegal
7022=Cannot add a limb with that number
7023=Limb does not exist
7024=Limb already exists
7025=Cannot link a limb to that number
7026=You must link limbs in chain sequence
7027=You can only link new limbs
7028=Mesh is too large for limb placement
7029=3D Memory Error
7030=You must use the .DBO extension for a saved DBPro object
7031=Object fade value illegal
7032=Limb does not contain a mesh
7101=Particles object already exists
7102=Particles object does not exist
7103=Unknown particles objects error
7104=Particle number illegal
7105=Particle must have an emission value greater than zero
7126=Could not create terrain
7127=Terrain already exists
7128=Terrain does not exist
7129=Terrain data must be exactly square
7130=Terrain number illegal
7151=Could not load BSP file
7152=BSP does not exist
7153=BSP already exists
7154=BSP collision index must be between 1 and 24
7201=Camera number illegal
7202=Camera already exists
7203=Camera does not exist
7204=Cannot create camera
7205=Cannot use camera zero
7301=Light number illegal
7302=Light already exists
7303=Light does not exist
7304=Cannot create light
7305=Cannot use light zero
7601=Animation frame number illegal
7602=Animation keyframe does not exist
7603=Animation speed value illegal
7604=Animation interpolation illegal
7605=Cannot append to the object
7606=Append can only add to end of object animation
7607=Failed to compile CSG file from X File
7701=Vertex shader number illegal
7702=Vertex shader count illegal
7703=Cannot create vertex shader
7704=Vertex shader stream position illegal
7705=Vertex shader data illegal
7706=Vertex shader stream illegal
7707=Vertex shader cannot be assembled
7708=Vertex shader is illegal
7721=Effect number is illegal
7722=Effect does not exist
7723=Effect already exists
7801=Vector does not exist
7802=Matrix4 does not exist
7901=Fogging effect is not available
7911=Ambient percentage value illegal
7912=Camera range value illegal
7931=The source must be a 3DS file
7932=The destination must be an X file
8001=Could not scan current directory
8002=There are no more files in directory
8003=Could not find path
8021=Could not make file
8022=Could not delete file
8023=Could not copy file
8024=Could not rename file
8025=Could not move file
8101=Could not create directory
8102=Could not delete directory
8103=Could not execute file
8201=Could not open file for reading
8202=Could not open file for writing
8203=File is already open
8204=File is not open
8211=Cannot read from file
8212=Cannot write to file
8213=File number illegal
8301=Could not connect to FTP
8302=Cannot find FTP path
8303=Cannot put FTP file
8304=Cannot delete FTP file
8305=Cannot get FTP file
8501=Could not establish multiplayer connection
8502=Could not find session
8503=Could not setup session
8504=Could not create net game
8505=Could not join net game
8506=Could not send net game message
8507=Only 2 to 255 players can be specified
8508=Player name required
8509=Game name required
8510=Connection number illegal
8511=Session number illegal
8512=Player number illegal
8513=Not currently in net game session
8514=Player number does not exist
8515=Session number does not exist
8516=Player could not be created
8517=Player could not be deleted
8518=Too many players in session
9001=Checklist number illegal
9002=Checklist number illegal
9003=Checklist contains only numbers
9004=Checklist contains only strings
9005=Checklist does not exist
9011=Could not find the device
9012=Could not get texture memory
9013=Could not get video memory
9014=Could not get system memory
9701=Could not load DLL
9702=DLL does not exist
9703=DLL already exists
9704=Could not call DLL function
9705=Index number illegal
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/TGC.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
1=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
2=Activate 30 Day Trial Version
3=If you own the CD-Rom you can obtain an Order Key by selecting 'Activate From DBPro CD' located in the START Menu Programs folder for this product.
4=Click Next to activate the trial
5=Email Address
7=Please enter your TGC email and password. A TGC email and password can be obtained by visiting the TGC website and registering with us. Email and password are optional. You must register to be eligible for the early order discount we may offer on this trial product.
8=Enter your TGC email and password here (optional).
9=Order Key
10=Click NEXT to activate product.
11=Enter the Email and Order Key you received from TGC.
12=Enter the BYPASS code to activate a product:
13=Trial / 60DAY / Full
14=This program will check to see that you have a legal and valid copy of Dark BASIC Professional.
15=This tool will read the CD in your CDROM Drive and determine if it is a valid product from TGC. This information will be used to register your product on our database. Once your registration has been recieved, you will be sent an email which will allow you to activate your product and enjoy continued upgrades.
16=Enter your email address in the field provided.
17=Checking CD...
18=Your CD is a valid TGC product.
19=Sending CD activation request...
20=You have been successfully registered. An email will be sent to you shortly.
22=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
23=Your CD is not a valid TGC product. Ensure the Dark BASIC Professional CD is in the drive.
24=This may take several minutes.
25=Requesting Activation...
26=Trial Activation Successful.
27=Please enjoy using our software.
28=Order Key Verified. Product is now activated.
29=Product unknown.
30=Unable to get response from server. A firewall may be blocking this application.
31=Response from server not recognised.
32=Failed to verify.
33=You must provide your email address
34=Click Next to check CD for validity
35=Click Next to activate the product
36=Enter email and order key
37=Click Next to activate the product
38=Welcome to the Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
39=Dark BASIC Professional Activation Service
41=< Back
42=Next >
44=Enter Order Key
45=Click 'Activate / Register' to activate Dark Basic Professional!
51=No Connection.
52=InternetOpen failed.
53=InternetConnect failed.
54=InternetQueryDataAvailable failed.
55=HttpSendRequest failed.
56=Product Or Email Not Given.
57=Product Not Given.
121=Machine Key (m) not supplied
122=Product ID (p) not supplied
123=Machine Key <> 32 chars
124=Product ID > 64 chars
125=Machine Key = Product ID (invalid possibility)
126=Machine Key has spaces in it (not allowed)
127=Product ID has spaces in it (not allowed)
128=SQL Error Saving the Certificate, try again later
129=SQL Error Retrieving Certificate Data, I've given up, sorry
130=The Machine Key has been banned from activating this Products Trial
131=The Machine Key has been deleted for this Product Trial
132=The Machine Key given is associated with a Fraudulent Order, banned
133=Verification Key Missing
134=Verification Key Invalid
137=System Error - the SQL Database Failed to Respond, Network Down?
140=AP Value (c) not supplied
141=AP Value (c) not supplied
142=AP Value (c) not supplied
143=AP Value (c) not supplied
144=Email Address not supplied
150=The email address given was too long. Maximum of 100 characters
151=The email address given was too short. Minimum of 8 characters
153=Invalid email address. Please check and re-try
154=Unknown error
71=Dark Basic Professional
72=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
73=More Information
74=Activate / Register
76=To learn more about a module, click the respective icon above
77=Buy DBPro now and receive an early registration discount of %s percent!
78=Click 'More Information' for details on our other products!
79=Enhance the power of Dark Basic Professional with additional modules!
81=Your installed products are
82=(valid certificate for
84=(valid certificate)
85=(expired certificate)
86=Dark Basic Professional - Not Activated
87=(not installed)
91=Dark Basic Professional Serial Code System
92=Welcome to Dark Basic Professional
93=Please enter your serial code
94=Serial Code:
97=Serial code is valid
98=Serial code is invalid - please try again
99=Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key
100=Welcome to the Dark Basic Professional Free Order Key Service
101=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking NEXT.
102=Enter your email address to register your product on our database. You will then be sent an email which contains the free order key you need to activate your product.
103=Click Next to register your email on our database.
104=An error occurred sending the registration request. Contact support for further information.
105=Before you start using Dark Basic Professional, you need to obtain an order key to activate the software. You can obtain a free order key by clicking GET FREE ORDER KEY above.
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
Lab - ProcMon/target/lang/english/Words.txt
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
1=Restore Date From At Least
2=Demo Expired
3=Days Ago
1=Command Line Interface
2=Variable Watcher
3=Step Through Mode
6=Watch A
7=Watch B
11=No Program Listed
12=Stop Program
13=Step Program
14=Slow Program
15=Play Program
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/1
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/1
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/2
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/2
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/3
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/3
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/4
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/4
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/5
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/5
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/6
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/6
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/7
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/7
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/8
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/8
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/desktop.ini
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/desktop.ini
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
InfoTip=This folder is shared online.
IconResource=C:\Program Files\Google\Drive File Stream\\GoogleDriveFS.exe,22
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/lockbox.zip
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_i/lockbox.zip
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/0
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/0
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/1
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/1
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/10
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/10
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/11
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/11
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/12
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/12
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/13
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/13
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/14
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/14
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/15
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/15
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/16
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/16
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/17
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/17
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/18
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/18
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/19
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/19
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/2
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/2
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/20
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/20
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/21
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/21
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/22
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/22
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/23
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/23
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/24
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/24
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/3
Normal file
Lab - RE Bingo/part_ii/3
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
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