Package Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices

Class Summary
GamerProfile Profile settings describing information about a gamer such as the gamer's motto, reputation, and gamer picture.
GamerServicesDispatcher Implements the Windows-specific portion of a GamerServicesDispatcher class.

Enum Summary
GameDifficulty Indicates how difficult this gamer likes things to be.
GamerZone This style of social gaming preferred by this Xbox LIVE member.
MessageBoxIcon Defines the different icons for a message box.
RacingCameraAngle Indicates which camera angle this gamer prefers to use in racing games.

Exception Summary
GuideAlreadyVisibleException Thrown if an attempt is made to display a component of the Guide user interface when a Guide component is already displayed.
NetworkException Thrown if there is a network communication failure.
NetworkNotAvailableException Thrown if a network connection is unavailable.