Uses of Class

Packages that use Stream

Uses of Stream in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio

Methods in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio with parameters of type Stream
static SoundEffect SoundEffect.FromStream(Stream stream)
          Creates a SoundEffect object based on the specified data stream.

Uses of Stream in System.IO

Subclasses of Stream in System.IO
 class MemoryStream
          Defines a stream whose backing store is memory.

Fields in System.IO declared as Stream
protected  Stream BinaryWriter.OutStream

Methods in System.IO that return Stream
 Stream BinaryWriter.getBaseStream()
 Stream BinaryReader.getBaseStream()

Methods in System.IO with parameters of type Stream
 void MemoryStream.WriteTo(Stream stream)
          Writes the entire contents of this memory stream to another stream.

Constructors in System.IO with parameters of type Stream
BinaryReader(Stream input)
          Initializes a new instance of the BinaryReader class based on the supplied stream and using UTF-8 encoding.
BinaryReader(Stream input, java.lang.String encoding)
          Initializes a new instance of the BinaryReader class based on the supplied stream and a specific character encoding.
BinaryWriter(Stream output)
BinaryWriter(Stream output, java.lang.String encoding)