Class QualityOfService

  extended by Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net.QualityOfService

public final class QualityOfService
extends java.lang.Object

Describes the quality of the network connection between this machine and the host of a multiplayer session that was discovered with a matchmaking query.


Method Summary
 TimeSpan getAverageRoundTripTime()
          Gets the average (median) round trip time of all the network packets that were sent during the quality of service measurement process.
 int getBytesPerSecondDownstream()
          Gets an estimate of the available downstream network bandwidth from the session host to this machine, measured in bytes per second.
 int getBytesPerSecondUpstream()
          Gets an estimate of the available upstream network bandwidth from this machine to the session host, measured in bytes per second.
 TimeSpan getMinimumRoundTripTime()
          Gets the minimum round trip time of any network packet that was sent during the quality of service measurement process.
 boolean IsAvailable()
          Checks whether this quality of service operation has completed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public TimeSpan getAverageRoundTripTime()
Gets the average (median) round trip time of all the network packets that were sent during the quality of service measurement process.


public int getBytesPerSecondDownstream()
Gets an estimate of the available downstream network bandwidth from the session host to this machine, measured in bytes per second.


public int getBytesPerSecondUpstream()
Gets an estimate of the available upstream network bandwidth from this machine to the session host, measured in bytes per second.


public boolean IsAvailable()
Checks whether this quality of service operation has completed.


public TimeSpan getMinimumRoundTripTime()
Gets the minimum round trip time of any network packet that was sent during the quality of service measurement process.