import argparse import logging import os import queue import shutil import sys import threading import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from chkbit import Context, Status, IndexThread from . import CLI, Progress, RateCalc, sparkify, __version__ EPILOG = """ .chkbitignore rules: each line should contain exactly one name you may use Unix shell-style wildcards (see README) lines starting with `#` are skipped lines starting with `/` are only applied to the current directory Status codes: DMG: error, data damage detected EIX: error, index damaged old: warning, file replaced by an older version new: new file upd: file updated ok : check ok ign: ignored (see .chkbitignore) EXC: internal exception """ UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(milliseconds=700) MB = 1024 * 1024 CLI_BG = CLI.bg8(240) CLI_SEP = "|" CLI_SEP_FG = CLI.fg8(235) CLI_FG1 = CLI.fg8(255) CLI_FG2 = CLI.fg8(228) CLI_FG3 = CLI.fg8(202) CLI_OK_FG = CLI.fg4(2) CLI_ALERT_FG = CLI.fg4(1) class Main: def __init__(self): self.stdscr = None self.dmg_list = [] self.err_list = [] self.num_idx_upd = 0 self.num_new = 0 self.num_upd = 0 self.verbose = False self.log = logging.getLogger("") self.log_verbose = False self.progress = Progress.Fancy = 0 self.term_width = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] max_stat = int((self.term_width - 70) / 2) self.fps = RateCalc(timedelta(seconds=1), max_stat=max_stat) self.bps = RateCalc(timedelta(seconds=1), max_stat=max_stat) # disable self.log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL + 1) def _log(self, stat: Status, path: str): if stat == Status.UPDATE_INDEX: self.num_idx_upd += 1 else: if stat == Status.ERR_DMG: += 1 self.dmg_list.append(path) elif stat == Status.INTERNALEXCEPTION: self.err_list.append(path) elif stat in [Status.OK, Status.UPDATE, Status.NEW]: += 1 if stat == Status.UPDATE: self.num_upd += 1 elif stat == Status.NEW: self.num_new += 1 lvl = Status.get_level(stat) if self.log_verbose or not stat in [Status.OK, Status.IGNORE]: self.log.log(lvl, f"{stat.value} {path}") if self.verbose or not stat in [Status.OK, Status.IGNORE]: CLI.printline( CLI_ALERT_FG if lvl >= logging.WARNING else "", stat.value, " ", path,, ) def _res_worker(self, context: Context): last = while True: try: item = self.result_queue.get(timeout=0.2) now = if not item: if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.printline("") break t, *p = item if t == 0: self._log(*p) last = datetime.min else: self.fps.push(now, p[0]) self.bps.push(now, p[1]) self.result_queue.task_done() except queue.Empty: now = pass if last + UPDATE_INTERVAL < now: last = now if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: stat_f = f"{self.fps.last} files/s" stat_b = f"{int(self.bps.last/MB)} MB/s" stat = f"[{'RW' if context.update else 'RO'}:{context.num_workers}] {>5} files $ {sparkify(self.fps.stats)} {stat_f:13} $ {sparkify(self.bps.stats)} {stat_b}" stat = stat[: self.term_width - 1] stat = stat.replace("$", CLI_SEP_FG + CLI_SEP + CLI_FG2, 1) stat = stat.replace("$", CLI_SEP_FG + CLI_SEP + CLI_FG3, 1) CLI.write( CLI_BG, CLI_FG1, stat, CLI.esc.clear_line(),, "\r", ) elif self.progress == Progress.Plain: print(, end="\r") def process(self, args): if args.update and args.show_ignored_only: print("Error: use either --update or --show-ignored-only!", file=sys.stderr) return None context = Context( num_workers=args.workers, force=args.force, update=args.update, show_ignored_only=args.show_ignored_only, hash_algo=args.algo, skip_symlinks=args.skip_symlinks, index_filename=args.index_name, ignore_filename=args.ignore_name, ) self.result_queue = context.result_queue # put the initial paths into the queue for path in args.paths: context.add_input(path) # start indexing workers = [IndexThread(i, context) for i in range(context.num_workers)] # log the results from the workers res_worker = threading.Thread(target=self._res_worker, args=(context,)) res_worker.daemon = True res_worker.start() # wait for work to finish context.input_queue.join() # signal workers to exit for worker in workers: context.end_input() # signal res_worker to exit self.result_queue.put(None) for worker in workers: worker.join() res_worker.join() return context def print_result(self, context): def cprint(col, text): if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.printline(col, text, else: print(text) def eprint(col, text): if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.write(col) print(text, file=sys.stderr) CLI.write( else: print(text, file=sys.stderr) iunit = lambda x, u: f"{x} {u}{'s' if x!=1 else ''}" iunit2 = lambda x, u1, u2: f"{x} {u2 if x!=1 else u1}" if self.progress != Progress.Quiet: status = f"Processed {iunit(, 'file')}{' in readonly mode' if not context.update else ''}." cprint(CLI_OK_FG, status) if self.progress == Progress.Fancy and > 0: elapsed = - self.fps.start elapsed_s = elapsed.total_seconds() print(f"- {str(elapsed).split('.')[0]} elapsed") print( f"- {(} files/second" ) print( f"- {(} MB/second" ) if context.update: if self.num_idx_upd: cprint( CLI_OK_FG, f"- {iunit2(self.num_idx_upd, 'directory was', 'directories were')} updated\n" + f"- {iunit2(self.num_new, 'file hash was', 'file hashes were')} added\n" + f"- {iunit2(self.num_upd, 'file hash was', 'file hashes were')} updated", ) elif self.num_new + self.num_upd > 0: cprint( CLI_ALERT_FG, f"No changes were made (specify -u to update):\n" + f"- {iunit(self.num_new, 'file')} would have been added and\n" + f"- {iunit(self.num_upd, 'file')} would have been updated.", ) if self.dmg_list: eprint(CLI_ALERT_FG, "chkbit detected damage in these files:") for err in self.dmg_list: print(err, file=sys.stderr) n = len(self.dmg_list) status = f"error: detected {iunit(n, 'file')} with damage!" self.log.error(status) eprint(CLI_ALERT_FG, status) if self.err_list: status = "chkbit ran into errors" self.log.error(status + "!") eprint(CLI_ALERT_FG, status + ":") for err in self.err_list: print(err, file=sys.stderr) if self.dmg_list or self.err_list: sys.exit(1) def run(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="chkbit", description="Checks the data integrity of your files. See", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "paths", metavar="PATH", type=str, nargs="*", help="directories to check" ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--update", action="store_true", help="update indices (without this chkbit will verify files in readonly mode)", ) parser.add_argument( "--show-ignored-only", action="store_true", help="only show ignored files" ) parser.add_argument( "--algo", type=str, default="blake3", help="hash algorithm: md5, sha512, blake3 (default: blake3)", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="force update of damaged items" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip-symlinks", action="store_true", help="do not follow symlinks" ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--log-file", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="write to a logfile if specified", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose logging" ) parser.add_argument( "--index-name", metavar="NAME", type=str, default=".chkbit", help="filename where chkbit stores its hashes, needs to start with '.' (default: .chkbit)", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-name", metavar="NAME", type=str, default=".chkbitignore", help="filename that chkbit reads its ignore list from, needs to start with '.' (default: .chkbitignore)", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--workers", metavar="N", action="store", type=int, default=5, help="number of workers to use (default: 5)", ) parser.add_argument( "--plain", action="store_true", help="show plain status instead of being fancy", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="quiet, don't show progress/information", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose output" ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="store_true", help="show version information" ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(__version__) return self.verbose = args.verbose or args.show_ignored_only if args.log_file: self.log_verbose = args.log_verbose self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh = logging.FileHandler(args.log_file) fh.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname).4s %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) ) self.log.addHandler(fh) if args.quiet: self.progress = Progress.Quiet elif not sys.stdout.isatty(): self.progress = Progress.Summary elif args.plain: self.progress = Progress.Plain if args.paths:"chkbit {', '.join(args.paths)}") context = self.process(args) if context and not context.show_ignored_only: self.print_result(context) else: parser.print_help() def main(): try: Main().run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("abort") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()