import argparse import os import queue import shutil import sys import threading import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from chkbit import Context, Status, IndexThread from cli import CLI, Progress, RateCalc, sparkify STATUS_CODES = """ Status codes: DMG: error, data damage detected EIX: error, index damaged old: warning, file replaced by an older version new: new file upd: file updated ok : check ok skp: skipped (see .chkbitignore) EXC: internal exception """ UPDATE_INTERVAL = timedelta(milliseconds=700) MB = 1024 * 1024 CLI_BG = CLI.bg8(240) CLI_SEP = "|" CLI_SEP_FG = CLI.fg8(235) CLI_FG1 = CLI.fg8(255) CLI_FG2 = CLI.fg8(228) CLI_FG3 = CLI.fg8(202) CLI_OK_FG = CLI.fg4(2) CLI_ALERT_FG = CLI.fg4(1) class Main: def __init__(self): self.stdscr = None self.dmg_list = [] self.err_list = [] self.num_idx_upd = 0 self.num_new = 0 self.num_upd = 0 self.verbose = False self.progress = Progress.Fancy = 0 self.term_width = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0] max_stat = int((self.term_width - 70) / 2) self.fps = RateCalc(timedelta(seconds=1), max_stat=max_stat) self.bps = RateCalc(timedelta(seconds=1), max_stat=max_stat) def _log(self, stat: Status, path: str): if stat == Status.UPDATE_INDEX: self.num_idx_upd += 1 else: if stat == Status.ERR_DMG: += 1 self.dmg_list.append(path) elif stat == Status.INTERNALEXCEPTION: self.err_list.append(path) elif stat in [Status.OK, Status.UPDATE, Status.NEW]: += 1 if stat == Status.UPDATE: self.num_upd += 1 elif stat == Status.NEW: self.num_new += 1 if self.verbose or not stat in [Status.OK, Status.SKIP]: CLI.printline(stat.value, " ", path) def _res_worker(self, context: Context): last = while True: try: item = self.result_queue.get(timeout=0.2) now = if not item: if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.printline("") break t, *p = item if t == 0: self._log(*p) last = datetime.min else: self.fps.push(now, p[0]) self.bps.push(now, p[1]) self.result_queue.task_done() except queue.Empty: now = pass if last + UPDATE_INTERVAL < now: last = now if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: stat_f = f"{self.fps.last} files/s" stat_b = f"{int(self.bps.last/MB)} MB/s" stat = f"[{'RW' if context.update else 'RO'}:{context.num_workers}] {>5} files $ {sparkify(self.fps.stats)} {stat_f:13} $ {sparkify(self.bps.stats)} {stat_b}" stat = stat[: self.term_width - 1] stat = stat.replace("$", CLI_SEP_FG + CLI_SEP + CLI_FG2, 1) stat = stat.replace("$", CLI_SEP_FG + CLI_SEP + CLI_FG3, 1) CLI.write( CLI_BG, CLI_FG1, stat, CLI.esc.clear_line(),, "\r", ) elif self.progress == Progress.Plain: print(, end="\r") def process(self, args): # the input queue is used to distribute the work # to the index threads input_queue = queue.Queue() # put the initial paths into the queue for path in args.paths: input_queue.put(path) context = Context( num_workers=args.workers, force=args.force, update=args.update, hash_algo=args.algo, skip_symlinks=args.skip_symlinks, index_filename=args.index_name, ignore_filename=args.ignore_name, ) self.result_queue = context.result_queue # start indexing workers = [ IndexThread(i, context, input_queue) for i in range(context.num_workers) ] # log the results from the workers res_worker = threading.Thread(target=self._res_worker, args=(context,)) res_worker.daemon = True res_worker.start() # wait for work to finish input_queue.join() # signal workers to exit for worker in workers: input_queue.put(None) # signal res_worker to exit self.result_queue.put(None) for worker in workers: worker.join() res_worker.join() return context def print_result(self, context): def cprint(col, text): if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.printline(col, text, else: print(text) def eprint(col, text): if self.progress == Progress.Fancy: CLI.write(col) print(text, file=sys.stderr) CLI.write( else: print(text, file=sys.stderr) iunit = lambda x, u: f"{x} {u}{'s' if x!=1 else ''}" iunit2 = lambda x, u1, u2: f"{x} {u2 if x!=1 else u1}" if self.progress != Progress.Quiet: cprint( CLI_OK_FG, f"Processed {iunit(, 'file')}{' in readonly mode' if not context.update else ''}.", ) if self.progress == Progress.Fancy and > 0: elapsed = - self.fps.start elapsed_s = elapsed.total_seconds() print(f"- {str(elapsed).split('.')[0]} elapsed") print( f"- {(} files/second" ) print( f"- {(} MB/second" ) if context.update: if self.num_idx_upd: cprint( CLI_OK_FG, f"- {iunit2(self.num_idx_upd, 'directory was', 'directories were')} updated\n" + f"- {iunit2(self.num_new, 'file hash was', 'file hashes were')} added\n" + f"- {iunit2(self.num_upd, 'file hash was', 'file hashes were')} updated", ) elif self.num_new + self.num_upd > 0: cprint( CLI_ALERT_FG, f"No changes were made (specify -u to update):\n" + f"- {iunit(self.num_new, 'file')} would have been added and\n" + f"- {iunit(self.num_upd, 'file')} would have been updated.", ) if self.dmg_list: eprint(CLI_ALERT_FG, "chkbit detected damage in these files:") for err in self.dmg_list: print(err, file=sys.stderr) n = len(self.dmg_list) eprint( CLI_ALERT_FG, f"error: detected {iunit(n, 'file')} with damage!", ) if self.err_list: eprint(CLI_ALERT_FG, "chkbit ran into errors:") for err in self.err_list: print(err, file=sys.stderr) if self.dmg_list or self.err_list: sys.exit(1) def run(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="chkbit", description="Checks the data integrity of your files. See", epilog=STATUS_CODES, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "paths", metavar="PATH", type=str, nargs="*", help="directories to check" ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--update", action="store_true", help="update indices (without this chkbit will verify files in readonly mode)", ) parser.add_argument( "--algo", type=str, default="blake3", help="hash algorithm: md5, sha512, blake3 (default: blake3)", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="force update of damaged items" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip-symlinks", action="store_true", help="do not follow symlinks" ) parser.add_argument( "--index-name", metavar="NAME", type=str, default=".chkbit", help="filename where chkbit stores its hashes (default: .chkbit)", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-name", metavar="NAME", type=str, default=".chkbitignore", help="filename that chkbit reads its ignore list from (default: .chkbitignore)", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--workers", metavar="N", action="store", type=int, default=5, help="number of workers to use (default: 5)", ) parser.add_argument( "--plain", action="store_true", help="show plain status instead of being fancy", ) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="quiet, don't show progress/information", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose output" ) args = parser.parse_args() self.verbose = args.verbose if args.quiet: self.progress = Progress.Quiet elif not sys.stdout.isatty(): self.progress = Progress.Summary elif args.plain: self.progress = Progress.Plain if args.paths: context = self.process(args) self.print_result(context) else: parser.print_help() def main(): try: Main().run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("abort") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()