package main import ( "fmt" "io" "log" "os" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type Progress int const ( Quiet Progress = iota Summary Plain Fancy ) const ( updateInterval = time.Millisecond * 700 sizeMB int64 = 1024 * 1024 ) var appVersion = "vdev" var ( termBG = lterm.Bg8(240) termSep = "|" termSepFG = lterm.Fg8(235) termFG1 = lterm.Fg8(255) termFG2 = lterm.Fg8(228) termFG3 = lterm.Fg8(202) termOKFG = lterm.Fg4(2) termAlertFG = lterm.Fg4(1) ) var cli struct { Paths []string `arg:"" optional:"" name:"paths" help:"directories to check"` Tips bool `short:"H" help:"Show tips."` Check bool `short:"c" help:"check mode: chkbit will verify files in readonly mode (default mode)"` Update bool `short:"u" help:"update mode: add and update indices"` AddOnly bool `short:"a" help:"add mode: only add new files, do not check existing (quicker)"` ShowIgnoredOnly bool `short:"i" help:"show-ignored mode: only show ignored files"` ShowMissing bool `short:"m" help:"show missing files/directories"` Force bool `help:"force update of damaged items (advanced usage only)"` SkipSymlinks bool `short:"S" help:"do not follow symlinks"` NoRecurse bool `short:"R" help:"do not recurse into subdirectories"` NoDirInIndex bool `short:"D" help:"do not track directories in the index"` LogFile string `short:"l" help:"write to a logfile if specified"` LogVerbose bool `help:"verbose logging"` Algo string `default:"blake3" help:"hash algorithm: md5, sha512, blake3 (default: blake3)"` IndexName string `default:".chkbit" help:"filename where chkbit stores its hashes, needs to start with '.' (default: .chkbit)"` IgnoreName string `default:".chkbitignore" help:"filename that chkbit reads its ignore list from, needs to start with '.' (default: .chkbitignore)"` Workers int `short:"w" default:"5" help:"number of workers to use (default: 5)"` Plain bool `help:"show plain status instead of being fancy"` Quiet bool `short:"q" help:"quiet, don't show progress/information"` Verbose bool `short:"v" help:"verbose output"` Version bool `short:"V" help:"show version information"` } type Main struct { context *chkbit.Context dmgList []string errList []string verbose bool logger *log.Logger logVerbose bool progress Progress termWidth int fps *util.RateCalc bps *util.RateCalc } func (m *Main) log(text string) { m.logger.Println(time.Now().UTC().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), text) } func (m *Main) logStatus(stat chkbit.Status, message string) bool { if stat == chkbit.STATUS_UPDATE_INDEX { return false } if stat == chkbit.STATUS_ERR_DMG { m.dmgList = append(m.dmgList, message) } else if stat == chkbit.STATUS_PANIC { m.errList = append(m.errList, message) } if m.logVerbose || !stat.IsVerbose() { m.log(stat.String() + " " + message) } if m.verbose || !stat.IsVerbose() { col := "" if stat.IsErrorOrWarning() { col = termAlertFG } lterm.Printline(col, stat.String(), " ", message, lterm.Reset) return true } return false } func (m *Main) showStatus() { last := time.Now().Add(-updateInterval) stat := "" for { select { case item := <-m.context.LogQueue: if item == nil { if m.progress == Fancy { lterm.Printline("") } return } if m.logStatus(item.Stat, item.Message) { if m.progress == Fancy { lterm.Write(termBG, termFG1, stat, lterm.ClearLine(0), lterm.Reset, "\r") } else { fmt.Print(m.context.NumTotal, "\r") } } case perf := <-m.context.PerfQueue: now := time.Now() m.fps.Push(now, perf.NumFiles) m.bps.Push(now, perf.NumBytes) if last.Add(updateInterval).Before(now) { last = now if m.progress == Fancy { statF := fmt.Sprintf("%d files/s", m.fps.Last()) statB := fmt.Sprintf("%d MB/s", m.bps.Last()/sizeMB) stat = "RW" if !m.context.UpdateIndex { stat = "RO" } stat = fmt.Sprintf("[%s:%d] %5d files $ %s %-13s $ %s %-13s", stat, m.context.NumWorkers, m.context.NumTotal, util.Sparkline(m.fps.Stats), statF, util.Sparkline(m.bps.Stats), statB) stat = util.LeftTruncate(stat, m.termWidth-1) stat = strings.Replace(stat, "$", termSepFG+termSep+termFG2, 1) stat = strings.Replace(stat, "$", termSepFG+termSep+termFG3, 1) lterm.Write(termBG, termFG1, stat, lterm.ClearLine(0), lterm.Reset, "\r") } else if m.progress == Plain { fmt.Print(m.context.NumTotal, "\r") } } } } } func (m *Main) process() bool { // verify mode var b01 = map[bool]int8{false: 0, true: 1} if b01[cli.Check]+b01[cli.Update]+b01[cli.AddOnly]+b01[cli.ShowIgnoredOnly] > 1 { fmt.Println("Error: can only run one mode at a time!") os.Exit(1) } var err error m.context, err = chkbit.NewContext(cli.Workers, cli.Algo, cli.IndexName, cli.IgnoreName) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return false } m.context.ForceUpdateDmg = cli.Force m.context.UpdateIndex = cli.Update || cli.AddOnly m.context.AddOnly = cli.AddOnly m.context.ShowIgnoredOnly = cli.ShowIgnoredOnly m.context.ShowMissing = cli.ShowMissing m.context.SkipSymlinks = cli.SkipSymlinks m.context.SkipSubdirectories = cli.NoRecurse m.context.TrackDirectories = !cli.NoDirInIndex var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() m.showStatus() }() m.context.Start(cli.Paths) wg.Wait() return true } func (m *Main) printResult() { cprint := func(col, text string) { if m.progress != Quiet { if m.progress == Fancy { lterm.Printline(col, text, lterm.Reset) } else { fmt.Println(text) } } } eprint := func(col, text string) { if m.progress == Fancy { lterm.Write(col) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, text) lterm.Write(lterm.Reset) } else { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, text) } } if m.progress != Quiet { mode := "" if !m.context.UpdateIndex { mode = " in readonly mode" } status := fmt.Sprintf("Processed %s%s.", util.LangNum1MutateSuffix(m.context.NumTotal, "file"), mode) cprint(termOKFG, status) m.log(status) if m.progress == Fancy && m.context.NumTotal > 0 { elapsed := time.Since(m.fps.Start) elapsedS := elapsed.Seconds() fmt.Println("-", elapsed.Truncate(time.Second), "elapsed") fmt.Printf("- %.2f files/second\n", (float64(m.fps.Total)+float64(m.fps.Current))/elapsedS) fmt.Printf("- %.2f MB/second\n", (float64(m.bps.Total)+float64(m.bps.Current))/float64(sizeMB)/elapsedS) } del := "" if m.context.UpdateIndex { if m.context.NumIdxUpd > 0 { if m.context.NumDel > 0 { del = fmt.Sprintf("\n- %s been removed", util.LangNum1Choice(m.context.NumDel, "file/directory has", "files/directories have")) } cprint(termOKFG, fmt.Sprintf("- %s updated\n- %s added\n- %s updated%s", util.LangNum1Choice(m.context.NumIdxUpd, "directory was", "directories were"), util.LangNum1Choice(m.context.NumNew, "file hash was", "file hashes were"), util.LangNum1Choice(m.context.NumUpd, "file hash was", "file hashes were"), del)) } } else if m.context.NumNew+m.context.NumUpd+m.context.NumDel > 0 { if m.context.NumDel > 0 { del = fmt.Sprintf("\n- %s would have been removed", util.LangNum1Choice(m.context.NumDel, "file/directory", "files/directories")) } cprint(termAlertFG, fmt.Sprintf("No changes were made (specify -u to update):\n- %s would have been added\n- %s would have been updated%s", util.LangNum1MutateSuffix(m.context.NumNew, "file"), util.LangNum1MutateSuffix(m.context.NumUpd, "file"), del)) } } if len(m.dmgList) > 0 { eprint(termAlertFG, "chkbit detected damage in these files:") for _, err := range m.dmgList { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } n := len(m.dmgList) status := fmt.Sprintf("error: detected %s with damage!", util.LangNum1MutateSuffix(n, "file")) m.log(status) eprint(termAlertFG, status) } if len(m.errList) > 0 { status := "chkbit ran into errors" m.log(status + "!") eprint(termAlertFG, status+":") for _, err := range m.errList { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } } if len(m.dmgList) > 0 || len(m.errList) > 0 { os.Exit(1) } } func (m *Main) run() { if len(os.Args) < 2 { os.Args = append(os.Args, "--help") } kong.Parse(&cli, kong.Name("chkbit"), kong.Description(""), kong.UsageOnError(), ) if cli.Tips { fmt.Println(helpTips) os.Exit(0) } if cli.Version { fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(appVersion) return } m.verbose = cli.Verbose || cli.ShowIgnoredOnly if cli.LogFile != "" { m.logVerbose = cli.LogVerbose f, err := os.OpenFile(cli.LogFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } defer f.Close() m.logger = log.New(f, "", 0) } if cli.Quiet { m.progress = Quiet } else if fileInfo, _ := os.Stdout.Stat(); (fileInfo.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == 0 { m.progress = Summary } else if cli.Plain { m.progress = Plain } else { m.progress = Fancy } if len(cli.Paths) > 0 { m.log("chkbit " + strings.Join(cli.Paths, ", ")) if m.process() && !m.context.ShowIgnoredOnly { m.printResult() } } else { fmt.Println("specify a path to check, see -h") } } func main() { defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { fmt.Println(r) os.Exit(1) } }() termWidth := lterm.GetWidth() m := &Main{ logger: log.New(io.Discard, "", 0), termWidth: termWidth, fps: util.NewRateCalc(time.Second, (termWidth-70)/2), bps: util.NewRateCalc(time.Second, (termWidth-70)/2), } }