====== bitrot ====== Detects bit rotten files on the hard drive to save your precious photo and music collection from slow decay. Usage ----- Go to the desired directory and simply invoke:: $ bitrot This will start digging through your directory structure recursively indexing all files found. The index is stored in a ``.bitrot.db`` file which is a DBM database. Next time you run ``bitrot`` it will add new files and update the index for files with a changed modification date. Most importantly however, it will report all errors, e.g. files that changed on the hard drive but still have the same modification date. Performance ----------- Obviously depends on how fast the underlying drive is. No rigorous performance tests have been done. For informational purposes, on my typical 5400 RPM laptop hard drive scanning a 60+ GB music library takes around 20 minutes. On an OCZ Vertex 3 SSD drive ``bitrot`` is able to scan a 100 GB Aperture library in under 10 minutes. Both tests on HFS+. Change Log ---------- 0.1.0 ~~~~~ * First published version. Authors ------- Glued together by `Łukasz Langa <mailto:lukasz@langa.pl>`_.