;4:53 PM 12/7/99 ;comment [check] ;dont change a="a" [language] lang=ENGLISH [menu] file="&File" mnuViewInfo="&Open..." mnuPrint="&Print..." menuexit="E&xit" mnuWiz="Internet &Wizard" mnuFavorites="F&avorites" mnuMyFav="&My Favorites" mnuTools="&Tools" mnuControlPanel="&Control Panel" mnuSystemInfo="System &Info" mnuDisplay="&Display Info" mnuFind="&Find Files" mnuExplorer="Windows &Explorer" mnuOptions="&Options..." mnuLanguage="&Language" hhelp="&Help" mnuHelpContents="&Contents" mnuRegister="&Register " mnuMail="&eMail eGames Tech Support (tech@egames.com)" mnuSupport="&Web Help" aabout="&About" prun="Run" psetup="Setup" puninstall="Install" mnuAddtoFavorites="Add to Favorites" [text] exitmessage="Do you really want to exit? " runerrmessage="Cannot run this program, it needs to be installed. Please check your CDROM is in drive " [options] check2="&Disable Extra Value Package" ok="&OK" cancel="C&ancel" caption="Options" restartmsg = "You will need to restart your browser to reflect your changes" check3="Disable Internet Wizard" check4="US English Mode" [wizard] label1="Internet Wizard will now attempt to connect you to the Internet. Select the way you wish to connect, then click 'Connect'" connect="&Connect" cancel="C&ancel" caption="Internet Wizard" check1="Don't show this again" label3="Status" connected="CONNECTED" offline="OFFLINE" listerr1="Cannot detect internet dial-up connection" listerr2="please connect manually" listerr3="or Install an Internet Provider" listerr4="" [toolbar] caption="eGames Internet Wizard..." OK="OK" label1="Click OK after connecting..." [register] command1="OK, Register Now" command2="Register Later" caption="Register " check1="Don't show this again" label1="Register " [selectlang] ok="OK" cancel="Cancel" Caption="Select Language..." back="Back" forward="Forward" stop="Stop" refresh="Refresh" home="Home" search="Search" address="Address:"