Navigation Buttons
These are the buttons you see to the left.

Home: Goes to the Main Game Page.
Demos: Goes to the Demos Page for links to download great eGames demos.
Tools: Goes to the Tools Page for utilities like DirectX.
Help: Goes to the Help Page for instructions on how to play the games.

Internet Buttons
The buttons across the top of this page work like an internet browser. They can be used to go back and forth in the pages of this interface, or to surf Internet sites on the World Wide Web.
Back- Goes back one page
Forward- Goes forward one page.
Stop- Stops the page from loading.
Refresh- Reloads the current page.
Home- Goes to the Main Game page.

You can visit any web page on the internet by typing the web address in the Address Bar (you must be connected to the internet via your own Internet Service Provider).*

Back to game help
* Note: These options are only available if you chose to enable the "address bar" feature during the installation.