// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script. // #include "resource.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "winres.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (United States) resources #if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE BEGIN "resource.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE BEGIN "#include ""winres.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Cursor // IDC_CURSOR1 CURSOR "cursor1.cur" IDC_CURSOR2 CURSOR "IDC_ARROW.cur" IDC_CURSOR3 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWD.cur" IDC_CURSOR4 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWDL.cur" IDC_CURSOR5 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWDR.cur" IDC_CURSOR6 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWL.cur" IDC_CURSOR7 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWR.cur" IDC_CURSOR8 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWU.cur" IDC_CURSOR9 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWUL.cur" IDC_CURSOR10 CURSOR "IDC_ARROWUR.cur" IDC_CURSOR11 CURSOR "IDC_EMPTY.cur" IDC_CURSOR12 CURSOR "IDC_FILL.cur" IDC_CURSOR13 CURSOR "IDC_MAP.cur" IDC_CURSOR14 CURSOR "IDC_POINTER.cur" IDC_CURSOR15 CURSOR "IDC_WAIT.cur" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // // Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon // remains consistent on all systems. IDI_ICON1 ICON "IDR_MAINFRAME.ico" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // IDD_DIALOG1 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 309, 176 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_FIXEDSYS | WS_POPUP | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Dialog" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1 BEGIN DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,198,155,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,252,155,50,14 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DESIGNINFO // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED GUIDELINES DESIGNINFO BEGIN "IDD_DIALOG1", DIALOG BEGIN LEFTMARGIN, 7 RIGHTMARGIN, 302 TOPMARGIN, 7 BOTTOMMARGIN, 169 END END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // AFX_DIALOG_LAYOUT // IDD_DIALOG1 AFX_DIALOG_LAYOUT BEGIN 0 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Version // VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION 0,4,0,0 PRODUCTVERSION 0,4,0,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL #ifdef _DEBUG FILEFLAGS 0x1L #else FILEFLAGS 0x0L #endif FILEOS 0x40004L FILETYPE 0x1L FILESUBTYPE 0x0L BEGIN BLOCK "StringFileInfo" BEGIN BLOCK "040904b0" BEGIN VALUE "CompanyName", "EPSITEC" VALUE "FileDescription", "Eggbert" VALUE "FileVersion", "" VALUE "InternalName", "Speedy Eggbert" VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright \\xA9 1997-2004 Epsitec SA" VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Blupi.exe" VALUE "ProductName", "EPSITEC Speedy Eggbert" VALUE "ProductVersion", "" END END BLOCK "VarFileInfo" BEGIN VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_IOFREE "free" TX_OWNMISSION "Own mission" TX_TESTMISSION "Test this mission" TX_BUTTON_JOUER "Missions" TX_BUTTON_APPRENDRE "Training" TX_BUTTON_QUITTER "Quit BLUPI" TX_BUTTON_PREVP "Previous mission" TX_BUTTON_NEXTP "Next mission" TX_BUTTON_PLAYP "Play" TX_BUTTON_BUILDP "Design this mission" TX_BUTTON_TERM "Finish" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_BUTTON_READP "Open mission in folder \\User" TX_BUTTON_WRITEP "Save this mission in folder \\User" TX_BUTTON_CANCELP "Quit this mission" TX_BUTTON_CONTP "Continue this mission" TX_BUTTON_REPEAT "Restart" TX_CHOOSEPLAYER "Choose player" TX_PLAYERSNAME "Player's name" TX_BUTTON_TERMC "Quit the design" TX_CHOOSESIZE "Choose the size" TX_BUTTON_HVSCROLL "Horizontal and vertical scrolling" TX_BUTTON_ONLYHSCROLL "Horizontal scrolling" TX_BUTTON_ONLYVSCROLL "Vertical scrolling" TX_BUTTON_TESTMISSION "Test the mission" TX_PAUSE "<<<< P A U S E >>>>" TX_TINY "Tiny" TX_CLEARPLAYER "Clear player" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_SETTINGS "Settings" TX_CHOOSEMUSIC "Choose music" TX_BUTTON_SETUP1 "Volume down" TX_BUTTON_SETUP2 "Volume up" TX_BUTTON_SETUP3 "Volume down" TX_BUTTON_SETUP4 "Volume up" TX_NOMUSIC "No music" TX_MUSIC1 "Music #1" TX_MUSIC2 "Music #2" TX_MUSIC3 "Music #3" TX_MUSIC4 "Music #4" TX_MUSIC5 "Music #5" TX_MUSIC6 "Music #6" TX_MUSIC7 "Music #7" TX_MUSIC8 "Music #8" TX_MUSIC9 "Music #9" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING240 "Connection type :" IDS_STRING241 "Show the next connections" IDS_STRING242 "Show the previous connections" IDS_STRING243 "Multiplayer" IDS_STRING244 "Available games on the network :" IDS_STRING245 "Show the next games" IDS_STRING246 "Show the previous games" IDS_STRING247 "Join selected game" IDS_STRING248 "New game" IDS_STRING249 "Update list" TX_MULTI_CREATE "New mutliplayer game" IDS_STRING251 "Type in name of the new game :" IDS_STRING252 "Start the game on the network" IDS_STRING253 "Settings with the other players before starting the game" IDS_STRING254 "Player list :" IDS_STRING255 "Level #%d" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING208 "Click here when you are ready" IDS_STRING209 "Skill level" IDS_STRING210 "Easy" IDS_STRING211 "Hard" IDS_STRING212 "Demo" TX_DEMOREC "REC" TX_DEMOPLAY "Demo" IDS_STRING215 "Technical" IDS_STRING216 "Red lava" IDS_STRING217 "Stones" IDS_STRING218 "Wood" IDS_STRING219 "Slime 2" IDS_STRING220 "Printed circuit" IDS_STRING221 "Soil" IDS_STRING222 "Starry sky" IDS_STRING223 "Greenery" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING192 "Show next files" IDS_STRING193 "Show previous files" IDS_STRING194 "Content of folder \\User :" IDS_STRING195 "Single player" IDS_STRING196 "Multiplayer" TX_GAMEPAUSE "Game paused" TX_CANCELLAST "Choose music" IDS_STRING199 "You have played the DEMO version of Speedy Blupi." IDS_STRING200 "We hope you have had as much fun playing the game as we had making it !" IDS_STRING201 "This game is an original creation of EPSITEC SA, CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains" IDS_STRING202 "http://www.blupi.org info@blupi.org" IDS_STRING203 "You have played Speedy Blupi." IDS_STRING204 "We hope you have had as much fun playing the game as we had making it !" IDS_STRING205 "This game is an original creation of EPSITEC SA, CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains" IDS_STRING206 "http://www.blupi.org info@blupi.org" IDS_STRING207 "Choose your color" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_CHOOSEBACK "Choose background" TX_CONFIRMCLEARGAME "Do you really want to discard the game" TX_BLUPI "Blupi" TX_DESIGNMISSIONS "Design your own missions" TX_CHOOSEPLAYER2 "Choose player" TX_CHOOSEMUSIC2 "Choose music" TX_TRAININGNUM "Choose background" TX_MISSIONNUM "Mission #" IDS_STRING152 "mission %d, time %d" IDS_STRING153 "Choose size" IDS_STRING154 "Use 256 colors for backgrounds" IDS_STRING155 "Use 65'000 colors for backgrounds" IDS_STRING156 "Keyboard" IDS_STRING157 "Joystick" IDS_STRING158 "Yes" IDS_STRING159 "No" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_LOST1 "You have failed, try again..." TX_LOST2 "No, wrong way..." TX_LOST3 "Bang, failed again!" TX_LOST4 "Another mistake..." END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_LOST5 "No, not that way!" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN TX_WIN1 "Well done!" TX_WIN2 "Yes, great..." TX_WIN3 "Very good." TX_WIN4 "Excellent..." TX_WIN5 "Mission over..." END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING256 "Chat zone :" IDS_STRING257 "%s has left the game ..." IDS_STRING258 "%s has been just knocked out ..." IDS_STRING259 "%s has %d lifes left !" IDS_STRING260 "%s has only one more life left !" IDS_STRING261 "%s has no life left !" IDS_STRING262 "Send message" IDS_STRING263 "Save current game" IDS_STRING264 "Open game" IDS_STRING265 "Continue game" IDS_STRING266 "Quit game" IDS_STRING267 "Help" IDS_STRING268 "Available commands" TX_LOAD_CGAME "Open game" TX_SAVE_CGAME "Save current game" IDS_STRING271 "List of saved games :" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING160 "Settings" IDS_STRING161 "Save current mission in folder \\User" IDS_STRING162 "Sound volume" IDS_STRING163 "Music volume" IDS_STRING164 "Color depth" IDS_STRING165 "Choose input device" IDS_STRING166 "Open mission in folder \\User" IDS_STRING167 "Player #%d" IDS_STRING168 "" IDS_STRING169 " (%d door open)" IDS_STRING170 " (%d doors open)" IDS_STRING171 "Music #10" IDS_STRING172 "What's your name ?" IDS_STRING173 "None" IDS_STRING174 "Okay" IDS_STRING175 "Cancel" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING176 "Yes" IDS_STRING177 "No" IDS_STRING178 "Choose background" IDS_STRING179 "Suspend" IDS_STRING180 "Settings" IDS_STRING181 "Save" IDS_STRING182 "Insert the Speedy Blupi CD-Rom and wait a few seconds..." IDS_STRING183 "Delete mission" IDS_STRING184 "Do you really want to delete mission %d" IDS_STRING185 "Name of mission" IDS_STRING186 "Name of the mission :" IDS_STRING187 "" IDS_STRING188 "Design" IDS_STRING189 "Design #%d" IDS_STRING190 "Design %d, time %d" IDS_STRING191 "Mission%.2d" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING224 "Cheese" IDS_STRING225 "Hexagones" IDS_STRING226 "Dark sky" IDS_STRING227 "Colored spots" IDS_STRING228 "Pinkish mechanic" IDS_STRING229 "Blueish mechanic" IDS_STRING230 "Grey sky" IDS_STRING231 "Heavy cloudy sky" IDS_STRING232 "Light cloudy sky" IDS_STRING233 "Blue bark" IDS_STRING234 "Brown marble" IDS_STRING235 "Red marble" IDS_STRING236 "Volcano" IDS_STRING237 "Stripy spots" IDS_STRING238 "Mosaic 2" IDS_STRING239 "Multiplayer" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING272 "< free >" IDS_STRING273 "Design #%d\nChests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING274 "Start, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING275 "Training, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING276 "Rocks, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING277 "Houses, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING278 "Technical, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING279 "Mechanical, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING280 "Dream, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING281 "Kid's stuff, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING282 "#8, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING283 "#9, mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING284 "Final\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING285 "Mission #%d\nOpen=%d, Lives=%d, Chests=%d/%d" IDS_STRING286 "Ready ?" IDS_STRING287 "Congratulations, you won, you're the only survivor!" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING288 "Game saved ..." IDS_STRING289 "Only available in the FULL version" IDS_STRING290 "The FULL version contains :" IDS_STRING291 "- More than 60 various single player missions" IDS_STRING292 "- 10 multiplayer missions" IDS_STRING293 "- Additional features for the mission designer" IDS_STRING294 "- Save and restore functions during the game" IDS_STRING295 "- Settings for 10 differents players" IDS_STRING296 "http://www.blupi.org" IDS_STRING297 "Wall" IDS_STRING298 "Mosaic 1" IDS_STRING299 "Blue lava" IDS_STRING300 "Cave" IDS_STRING301 "Embossed sheet metal" IDS_STRING302 "Lava behind windows" IDS_STRING303 "Vegetation" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING304 "Green slime 1" IDS_STRING305 "Use 256 colors for scenery" IDS_STRING306 "Use 65'000 colors for scenery" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING400 "Hi, I'm Blupi. Press the Right arrow to make me move ..." IDS_STRING401 "Press now on Ctrl to make me jump." IDS_STRING402 "Nice, you got the first chest !" IDS_STRING403 "Press the Right arrow and Ctrl to make me jump forward." IDS_STRING404 "Press the Up arrow and Ctrl to make me jump really high ..." IDS_STRING405 "Wow, what a jump ..." IDS_STRING406 "Maintain the Up key and then press Right and Ctrl to make a huge jump." IDS_STRING407 "Very nice !" IDS_STRING408 "Move right to the edge, then jump (not an extra big jump), and that's it." IDS_STRING409 "Catch the lift at the right moment ..." IDS_STRING410 "Step onto the moving block and duck using the Down arrow !" IDS_STRING411 "Go along and make small jumps using Ctrl and the Down arrow." IDS_STRING412 "You'll need to take a huge jump to catch the first key : Press Ctrl, Up and Right arrows !" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING500 "Hi, I'm Blupi. Press the Right arrow to make me move ..." IDS_STRING501 "Now press A to make me jump." IDS_STRING502 "Great, you got the first chest !" IDS_STRING503 "Go to the right and press A to make me jump forward." IDS_STRING504 "Press B to make me jump higher ..." IDS_STRING505 "Wow, what a jump ..." IDS_STRING506 "Go to the right and make a huge jump by pressing B." IDS_STRING507 "Very good !" IDS_STRING508 "Walk right to the edge, then jump by pressing A, that's it." IDS_STRING509 "Catch the lift at the right moment..." IDS_STRING510 "Step onto the moving block and duck by pressing the Down arrow !" IDS_STRING511 "Go along and make small jumps using the C button." END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING512 "Make one last big jump with the B button to take the first key !" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING600 "Left or Right" IDS_STRING601 "Left or Right" IDS_STRING602 "Move as long as the key is pressed." IDS_STRING603 "Ctrl" IDS_STRING604 "A" IDS_STRING605 "Medium jump (high = 2 squares)." IDS_STRING606 "Ctrl+Up" IDS_STRING607 "B" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING608 "High jump (high = 4 squares)." IDS_STRING609 "Ctrl+Down" IDS_STRING610 "C" IDS_STRING611 "Small jump (high = 1 square)." IDS_STRING612 "Up" IDS_STRING613 "Up" IDS_STRING614 "Look up." IDS_STRING615 "Down" IDS_STRING616 "Down" IDS_STRING617 "Duck, look down and pick up a bomb." IDS_STRING618 "Space" IDS_STRING619 "D" IDS_STRING620 "Fire a glue missile or drop a bomb." IDS_STRING621 " " IDS_STRING622 " " IDS_STRING623 " " END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1000 "Delete" IDS_STRING1001 "Square tech-blocks" IDS_STRING1002 "Special tech-blocks" IDS_STRING1003 "Triangular tech-blocks" IDS_STRING1004 "Chest" IDS_STRING1005 "Egg" IDS_STRING1006 "Bomb" IDS_STRING1007 "Hanging bomb" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1008 "Goal" IDS_STRING1009 "Slow lift" IDS_STRING1010 "Normal lift" IDS_STRING1011 "Fast lift" IDS_STRING1012 "Bulldozer" IDS_STRING1013 "Wooden case" IDS_STRING1014 "Secret wooden case" IDS_STRING1015 "Wooden wall" IDS_STRING1016 "Helicopter" IDS_STRING1017 "Dream" IDS_STRING1018 "Lava" IDS_STRING1019 "Fast/Slow lift" IDS_STRING1020 "Secret tech-block" IDS_STRING1021 "Support" IDS_STRING1022 "Invisible block" IDS_STRING1023 "Palmtree" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1024 "Mechanical square" IDS_STRING1025 "Special mechanical" IDS_STRING1026 "Mechanical background" IDS_STRING1027 "Wind" IDS_STRING1028 "Fan" IDS_STRING1029 "Moving bomb" IDS_STRING1030 "Fish" IDS_STRING1031 "Furniture" IDS_STRING1032 "Triangular rock" IDS_STRING1033 "Bird" IDS_STRING1034 "Mission start" IDS_STRING1035 "Door" IDS_STRING1036 "Key" IDS_STRING1037 "Secret rock" IDS_STRING1038 "Secret mechanical" IDS_STRING1039 "Building facade" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1040 "Roof" IDS_STRING1041 "Bar to hang from" IDS_STRING1042 "Marine plant" IDS_STRING1043 "Spring" IDS_STRING1044 "Skateboard" IDS_STRING1045 "Shield" IDS_STRING1046 "Lollypop" IDS_STRING1047 "Kid's stuff square" IDS_STRING1048 "Special Kid's stuff" IDS_STRING1049 "Kid's stuff background" IDS_STRING1050 "Glue tank" IDS_STRING1051 "Glue supply" IDS_STRING1052 "Invisibility potion" IDS_STRING1053 "Personal bomb" IDS_STRING1054 "Recharging device" IDS_STRING1055 "Yellow blupi (1)" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1056 "Orange Blupi (2)" IDS_STRING1057 "Blue Blupi (3)" IDS_STRING1058 "Green Blupi (4)" IDS_STRING1059 "Heliported ennemy" IDS_STRING1060 "Motorized ennemy" IDS_STRING1061 "Cheese" IDS_STRING1062 "Pipes" IDS_STRING1063 "Homing bomb" IDS_STRING1064 "Inverter" IDS_STRING1065 "Bricks" IDS_STRING1066 "Wasp" IDS_STRING1067 "Cave" IDS_STRING1068 "Hovercraft" IDS_STRING1069 "Lightning" IDS_STRING1070 "Lift with conveyor belt" IDS_STRING1071 "Crusher" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING1072 "Vanishing bloc" IDS_STRING1073 "Teleporter" IDS_STRING1074 "Secret cheese" IDS_STRING1075 "Secret cave" IDS_STRING1076 "Green slime 2" IDS_STRING1077 "Slime trap" IDS_STRING1078 "Circular saw" IDS_STRING1079 "Palace" IDS_STRING1080 "Element for Palace" IDS_STRING1081 "Slime creature" IDS_STRING1082 "Spider's web" IDS_STRING1083 "Slime trap" IDS_STRING1084 "Closed while not all chests have been found" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING2004 "Jeep" IDS_STRING2007 "Dynamite" IDS_STRING2009 "Tomatoes" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING2030 "Tree" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING2033 "Square rock" IDS_STRING2038 "Grass" IDS_STRING2041 "Water" IDS_STRING2044 "Fragile bridge" IDS_STRING2047 "House" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING2072 "Decorative plant" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_STRING3200 "Now go on mission." IDS_STRING3201 "Very good, success on all missions !" IDS_STRING3202 "Last design resolved !" END #endif // English (United States) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED