# bit-backup You can find more information in docs directory. ### Feature 2 : Backup of files #### File .bitbackup/bitbackuplog Contains index number of last bitbackup index. #### file .bitbackup/description #### File .bitbackup/config ``` pack-file.files-until-size.mb=100 pack-file.max-size.mb=1000 ``` ## Commands bitbackup {command} [{arg1} {arg2} {argn}] Example: ``` bitbackup clone path=/home/johndoe/mydir url={local path or s3 bucket or FTP server or website url} ``` Arguments path={path to directory} * default:. (current working directory) ### bitrot Checks for bitrots in current directory ### clone : Cloning a remote repo ``` bitbackup clone {url} [[--bare]] [[revision number|tag]] ``` #### Local ``` bitbackup clone {path to another local Bit Backup repository - path to directory} ``` #### S3 ``` bitbackup clone s3://http[s]://{endpoint url}/{bucket name} ``` Then you will be asked for access key and secret key. #### FTP/FTPS/SFTP ``` bitbackup clone {protocol}://[{user}:{password}]@{host url}:{port}/{directory} ``` #### HTTP/HTTPS ``` bitbackup clone http[s]://[{user}:{password}]@{host url}:{port}/{directory} ``` #### Bit Backup server (via Rest api) ``` bitbackup clone bitbackup:://[{user}:{password}]@{host url}:{port}/[path to repository/]{repository name} ``` ### init Init commands creates new directory .bitbackup with its structure ``` bitbackup init [[--bare]] ``` * Creating a new empty Bit Backup repository * Creating a Bit Backup repository using an existing directory ### help ### version ### config ### restore ### reset ### tag ### revert ### blame ``` bitbackup blame {file} {remote} ``` ### clean ### gc ``` bitbackup gc abc ``` ### fsck ### check ### bundle ### remote add {remote name} ``` bitbackup remote add {remote name} ``` ``` bitbackup remote add abc protocol://user:pw|{}@host:port/directory[::password=encryption_password|{}::duplicate_count=1::exclude=::include=::] bitbackup remote add wedos_disk_100gb_backup user:pw@host:port/directory::password=123::duplicate_count=2 bitbackup remote add abc user:pw|{}@host:port/directory::password=encryption_password|{}::duplicate_count={1, 0 is default}::compression_level={0-9,5 is default} ``` {} placeholders means, that user will be asked in console (to avoid the password to be in console history) ### remote remove {remote name} ``` bitbackup remote remove abc ``` ### bitbackup commit ``` bitbackup commit [-m "{message}"] ``` ### bitbackup mirror {remote name} ``` bitbackup mirror abc def ghi [-m message -t TAG] bitbackup mirror @all ``` ### bitbackup fetch ### bitbackup pull ### bitbackup log ### bitbackup diff ### bitbackup prune ``` bitbackup prune origin --since 2021-10-04 bitbackup prune abc --since "2 months ago" | 10 … does not delete anything, only marks objects to be deleted ``` ### verify ``` bitbackup verify abc ``` ### repack ## Todo Table FILE – add new columns – linux_rights, owner, group