-`build`: builds sources and archives of every project.
-`cleanEclipse`: removes Eclipse project data.
-`cleanIdea`: removes IntelliJ project data.
-`clean`: removes `build` folders, which store compiled classes and built archives.
-`eclipse`: generates Eclipse project data.
-`html:dist`: compiles GWT sources. The compiled application can be found at `html/build/dist`: you can use any HTTP server to deploy it.
-`html:superDev`: compiles GWT sources and runs the application in SuperDev mode. It will be available at [localhost:8080/html](http://localhost:8080/html). Use only during development.
-`idea`: generates IntelliJ project data.
-`lwjgl3:jar`: builds application's runnable jar, which can be found at `lwjgl3/build/lib`.
Note that most tasks that are not specific to a single project can be run with `name:` prefix, where the `name` should be replaced with the ID of a specific project.
For example, `core:clean` removes `build` folder only from the `core` project.