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#include "../csharp/eventhandler.hpp"
#include "../default.hpp"
#include "gdeviceinfo.hpp"
namespace xna {
struct IGraphicsDeviceService {
virtual sptr<GraphicsDevice> GetGraphicsDevice() = 0;
//EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceDisposing;
//EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceReset;
//EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceResetting;
//EventHandler<EventArgs> DeviceCreated;
class IGraphicsDeviceManager {
virtual void CreateDevice() = 0;
//virtual bool BeginDraw() = 0;
//virtual void EndDraw() = 0;
//Handles the configuration and management of the graphics device.
class GraphicsDeviceManager : public IGraphicsDeviceService, public IGraphicsDeviceManager {
//Creates a new GraphicsDeviceManager and registers it to handle the configuration and management of the graphics device for the specified Game.
GraphicsDeviceManager(sptr<Game> const& game);
//Specifies the default minimum back-buffer width.
static constexpr int DefaultBackBufferWidth = 800;
//Specifies the default minimum back-buffer height.
static constexpr int DefaultBackBufferHeight = 480;
//Gets the GraphicsDevice associated with the GraphicsDeviceManager.
sptr<GraphicsDevice> GetGraphicsDevice() override {
return device;
//Gets or sets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set.
constexpr GraphicsProfile PreferredGraphicsProfile() const {
return graphicsProfile;
//Gets or sets the graphics profile, which determines the graphics feature set.
constexpr void PreferredGraphicsProfile(xna::GraphicsProfile value) {
graphicsProfile = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the device should start in full-screen mode.
constexpr bool IsFullScreen() const {
return isFullScreen;
//Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the device should start in full-screen mode.
constexpr void IsFullScreen(bool value) {
isFullScreen = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets the format of the back buffer.
constexpr SurfaceFormat PreferredBackBufferFormat() const {
return backBufferFormat;
//Gets or sets the format of the back buffer.
constexpr void PreferredBackBufferFormat(SurfaceFormat value) {
backBufferFormat = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer height.
constexpr Int PreferredBackBufferHeight() const {
return backBufferHeight;
//Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer height.
constexpr void PreferredBackBufferHeight(Int value) {
backBufferHeight = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer width.
constexpr Int PreferredBackBufferWidth() const {
return backBufferWidth;
//Gets or sets the preferred back-buffer width.
constexpr void PreferredBackBufferWidth(Int value) {
backBufferWidth = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets the format of the depth stencil.
constexpr DepthFormat PreferredDepthStencilFormat() const {
return depthStencilFormat;
//Gets or sets the format of the depth stencil.
constexpr void PreferredDepthStencilFormat(DepthFormat value) {
depthStencilFormat = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable a multisampled back buffer.
constexpr bool PreferMultiSampling() const {
return allowMultiSampling;
//Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to enable a multisampled back buffer.
constexpr void PreferMultiSampling(bool value) {
allowMultiSampling = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets the display orientations that are available if automatic rotation and scaling is enabled.
constexpr DisplayOrientation SupportedOrientations() const {
return supportedOrientations;
//Gets or sets the display orientations that are available if automatic rotation and scaling is enabled.
constexpr void SupportedOrientations(DisplayOrientation value) {
supportedOrientations = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to sync to the vertical trace (vsync) when presenting the back buffer.
constexpr bool SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace() const {
return synchronizeWithVerticalRetrace;
// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to sync to the vertical trace(vsync) when presenting the back buffer.
constexpr void SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace(bool value) {
synchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = value;
isDeviceDirty = true;
//Applies any changes to device-related properties, changing the graphics device as necessary.
void ApplyChanges();
//Toggles between full screen and windowed mode.
bool ToggleFullScreen();
inline virtual void RankDevices(std::vector<sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>>& foundDevices) { RankDevicesPlatform(foundDevices); }
inline virtual sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation> FindBestDevice(bool anySuitableDevice) { return FindBestPlatformDevice(anySuitableDevice); }
virtual bool CanResetDevice(GraphicsDeviceInformation& newDeviceInfo);
inline void CreateDevice() { ChangeDevice(true); }
void ChangeDevice(bool forceCreate);
void AddDevices(bool anySuitableDevice, std::vector<sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>>& foundDevices);
void AddDevices(GraphicsAdapter const& adapter, DisplayMode const& mode, sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>& baseDeviceInfo, std::vector<sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>>& foundDevices) const;
sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation> FindBestPlatformDevice(bool anySuitableDevice);
void RankDevicesPlatform(std::vector<sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>>& foundDevices);
void CreateDevice(GraphicsDeviceInformation& newInfo);
void MassagePresentParameters(PresentationParameters& pp);
void ValidateGraphicsDeviceInformation(GraphicsDeviceInformation& devInfo);
sptr<Game> game = nullptr;
bool isDeviceDirty{ false };
sptr<GraphicsDevice> device = nullptr;
GraphicsDeviceInformation information{};
bool isFullScreen{ false };
Int backBufferWidth{ DefaultBackBufferWidth };
Int backBufferHeight{ DefaultBackBufferHeight };
GraphicsProfile graphicsProfile{GraphicsProfile::HiDef};
DepthFormat depthStencilFormat{ DepthFormat::Depth24 };
SurfaceFormat backBufferFormat{SurfaceFormat::Color};
DisplayOrientation supportedOrientations{DisplayOrientation::Default};
bool synchronizeWithVerticalRetrace{ true };
bool useResizedBackBuffer{ false };
Int resizedBackBufferWidth{ 0 };
Int resizedBackBufferHeight{ 0 };
bool allowMultiSampling{ false };
bool inDeviceTransition{ false };
bool isReallyFullScreen{ false };
DisplayOrientation currentWindowOrientation{ DisplayOrientation::Default };
std::vector<sptr<GraphicsDeviceInformation>> foundDevices;
#endif |