mirror of https://github.com/borgesdan/xn65 synced 2024-12-29 21:54:47 +01:00

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namespace xna {
//Identifies the state of a keyboard key.
enum class KeyState {
//Enumerates input device buttons.
enum class Buttons {
A = 4096, // 0x00001000
B = 8192, // 0x00002000
X = 16384, // 0x00004000
Y = 32768, // 0x00008000
Back = 32, // 0x00000020
Start = 16, // 0x00000010
DPadUp = 1,
DPadDown = 2,
DPadLeft = 4,
DPadRight = 8,
LeftShoulder = 256, // 0x00000100
RightShoulder = 512, // 0x00000200
LeftStick = 64, // 0x00000040
RightStick = 128, // 0x00000080
BigButton = 2048, // 0x00000800
LeftThumbstickLeft = 2097152, // 0x00200000
LeftThumbstickRight = 1073741824, // 0x40000000
LeftThumbstickDown = 536870912, // 0x20000000
LeftThumbstickUp = 268435456, // 0x10000000
RightThumbstickLeft = 134217728, // 0x08000000
RightThumbstickRight = 67108864, // 0x04000000
RightThumbstickDown = 33554432, // 0x02000000
RightThumbstickUp = 16777216, // 0x01000000
LeftTrigger = 8388608, // 0x00800000
RightTrigger = 4194304, // 0x00400000
//Identifies the state of a controller button.
enum class ButtonState
//Describes the type of a specified Xbox Controller.
enum class GamePadCapabilitiesType
Unknown = 0,
GuitarBass = 11,
ArcadePad = 19,
//Specifies a type of dead zone processing to apply to Xbox Controller analog sticks when calling GetState.
enum class GamePadDeadZone {
//The X and Y positions of each stick are compared against the dead zone independently. This setting is the default when calling GetState.
//The combined X and Y position of each stick is compared to the dead zone.
//This provides better control than IndependentAxes when the stick is used as a two-dimensional control surface, such as when controlling a character's view in a first-person game.
//The values of each stick are not processed and are returned by GetState as "raw" values. This is best if you intend to implement your own dead zone processing.
enum class Keys : unsigned char {
None = 0,
Back = 0x8,
Tab = 0x9,
Enter = 0xd,
Pause = 0x13,
CapsLock = 0x14,
Kana = 0x15,
ImeOn = 0x16,
Kanji = 0x19,
ImeOff = 0x1a,
Escape = 0x1b,
ImeConvert = 0x1c,
ImeNoConvert = 0x1d,
Space = 0x20,
PageUp = 0x21,
PageDown = 0x22,
End = 0x23,
Home = 0x24,
Left = 0x25,
Up = 0x26,
Right = 0x27,
Down = 0x28,
Select = 0x29,
Print = 0x2a,
Execute = 0x2b,
PrintScreen = 0x2c,
Insert = 0x2d,
Delete = 0x2e,
Help = 0x2f,
D0 = 0x30,
D1 = 0x31,
D2 = 0x32,
D3 = 0x33,
D4 = 0x34,
D5 = 0x35,
D6 = 0x36,
D7 = 0x37,
D8 = 0x38,
D9 = 0x39,
A = 0x41,
B = 0x42,
C = 0x43,
D = 0x44,
E = 0x45,
F = 0x46,
G = 0x47,
H = 0x48,
I = 0x49,
J = 0x4a,
K = 0x4b,
L = 0x4c,
M = 0x4d,
N = 0x4e,
O = 0x4f,
P = 0x50,
Q = 0x51,
R = 0x52,
S = 0x53,
T = 0x54,
U = 0x55,
V = 0x56,
W = 0x57,
X = 0x58,
Y = 0x59,
Z = 0x5a,
LeftWindows = 0x5b,
RightWindows = 0x5c,
Apps = 0x5d,
Sleep = 0x5f,
NumPad0 = 0x60,
NumPad1 = 0x61,
NumPad2 = 0x62,
NumPad3 = 0x63,
NumPad4 = 0x64,
NumPad5 = 0x65,
NumPad6 = 0x66,
NumPad7 = 0x67,
NumPad8 = 0x68,
NumPad9 = 0x69,
Multiply = 0x6a,
Add = 0x6b,
Separator = 0x6c,
Subtract = 0x6d,
Decimal = 0x6e,
Divide = 0x6f,
F1 = 0x70,
F2 = 0x71,
F3 = 0x72,
F4 = 0x73,
F5 = 0x74,
F6 = 0x75,
F7 = 0x76,
F8 = 0x77,
F9 = 0x78,
F10 = 0x79,
F11 = 0x7a,
F12 = 0x7b,
F13 = 0x7c,
F14 = 0x7d,
F15 = 0x7e,
F16 = 0x7f,
F17 = 0x80,
F18 = 0x81,
F19 = 0x82,
F20 = 0x83,
F21 = 0x84,
F22 = 0x85,
F23 = 0x86,
F24 = 0x87,
NumLock = 0x90,
Scroll = 0x91,
LeftShift = 0xa0,
RightShift = 0xa1,
LeftControl = 0xa2,
RightControl = 0xa3,
LeftAlt = 0xa4,
RightAlt = 0xa5,
BrowserBack = 0xa6,
BrowserForward = 0xa7,
BrowserRefresh = 0xa8,
BrowserStop = 0xa9,
BrowserSearch = 0xaa,
BrowserFavorites = 0xab,
BrowserHome = 0xac,
VolumeMute = 0xad,
VolumeDown = 0xae,
VolumeUp = 0xaf,
MediaNextTrack = 0xb0,
MediaPreviousTrack = 0xb1,
MediaStop = 0xb2,
MediaPlayPause = 0xb3,
LaunchMail = 0xb4,
SelectMedia = 0xb5,
LaunchApplication1 = 0xb6,
LaunchApplication2 = 0xb7,
OemSemicolon = 0xba,
OemPlus = 0xbb,
OemComma = 0xbc,
OemMinus = 0xbd,
OemPeriod = 0xbe,
OemQuestion = 0xbf,
OemTilde = 0xc0,
OemOpenBrackets = 0xdb,
OemPipe = 0xdc,
OemCloseBrackets = 0xdd,
OemQuotes = 0xde,
Oem8 = 0xdf,
OemBackslash = 0xe2,
ProcessKey = 0xe5,
OemCopy = 0xf2,
OemAuto = 0xf3,
OemEnlW = 0xf4,
Attn = 0xf6,
Crsel = 0xf7,
Exsel = 0xf8,
EraseEof = 0xf9,
Play = 0xfa,
Zoom = 0xfb,
Pa1 = 0xfd,
OemClear = 0xfe,