#include "../default.hpp"
#include "gresource.hpp"

namespace xna {
	//Contains depth-stencil state for the device. 
	class DepthStencilState : public GraphicsResource {
		DepthStencilState(sptr<GraphicsDevice> const& device);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-buffer test fails for a counterclockwise triangle.
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		void CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-buffer test fails for a counterclockwise triangle.
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		StencilOperation CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail() const;
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails for a counterclockwise triangle. 
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep.
		void CounterClockwiseStencilFail(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails for a counterclockwise triangle. 
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep.
		StencilOperation CounterClockwiseStencilFail() const;
		//Gets or sets the comparison function to use for counterclockwise stencil tests. The default is CompareFunction.Always. 
		void CounterClockwiseStencilFunction(CompareFunction value);
		//Gets or sets the comparison function to use for counterclockwise stencil tests. The default is CompareFunction.Always. 
		CompareFunction CounterClockwiseStencilFunction() const;
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil and depth-tests pass for a counterclockwise triangle. 
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		void CounterClockwiseStencilPass(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil and depth-tests pass for a counterclockwise triangle. 
		//The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		StencilOperation CounterClockwiseStencilPass() const;
		//Enables or disables depth buffering. The default is true.
		void DepthBufferEnable(bool value);
		//Enables or disables depth buffering. The default is true.
		bool DepthBufferEnable() const;
		//Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer. The default is true. 
		void DepthBufferWriteEnable(bool value);
		//Enables or disables writing to the depth buffer. The default is true. 
		bool DepthBufferWriteEnable() const;
		//Gets or sets the comparison function for the depth-buffer test. The default is CompareFunction.LessEqual
		void DepthBufferFunction(CompareFunction value);
		//Gets or sets the comparison function for the depth-buffer test. The default is CompareFunction.LessEqual
		CompareFunction DepthBufferFunction() const;		
		//Gets or sets stencil enabling. The default is false.
		void StencilEnable(bool value);
		//Gets or sets stencil enabling. The default is false. 
		bool StencilEnable() const;
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		void StencilFail(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		StencilOperation StencilFail() const;	
		//Gets or sets the comparison function for the stencil test.The default is CompareFunction.Always.
		void StencilFunction(CompareFunction value);
		//Gets or sets the comparison function for the stencil test. The default is CompareFunction.Always. 
		CompareFunction StencilFunction() const;		
		//Gets or sets the mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test.
		//The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. 
		void StencilMask(Int value);
		//Gets or sets the mask applied to the reference value and each stencil buffer entry to determine the significant bits for the stencil test.
		//The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. 
		Int StencilMask() const;
		//Gets or sets the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer. The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. 
		void StencilWriteMask(Int value);
		//Gets or sets the write mask applied to values written into the stencil buffer. The default mask is Int32.MaxValue. 
		Int StencilWriteMask() const;
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		void StencilPass(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		StencilOperation StencilPass() const;
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		void StencilDepthBufferFail(StencilOperation value);
		//Gets or sets the stencil operation to perform if the stencil test passes and the depth-test fails. The default is StencilOperation.Keep. 
		StencilOperation StencilDepthBufferFail() const;		

		//A built-in state object with settings for not using a depth stencil buffer.
		static uptr<DepthStencilState> None();
		//A built-in state object with default settings for using a depth stencil buffer.
		static uptr<DepthStencilState> Default();
		//A built-in state object with settings for enabling a read-only depth stencil buffer.
		static uptr<DepthStencilState> DepthRead();

		bool Initialize();
		bool Apply();

		struct PlatformImplementation;
		uptr<PlatformImplementation> impl = nullptr;

	using PDepthStencilState = sptr<DepthStencilState>;
