# XN65

<img src="images/xn65-logo-285x110.png" alt="Exemplo imagem">

> XN65 is an implementation of Microsoft XNA 4.0 in modern C++, with DirectX 11 and the DirectXTK library.

### Adjustments and improvements

The project is still under development and the next updates will focus on the following tasks:
- [x] Finish basic classes
- [ ] Code refactoring and cleaning
- [ ] 3D support
- [ ] Content Pipeline

## 💻 Requirements
- `DirectX 11`: Currently X65 only supports DirectX 11
- `vcpkg`: C/C++ dependency manager from Microsoft 
- `DirectXTK`: The DirectX Tool Kit

## 🚀 DirectXTK and VCPKG

Use the following command in vcpkg to install DirectXTK:

.\vcpkg install directxtk[tools,spectre,xaudio2-9]

In the root CMakeLists.txt set the vcpkg path


## 📝 License

This project is under MIT license. See [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) for more details.