#ifndef CSHARP_STRING_RESOURCE_HPP #define CSHARP_STRING_RESOURCE_HPP #include namespace csharp { struct SR { inline static const std::string Arg_ArgumentException = "Value does not fall within the expected range."; inline static const std::string ArgumentNull_Generic = "Value cannot be null."; inline static const std::string Arg_ArgumentOutOfRangeException = "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values."; inline static const std::string Arg_SystemException = "System error."; inline static const std::string Arg_InvalidOperationException = "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object."; inline static const std::string InvalidOperation_TimeoutsNotSupported = "Timeouts are not supported on this stream."; inline static const std::string Arg_NotSupportedException = "Specified method is not supported."; inline static const std::string NotSupported_UnreadableStream = "Stream does not support reading."; inline static const std::string ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed = "Cannot access a closed Stream."; inline static const std::string Arg_IOException = "I/O error occurred."; inline static const std::string Arg_EndOfStreamException = "Attempted to read past the end of the stream."; inline static const std::string IO_EOF_ReadBeyondEOF = "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream."; inline static const std::string IO_StreamTooLong = "Stream was too long."; inline static const std::string Argument_InvalidOffLen = "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection."; inline static const std::string NotSupported_UnwritableStream = "Stream does not support writing."; inline static const std::string Arg_UnauthorizedAccessException = "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."; inline static const std::string UnauthorizedAccess_MemStreamBuffer = "MemoryStream's internal buffer cannot be accessed."; inline static const std::string ArgumentOutOfRange_SmallCapacity = "Capacity was less than the current size."; inline static const std::string NotSupported_MemStreamNotExpandable = "Memory stream is not expandable."; inline static const std::string Argument_InvalidSeekOrigin = "Invalid seek origin."; inline static const std::string IO_SeekBeforeBegin = "An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream."; inline static const std::string ArgumentOutOfRange_StreamLength = "Stream length must be non-negative and less than 2^31 - 1 - origin."; inline static const std::string net_uri_NotAbsolute = "This operation is not supported for a relative URI."; }; }; #endif