#ifndef CSHARP_TEXT_UNICODE_HPP #define CSHARP_TEXT_UNICODE_HPP #include #include #include "csharp/exception.hpp" // // The char type keyword is an alias for the .NET System.Char structure type that represents a Unicode UTF-16 character. // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/builtin-types/char // namespace csharp { struct UnicodeUtility { // The Unicode replacement character U+FFFD. inline static uint32_t ReplacementChar = 0xFFFD; // Returns the Unicode plane (0 through 16, inclusive) which contains this code point. static constexpr int32_t GetPlane(uint32_t codePoint) { return static_cast(codePoint >> 16); } // Returns a Unicode scalar value from two code points representing a UTF-16 surrogate pair. static constexpr uint32_t GetScalarFromUtf16SurrogatePair(uint32_t highSurrogateCodePoint, uint32_t lowSurrogateCodePoint) { return (highSurrogateCodePoint << 10) + lowSurrogateCodePoint - ((0xD800U << 10) + 0xDC00U - (1 << 16)); } // Given a Unicode scalar value, gets the number of UTF-16 code units required to represent this value. static constexpr int32_t GetUtf16SequenceLength(uint32_t value) { value -= 0x10000; value += (2 << 24); value >>= 24; return static_cast(value); } // Decomposes an astral Unicode scalar into UTF-16 high and low surrogate code units. static constexpr void GetUtf16SurrogatesFromSupplementaryPlaneScalar(uint32_t value, char16_t& highSurrogateCodePoint, char16_t& lowSurrogateCodePoint) { highSurrogateCodePoint = static_cast((value + ((0xD800u - 0x40u) << 10)) >> 10); lowSurrogateCodePoint = static_cast((value & 0x3FFu) + 0xDC00u); } // Given a Unicode scalar value, gets the number of UTF-8 code units required to represent this value. static constexpr int32_t GetUtf8SequenceLength(uint32_t value) { int32_t a = (static_cast(value) - 0x0800) >> 31; value ^= 0xF800u; value -= 0xF880u; value += (4 << 24); value >>= 24; return static_cast(value) + (a * 2); } // Returns true if is an ASCII static constexpr bool IsAsciiCodePoint(uint32_t value) { return value <= 0x7Fu; } //Returns true if is a UTF-16 high surrogate code point, i.e., is in [ U+D800..U+DBFF ], inclusive. static constexpr bool IsHighSurrogateCodePoint(uint32_t value) { return IsInRangeInclusive(value, 0xD800U, 0xDBFFU); } //Returns true if is between static constexpr bool IsInRangeInclusive(uint32_t value, uint32_t lowerBound, uint32_t upperBound) { return (value - lowerBound) <= (upperBound - lowerBound); } //Returns true if value is a UTF-16 low surrogate code point, i.e., is in [ U+DC00..U+DFFF ], inclusive. static constexpr bool IsLowSurrogateCodePoint(uint32_t value) { return IsInRangeInclusive(value, 0xDC00U, 0xDFFFU); } //Returns true if value is a UTF-16 low surrogate code point, i.e., is in [ U+D800..U+DFFF ], inclusive. static constexpr bool IsSurrogateCodePoint(uint32_t value) { return IsInRangeInclusive(value, 0xD800U, 0xDFFFU); } //Returns true if value is a valid Unicode code point, i.e., is in [ U+0000..U+10FFFF ], inclusive. static constexpr bool IsValidCodePoint(uint32_t codePoint) { return codePoint <= 0x10FFFFU; } //Returns true if value is a valid Unicode scalar value, i.e., is in [ U+0000..U+D7FF ], inclusive; or [ U+E000..U+10FFFF ], inclusive. static constexpr bool IsValidUnicodeScalar(uint32_t value) { return ((value - 0x110000u) ^ 0xD800u) >= 0xFFEF0800u; } }; } #endif