#ifndef XNA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_HPP #define XNA_INPUT_GAMEPAD_HPP #include "../default.hpp" #include "input-enums.hpp" #include "../common/numerics.hpp" namespace xna { //Structure that defines the position of the left and right triggers on an Xbox Controller. struct GamePadTriggers { constexpr GamePadTriggers() = default; constexpr GamePadTriggers(float left, float right) : _left(left), _right(right) { clamp(); } //Identifies the position of the left trigger on the Xbox Controller. constexpr float Left() const { return _left; } //Identifies the position of the right trigger on the Xbox Controller. constexpr float Right() const { return _right; } constexpr bool operator==(const GamePadTriggers& other) const { return _left == other._left && _right == other._right; } private: float _left{ 0 }; float _right{ 0 }; private: void constexpr clamp() { _left = _left < 1.0F ? _left : 1.0F; _left = _left > 0.0F ? _left : 0.0F; _right = _right < 1.0F ? _right : 1.0F; _right = _right > 0.0F ? _right : 0.0F; } }; //Structure that represents the position of left and right sticks (thumbsticks) on an Xbox Controller. struct GamePadThumbSticks { constexpr GamePadThumbSticks() = default; constexpr GamePadThumbSticks(Vector2 left, Vector2 right) : _left(left), _right(right) { clamp(); } //Returns the position of the left Xbox Controller stick (thumbstick) as a 2D vector. constexpr Vector2 Left() const { return _left; } //Returns the position of the right Xbox Controller stick (thumbstick) as a 2D vector. constexpr Vector2 Right() const { return _right; } constexpr bool operator==(const GamePadThumbSticks& other) const { return _left == other._left && _right == other._right; } private: Vector2 _left{}; Vector2 _right{}; private: constexpr void clamp() { _left = Vector2::Min(_left, Vector2::One()); _left = Vector2::Max(_left, -Vector2::One()); _right = Vector2::Min(_right, Vector2::One()); _right = Vector2::Max(_right, -Vector2::One()); } }; //Identifies which directions on the directional pad of an Xbox Controller are being pressed. struct GamePadDPad { constexpr GamePadDPad() = default; constexpr GamePadDPad(const ButtonState& up, const ButtonState& down, const ButtonState& left, const ButtonState& right) : up(up), down(down), left(left), right(right) {} //Identifies whether the Up direction on the Xbox Controller directional pad is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Up() const { return up; } //Identifies whether the Right direction on the Xbox Controller directional pad is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Right() const { return right; } //Identifies whether the Down direction on the Xbox Controller directional pad is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Down() const { return down; } //Identifies whether the Left direction on the Xbox Controller directional pad is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Left() const { return left; } private: ButtonState up{}; ButtonState right{}; ButtonState down{}; ButtonState left{}; }; //Identifies whether buttons on an Xbox Controller are pressed or released. struct GamePadButtons { constexpr GamePadButtons() = default; constexpr GamePadButtons( ButtonState a, ButtonState b, ButtonState x, ButtonState y, ButtonState leftStick, ButtonState rightStick, ButtonState leftShoulder, ButtonState rightShoulder, ButtonState back, ButtonState start, ButtonState bigButton) { this->a = a; this->b = b; this->x = x; this->y = y; this->leftStick = leftStick; this->rightStick = rightStick; this->leftShoulder = leftShoulder; this->rightShoulder = rightShoulder; this->back = back; this->start = start; this->bigButton = bigButton; } constexpr GamePadButtons(Buttons buttons) { a = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::A))) == Buttons::A ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; b = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::B))) == Buttons::B ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; x = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::X))) == Buttons::X ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; y = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::Y))) == Buttons::Y ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; start = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::Start))) == Buttons::Start ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; back = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::Back))) == Buttons::Back ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; leftStick = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::LeftStick))) == Buttons::LeftStick ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; rightStick = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::RightStick))) == Buttons::RightStick ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; leftShoulder = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::LeftShoulder))) == Buttons::LeftShoulder ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; rightShoulder = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::RightShoulder))) == Buttons::RightShoulder ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; bigButton = static_cast<Buttons>((static_cast<int>(buttons) & static_cast<int>(Buttons::BigButton))) == Buttons::BigButton ? ButtonState::Pressed : ButtonState::Released; } //Identifies if the A button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState A() const { return a; } //Identifies if the B button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState B() const { return b; } //Identifies if the X button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState X() const { return x; } //Identifies if the Y button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Y() const { return y; } //Identifies if the left stick button on the Xbox Controller is pressed (the stick is "clicked" in constexpr ButtonState LeftStick() const { return leftStick; } //Identifies if the right stick button on the Xbox Controller is pressed (the stick is "clicked" in). constexpr ButtonState RightStick() const { return rightStick; } //Identifies if the left shoulder (bumper) button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState LeftShoulder() const { return leftShoulder; } //Identifies if the right shoulder (bumper) button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState RightShoulder() const { return rightShoulder; } //Identifies if the BACK button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Back() const { return back; } //Identifies if the START button on the Xbox Controller is pressed. constexpr ButtonState Start() const { return start; } //Identifies if the BigButton button is pressed. constexpr ButtonState BigButton() const { return bigButton; } private: ButtonState a{}; ButtonState b{}; ButtonState x{}; ButtonState y{}; ButtonState leftStick{}; ButtonState rightStick{}; ButtonState leftShoulder{}; ButtonState rightShoulder{}; ButtonState back{}; ButtonState start{}; ButtonState bigButton{}; }; //Describes the capabilities of an Xbox Controller, including controller type, and identifies if the controller supports voice. struct GamePadCapabilities { constexpr GamePadCapabilities() = default; constexpr GamePadCapabilities(bool isConnected, GamePadCapabilitiesType type) : isConnected(isConnected), type(type){} //Indicates whether the Xbox Controller is connected. constexpr bool IsConnected() const { return isConnected; } //Gets the type of controller. constexpr GamePadCapabilitiesType GamePadType() const { return type; } private: GamePadCapabilitiesType type{}; bool isConnected{ false }; }; //Represents specific information about the state of an Xbox Controller, including the current state of buttons and sticks. struct GamePadState { constexpr GamePadState() = default; constexpr GamePadState( GamePadThumbSticks sticks, GamePadTriggers triggers, GamePadButtons buttons, GamePadDPad dpad, bool isConnected ) : buttons(buttons), dpad(dpad), triggers(triggers), thumbSticks(sticks), isConnected(isConnected){} //Determines whether specified input device buttons are pressed in this GamePadState. constexpr bool IsButtonDown(xna::Buttons button) const { switch (button) { case xna::Buttons::A: return this->Buttons().A() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::B: return this->Buttons().B() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::X: return this->Buttons().X() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::Y: return this->Buttons().Y() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::Back: return this->Buttons().Back() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::Start: return this->Buttons().Start() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::DPadUp: return this->Dpad().Up() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::DPadDown: return this->Dpad().Down() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::DPadLeft: return this->Dpad().Left() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::DPadRight: return this->Dpad().Right() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::LeftShoulder: return this->Buttons().LeftShoulder() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::RightShoulder: return this->Buttons().RightShoulder() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::LeftStick: return this->Buttons().LeftStick() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::RightStick: return this->Buttons().RightStick() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::BigButton: return this->Buttons().BigButton() == ButtonState::Pressed; case xna::Buttons::LeftThumbstickLeft: return this->ThumbSticks().Left().X < 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::LeftThumbstickRight: return this->ThumbSticks().Left().X > 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::LeftThumbstickDown: return this->ThumbSticks().Left().Y > 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::LeftThumbstickUp: return this->ThumbSticks().Left().Y < 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::RightThumbstickLeft: return this->ThumbSticks().Right().X < 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::RightThumbstickRight: return this->ThumbSticks().Right().X > 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::RightThumbstickDown: return this->ThumbSticks().Right().Y > 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::RightThumbstickUp: return this->ThumbSticks().Right().Y < 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::LeftTrigger: return this->Triggers().Left() > 0.5F; case xna::Buttons::RightTrigger: return this->Triggers().Right() > 0.5F; default: return false; } } //Determines whether specified input device buttons are up (not pressed) in this GamePadState. constexpr bool IsButtonUp(xna::Buttons button) const { return !IsButtonDown(button); } //Returns a structure that identifies what buttons on the Xbox controller are pressed. constexpr GamePadButtons Buttons() const { return buttons; } //Returns a structure that identifies what directions of the directional pad on the Xbox Controller are pressed. constexpr GamePadDPad Dpad() const { return dpad; } //Indicates whether the Xbox Controller is connected. constexpr bool IsConnected() const { return isConnected; } //Returns a structure that indicates the position of the Xbox Controller sticks (thumbsticks). constexpr GamePadThumbSticks ThumbSticks() const { return thumbSticks; } //Returns a structure that identifies the position of triggers on the Xbox controller. constexpr GamePadTriggers Triggers() const { return triggers; } private: GamePadButtons buttons{}; GamePadDPad dpad{}; bool isConnected{ false }; GamePadThumbSticks thumbSticks{}; GamePadTriggers triggers{}; }; //Allows retrieval of user interaction with an Xbox Controller and setting of controller vibration motors. class GamePad { public: //Gets the current state of a game pad controller. As an option, it specifies a dead zone processing method for the analog sticks. static GamePadState GetState(PlayerIndex index); //Gets the current state of a game pad controller. As an option, it specifies a dead zone processing method for the analog sticks. static GamePadState GetState(PlayerIndex index, GamePadDeadZone deadZone); //Retrieves the capabilities of an Xbox Controller. static GamePadCapabilities GetCapabilities(PlayerIndex index); //Sets the vibration motor speeds on an Xbox Controller. static bool SetVibration(PlayerIndex index, float leftMotor, float rightMotor, float leftTrigger = 0, float rightTrigger = 0); private: friend class Game; static void Initialize(); GamePad() = default; GamePad(GamePad&) = default; GamePad(GamePad&&) = default; public: struct PlatformImplementation; inline static uptr<PlatformImplementation> impl = nullptr; }; } #endif