#ifndef XNA_CONTENT_READER_HPP #define XNA_CONTENT_READER_HPP #include "../common/color.hpp" #include "../common/numerics.hpp" #include "../csharp/binary.hpp" #include "../csharp/type.hpp" #include "../default.hpp" #include "typereadermanager.hpp" #include <any> namespace xna { //A worker object that implements most of ContentManager.Load. class ContentReader : public BinaryReader, public std::enable_shared_from_this<ContentReader> { public: static sptr<ContentReader> Create(sptr<ContentManager> const& contentManager, sptr<Stream>& input, String const& assetName); // Reads a single object from the current stream. template <typename T> auto ReadObject(); // Reads a single object from the current stream. template <typename T> auto ReadObject(T existingInstance); // Reads a single object from the current stream. template <typename T> auto ReadObject(ContentTypeReader& typeReader); // Reads a single object from the current stream. template <typename T> auto ReadObject(ContentTypeReader& typeReader, T existingInstance); //Reads a Vector2 value from the current stream. Vector2 ReadVector2(); //Reads a Vector3 value from the current stream. Vector3 ReadVector3(); //Reads a Vector4 value from the current stream. Vector4 ReadVector4(); //Reads a Matrix value from the currently open stream. Matrix ReadMatrix(); //Reads a Quaternion value from the current stream. Quaternion ReadQuaternion(); //Reads a Color value from the currently open stream. Color ReadColor(); //Reads a float value from the currently open stream. float ReadSingle(); //Reads a double value from the currently open stream. double ReadDouble(); //Gets the name of the asset currently being read by this ContentReader. constexpr String AssetName() const { return _assetName; } //Gets the ContentManager associated with the ContentReader. sptr<xna::ContentManager> ContentManager() const; // // Internal methods // template <typename T> auto ReadAsset(); std::vector<Byte> ReadByteBuffer(size_t size); private: ContentReader(sptr<xna::ContentManager> const& contentManager, sptr<Stream>& input, String const& assetName, Int graphicsProfile) : BinaryReader(input), _contentManager(contentManager), _assetName(assetName) {} static sptr<Stream> PrepareStream(sptr<Stream>& input, String const& assetName, Int& graphicsProfile); Int ReadHeader(); template <typename T> auto ReadObjectInternal(std::any& existingInstance); template <typename T> auto ReadObjectInternal(ContentTypeReader& typeReader, std::any& existingInstance); template <typename T> auto InvokeReader(ContentTypeReader& reader, std::any& existingInstance); private: sptr<xna::ContentManager> _contentManager = nullptr; String _assetName; std::vector<sptr<ContentTypeReader>> typeReaders; Int graphicsProfile{ 0 }; std::vector<Byte> byteBuffer; static constexpr Ushort XnbVersionProfileMask = 32512; static constexpr Ushort XnbCompressedVersion = 32773; static constexpr Ushort XnbVersion = 5; static constexpr Int XnbVersionProfileShift = 8; }; template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObjectInternal(std::any& existingInstance) { const auto num = Read7BitEncodedInt(); if (num == 0) { XnaHelper::ReturnDefaultOrNull<T>(); } const auto index = num - 1; if (index >= typeReaders.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("ContentReader::ReadObjectInternal: Bad xbn."); } auto reader = typeReaders[index]; return InvokeReader<T>(*reader, existingInstance); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::InvokeReader(ContentTypeReader& reader, std::any& existingInstance) { auto contentTypeReader = reinterpret_cast<ContentTypeReaderT<T>*>(&reader); T objB; if (contentTypeReader) { auto existingInstance1 = existingInstance.has_value() ? std::any_cast<T>(existingInstance) : T(); objB = contentTypeReader->Read(*this, existingInstance1); return objB; } return XnaHelper::ReturnDefaultOrNull<T>(); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadAsset() { const auto sharedResourceCount = ReadHeader(); auto obj = ReadObject<T>(); return obj; } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObject() { auto a = std::any(); return ReadObjectInternal<T>(a); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObject(T existingInstance) { return ReadObjectInternal<T>(std::any(existingInstance)); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObject(ContentTypeReader& typeReader) { auto obj = std::any(); return ReadObjectInternal<T>(typeReader, obj); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObject(ContentTypeReader& typeReader, T existingInstance) { return ReadObjectInternal<T>(typeReader, std::any(existingInstance)); } template<typename T> inline auto ContentReader::ReadObjectInternal(ContentTypeReader& typeReader, std::any& existingInstance) { return typeReader.TargetIsValueType ? InvokeReader<T>(typeReader, existingInstance) : ReadObjectInternal<T>(existingInstance); } } #endif