#include "xna/graphics/rasterizerstate.hpp" #include "xna/graphics/samplerstate.hpp" #include "xna/common/color.hpp" #include "xna/common/numerics.hpp" #include "xna/graphics/sprite.hpp" #include "xna/graphics/viewport.hpp" #include "xna/graphics/blendstate.hpp" #include "xna/graphics/depthstencilstate.hpp" #include "xna/platform-dx/dx.hpp" using DxSpriteBatch = DirectX::SpriteBatch; using DxSpriteSortMode = DirectX::SpriteSortMode; using DxMatrix = DirectX::FXMMATRIX; using DxSpriteEffects = DirectX::SpriteEffects; using DirectX::XMFLOAT2; using DirectX::FXMVECTOR; using DirectX::XMVECTORF32; using DirectX::GXMVECTOR; using DxSpriteFont = DirectX::SpriteFont; using DxGlyph = DirectX::SpriteFont::Glyph; namespace xna { SpriteFont::SpriteFont( sptr const& texture, std::vector const& glyphs, std::vector const& cropping, std::vector const& charMap, Int lineSpacing, float spacing, std::vector const& kerning, std::optional const& defaultCharacter) { if (!texture || !texture->impl->dxShaderResource) throw std::invalid_argument("SpriteFont: texture is null."); if(cropping.size() != glyphs.size() || charMap.size() != glyphs.size() || (!kerning.empty() && kerning.size() != glyphs.size())) throw std::invalid_argument("SpriteFont: cropping, charmap and kerning (if not empty) must all be the same size."); std::vector dxGlyps(glyphs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < dxGlyps.size(); ++i) { DxGlyph g; g.Subrect.left = static_cast(glyphs[i].Left()); g.Subrect.right = static_cast(glyphs[i].Right()); g.Subrect.top = static_cast(glyphs[i].Top()); g.Subrect.bottom = static_cast(glyphs[i].Bottom()); g.Character = static_cast(charMap[i]); if (!kerning.empty()) { g.XOffset = kerning[i].X; g.YOffset = static_cast(cropping[i].Y); g.XAdvance = kerning[i].Z + spacing; } else { g.XOffset = 0; g.YOffset = 0; g.XAdvance = spacing; } dxGlyps[i] = g; } impl = unew(); impl->_dxSpriteFont = unew( //ID3D11ShaderResourceView* texture texture->impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), //Glyph const* glyphs dxGlyps.data(), //size_t glyphCount glyphs.size(), //float lineSpacing static_cast(lineSpacing) ); if (defaultCharacter.has_value()) { const auto defChar = static_cast(defaultCharacter.value()); impl->_dxSpriteFont->SetDefaultCharacter(defChar); } } Vector2 SpriteFont::MeasureString(String const& text, bool ignoreWhiteSpace) { if (!impl->_dxSpriteFont) return Vector2(); const auto size = impl->_dxSpriteFont->MeasureString(text.c_str(), ignoreWhiteSpace); Vector2 vec2{}; vec2.X = size.m128_f32[0]; vec2.Y = size.m128_f32[1]; return vec2; } Vector2 SpriteFont::MeasureString(WString const& text, bool ignoreWhiteSpace) { if (!impl->_dxSpriteFont) return Vector2(); const auto size = impl->_dxSpriteFont->MeasureString(text.c_str(), ignoreWhiteSpace); Vector2 vec2{}; vec2.X = size.m128_f32[0]; vec2.Y = size.m128_f32[1]; return vec2; } Char SpriteFont::DefaultCharacter() const { const auto defChar = impl->_dxSpriteFont->GetDefaultCharacter(); return static_cast(defChar); } void SpriteFont::DefaultCharacter(Char value) { const auto defChar = static_cast(value); impl->_dxSpriteFont->SetDefaultCharacter(defChar); } Int SpriteFont::LineSpacing() const { const auto space = impl->_dxSpriteFont->GetLineSpacing(); return static_cast(space); } void SpriteFont::LineSpacing(Int value) { impl->_dxSpriteFont->SetLineSpacing(static_cast(value)); } SpriteBatch::SpriteBatch(sptr const& device) : GraphicsResource(device) { if (!device->impl->_context) return; implementation = unew(); implementation->_dxspriteBatch = snew( //ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext device->impl->_context.Get() ); Viewport(device->Viewport()); } void SpriteBatch::Begin(SpriteSortMode sortMode, BlendState* blendState, SamplerState* samplerState, DepthStencilState* depthStencil, RasterizerState* rasterizerState, Effect* effect, Matrix const& transformMatrix) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; DxSpriteSortMode sort = DxHelpers::SpriteSortToDx(sortMode); const auto& t = transformMatrix; DxMatrix matrix = DxMatrix( t.M11, t.M12, t.M13, t.M14, t.M21, t.M22, t.M23, t.M24, t.M31, t.M32, t.M33, t.M34, t.M41, t.M42, t.M43, t.M44); implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Begin( sort, blendState ? blendState->impl->dxBlendState.Get() : nullptr, samplerState ? samplerState->impl->_samplerState.Get() : nullptr, depthStencil ? depthStencil->impl->dxDepthStencil.Get() : nullptr, rasterizerState ? rasterizerState->impl->dxRasterizerState.Get() : nullptr, nullptr, matrix ); } void SpriteBatch::End() { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->End(); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Vector2 const& position, Color const& color) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw( texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _position, _color ); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Vector2 const& position, std::optional const& sourceRectangle, Color const& color) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; RECT _sourceRect{}; if (sourceRectangle.has_value()) { _sourceRect.top = sourceRectangle->Y; _sourceRect.left = sourceRectangle->X; _sourceRect.right = sourceRectangle->X + sourceRectangle->Width; _sourceRect.bottom = sourceRectangle->Y + sourceRectangle->Height; }; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw( texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _position, sourceRectangle ? &_sourceRect : nullptr, _color); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Vector2 const& position, std::optional const& sourceRectangle, Color const& color, float rotation, Vector2 const& origin, float scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto _origin = XMFLOAT2(origin.X, origin.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; RECT _sourceRect{}; if (sourceRectangle.has_value()) { _sourceRect.top = sourceRectangle->Y; _sourceRect.left = sourceRectangle->X; _sourceRect.right = sourceRectangle->X + sourceRectangle->Width; _sourceRect.bottom = sourceRectangle->Y + sourceRectangle->Height; }; const DxSpriteEffects _effects = static_cast(effects); implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw( texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _position, sourceRectangle ? &_sourceRect : nullptr, _color, rotation, _origin, scale, _effects, layerDepth); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Vector2 const& position, std::optional const& sourceRectangle, Color const& color, float rotation, Vector2 const& origin, Vector2 const& scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto _origin = XMFLOAT2(origin.X, origin.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; RECT _sourceRect{}; if (sourceRectangle.has_value()) { _sourceRect.top = sourceRectangle->Y; _sourceRect.left = sourceRectangle->X; _sourceRect.right = sourceRectangle->X + sourceRectangle->Width; _sourceRect.bottom = sourceRectangle->Y + sourceRectangle->Height; }; const auto _effects = static_cast(effects); const XMFLOAT2 _scale = { scale.X, scale.Y }; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw( texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _position, sourceRectangle ? &_sourceRect : nullptr, _color, rotation, _origin, _scale, _effects, layerDepth); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Rectangle const& destinationRectangle, Color const& color) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; RECT _destinationRect{}; _destinationRect.left = destinationRectangle.X; _destinationRect.top = destinationRectangle.Y; _destinationRect.right = destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width; _destinationRect.bottom = destinationRectangle.Y + destinationRectangle.Height; const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw(texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _destinationRect, _color); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Rectangle const& destinationRectangle, std::optional const& sourceRectangle, Color const& color) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; RECT _destinationRect{}; _destinationRect.left = destinationRectangle.X; _destinationRect.top = destinationRectangle.Y; _destinationRect.right = destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width; _destinationRect.bottom = destinationRectangle.Y + destinationRectangle.Height; const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; RECT _sourceRect{}; if (sourceRectangle.has_value()) { _sourceRect.top = sourceRectangle->Y; _sourceRect.left = sourceRectangle->X; _sourceRect.right = sourceRectangle->X + sourceRectangle->Width; _sourceRect.bottom = sourceRectangle->Y + sourceRectangle->Height; }; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw(texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _destinationRect, sourceRectangle ? &_sourceRect : nullptr, _color); } void SpriteBatch::Draw(Texture2D& texture, Rectangle const& destinationRectangle, std::optional const& sourceRectangle, Color const& color, float rotation, Vector2 const& origin, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; if (!texture.impl->dxShaderResource) return; RECT _destinationRect{}; _destinationRect.left = destinationRectangle.X; _destinationRect.top = destinationRectangle.Y; _destinationRect.right = destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width; _destinationRect.bottom = destinationRectangle.Y + destinationRectangle.Height; const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; RECT _sourceRect{}; if (sourceRectangle.has_value()) { _sourceRect.top = sourceRectangle->Y; _sourceRect.left = sourceRectangle->X; _sourceRect.right = sourceRectangle->X + sourceRectangle->Width; _sourceRect.bottom = sourceRectangle->Y + sourceRectangle->Height; }; auto _origin = XMFLOAT2(origin.X, origin.Y); const auto _effects = static_cast(effects); implementation->_dxspriteBatch->Draw( texture.impl->dxShaderResource.Get(), _destinationRect, sourceRectangle ? &_sourceRect : nullptr, _color, rotation, _origin, _effects, layerDepth); } void SpriteBatch::Viewport(xna::Viewport const& value) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch) return; D3D11_VIEWPORT _view{}; _view.TopLeftX = value.X; _view.TopLeftY = value.Y; _view.Width = value.Width; _view.Height = value.Height; _view.MinDepth = value.MinDetph; _view.MaxDepth = value.MaxDepth; implementation->_dxspriteBatch->SetViewport(_view); } void SpriteBatch::DrawString(SpriteFont& spriteFont, String const& text, Vector2 const& position, Color const& color) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch || !spriteFont.impl->_dxSpriteFont) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; spriteFont.impl->_dxSpriteFont->DrawString( implementation->_dxspriteBatch.get(), text.c_str(), _position, _color ); } void SpriteBatch::DrawString(SpriteFont& spriteFont, String const& text, Vector2 const& position, Color const& color, float rotation, Vector2 const& origin, float scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { if (!implementation->_dxspriteBatch || !spriteFont.impl->_dxSpriteFont) return; const auto _position = XMFLOAT2(position.X, position.Y); const auto _origin = XMFLOAT2(origin.X, origin.Y); const auto v4 = color.ToVector4(); const XMVECTORF32 _color = { v4.X, v4.Y, v4.Z, v4.W }; const auto _effects = static_cast(effects); spriteFont.impl->_dxSpriteFont->DrawString( implementation->_dxspriteBatch.get(), text.c_str(), _position, _color, rotation, _origin, scale, _effects, layerDepth ); } }