Represents a video. Gets the duration of the Video. Gets the frame rate of this video. Gets the height of this video, in pixels. Gets the VideoSoundtrackType for this video. Gets the width of this video, in pixels. Provides methods and properties to play back, pause, resume, and stop video. VideoPlayer also exposes repeat, volume, and play position information. Initializes a new instance of this class. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. Retrieves a Texture2D containing the current frame of video being played. Gets a value that indicates whether the object is disposed. Gets a value that indicates whether the player is playing video in a loop. Gets or sets the muted setting for the video player. Pauses the currently playing video. Plays a Video. Video to play. Gets the play position within the currently playing video. Resumes a paused video. Gets the media playback state, MediaState. Stops playing a video. Gets the Video that is currently playing. Gets or sets the video player volume. Type of sounds in a video This video contains only dialog. This video contains only music. This video contains music and dialog.